
The Cocktail party

Despite Eddy being deemed as Lila's fiancé, with her new face, Lila wants to confirm whether Eddy is sincerely in love with her or if he is merely interested in her wealth. Lila believes that Eddy is a gold digger and his only interested in her wealth. This belief was because Lila's aunt, Rosy, was the one arranged for Eddy to be Lila's fiancé. Lila's parents who owned several successful businesses died tragically in a plane crash nine months ago, leaving Lila as the sole heir to their businesses. 

No one expect such misfortune since they went on their private jet but if misfortune is banned to happen nothing could stop it, so everyone believed their death was natural.

In their Will, Lila's parents appointed her aunt, Rosy, to take charge of the business until Lila turns 21 since she is just 18.

A few months ago, Rosy introduced Eddy to Lila as a potential fiancé, suggesting that their relationship would benefit both the businesses and Lila herself. Lila gladly accept Eddy as her fiancé since she trusts Rosy so much been the only family she has left after the death of her parents. But Lila later overheard Rosy discussing with someone on the phone that she planned to marry Lila off to Eddy in order to acquire her wealth which is the reason she made Eddy her fiancé in the first place. Lila was outraged and became increasingly suspicious of Eddy's motives towards her. However, Eddy continued to profess his love for her.

 To uncover Eddy's true intentions, Lila decided to attend cocktail party hosted by Rosy, where she knows Eddy will be present, to determine if Eddy truly loves her or is just after her wealth. Lila was determined to make Eddy regret ever crossing her if her suspicions proved true.

In light of Lila's new found body and face, Lila knows that Eddy wouldn't be able to recognize her or that anyone at the party would know she was Lila. She resolved to seduce Eddy and make him fall head over heels in love with her now that she is Cindy.

Lila adorned herself in a long back-liner red velvet gown paired with golden heel shoes, carrying a golden stoned purse to match. After styling her hair, she stepped back to look at herself in the mirror before heading to the cocktail party.

"Perfect" she mutters.

Although the body she now resides in was not her own, Even though the body is not her body, she knows Cindy's body which her soul now occupies is a body to kill for.

 Unlike her round, moon-shaped face with sharp, blue eye balls and long eyelashes, Cindy has vivid non-angular face with brown eye balls and moderate lashes, with a pair of alluring pink lips, and a regular-sized breast that fit her body flawlessly. Cindy's slim body and long legs were exactly like Lila's.

Lila believed that Cindy, who was two years older than her, had an appearance that was more polished and refined, and was therefore ideal for her plan. Her red gown hugged her bosom, emphasizing her figure.

As the cocktail party had already begun, the attendees were already milling around, having a good time. One needed an invitation card to get into the party, but Lila, who had Cindy's body and face now, was still able to acquire one.

Upon arriving at the hotel holding the event, she beamed and handed over the invitation card, which she had obtained the day before. The security personnel gave her a strange look but let her in since she had the invitation card with her.

Now in Cindy's body, Lila scanned the party ground, looking for Eddy, the primary reason for her presence. The moment she caught sight of him conversing with a group of people happily, she smiled and thought,

"Got you."

Lila walked elegantly forward, holding her body alluringly, and took a glass of wine from a server before proceeding towards Eddy.

Upon reaching Eddy, she deliberately bumped into the server who was carrying a tray of wine, causing the glasses to shatter and the wine to spill on Eddy's tailored suit.

"Oh, I am so sorry!" Lila quickly rushes to Eddy's side to help clean his stained suit while the server bends down to clean the mess.

"Please excuse me" Eddy apologizes to the individuals he was conversing with and rush to his personal booked hotel room for the night to quickly change. Lila follows Eddy since is an opportunity to be with him alone. Eddy notices Lila following him and turns around to question her intentions.

"Can I help you?" Eddy asks looking at Lila suspiciously.

"Am so sorry for what happened back there, I felt bad for staining your expensive suit" Lila apologizes for the unfortunate incident earlier and tries to touch Eddy.

"You don't have to worry, am okay" Eddy recoils from her touch, he quickly turn to get into his hotel room.

"Not so fast Eddy" Lila smirks secretly and deliberately trips on her heels. 

Eddy try to caught her, making Lila falls into his arms, Lila make sure she falls on his chest. Eddy's eyes open wide in shock realizing Lila's was laying on his chest with their lips touching making her accidently kissing him. With her brown eye balls, she stare right into his eyes making it uneasy to cut eye contact away from her, she takes advantage of the moment trying to hug him while still maintaining eye contact. 

Lila smirk softly.

"I knew a gold-diggers like you will not be able to resist this body" Lila thinks with satisfaction.

Eddy just stares into Lila's eyes looking shock, he seems to have realize what is happening and pushes Lila off him. Lila thought he was falling for her seduction already but been pushed, she look surprise and quickly comport her.

"Mr. Eddy" Lila call apologetically.

"What did you think you are doing?" Eddy looks angrily at Lila.

"Mr. Eddy, am really sorry, I don't mean for all of these to happen" she said bowing her head low.

Eddy sighed and decides to get away from Lila quickly.

"Mr. Eddy" Lila tries to hold onto Eddy's suit, hoping for a chance to seduce him more, but he quickly caught his suit away from her.

Lila's braceness caught Eddy off guard. He couldn't fathom how she could act so affectionate toward him after everything she had done.

"Actually" Lila stressed blinking her eyes.

"I was looking for a job, I heard that you are in need of an assistant, that is why I wanted to meet with you. I don't know I will cause so much trouble for you" Lila look so sincere.

Eddy was skeptical but Lila seemed sincere. So he gestured for her to follow him, leading her to his hotel room.

"I knew he will fall for it" Lila smirked.

As Lila watched Eddy scrutinize her, she thought of her next plan. She decided to work for him since she knew his in need of an assistant, to confirm whether or not he was a gold-digger as she had suspected.

"Have a seat" Eddy cautiously offered Lila a seat.

"I didn't just involve myself with anyone, but the fact that you are looking for a job piqued my interest" he handed her his business card and urged her to contact him.

 Lila is seethed with anger, realizing that her hunch was correct and that Eddy was after her wealth. Ignoring his final words, Lila stormed out of Eddy's room with a bitter rage. Eddy tried to decipher Lila's demeanor as she left, but was left puzzled. 

"Eddy, am so going to destroy you" Lila threatened while leaving the room.

Wondering how Lila's soul end up i body?

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