

My life seemed kinda perfect, right? Maybe it was; maybe it wasn't.

It was no longer a secret that Zach got engaged to a common woman. His agency had thought he acted out of stupidity just for the press. Yet, when they realized it was not a gimmick some of his deals got terminated.

Terrible, right?

What was I supposed to do? I didn’t see it coming… getting so much attention, and my pictures boldly displayed on several pages and blogs. 

Thinking about it, he was already living the life… the fame and all. Why did he move on with the proposal when he knew what was at stake? I asked myself almost all the time. Or was it just a publicity stunt?

That can't be true. 

I felt it… His eyes… The moment was so real that I could reminisce over and over.

However, work has been flourishing ever since the release of the movie.  We gained more wealthy clients. It didn't just end with the business tycoons, even politicians were keen on investing.

Therefore, I could say I owe that part of my success to him. He vouched for me when the agency needed an insurance company they could trust for the project.


It was the early morning of a work day; I was preparing for work. Sorted my files and other necessary stuff.

I spent the night at his place after he was discharged. Someone had to stay with him.

I joined him in the bedroom and sat close to him. He was speaking with someone over the phone.

“I don't need an assistant. I can take care of myself.” He told the person.

After a few seconds he added,”Why should I?” “ What? Don't I deserve a life too? It's my private life.” He retorted.

“I won't take up the interview.” He insisted and ended the call.

He was worried and so was I…

“Zach; What's going on?” 

“The director said some of my endorsement deals are being terminated.” He fumed with anger. 

“Why would they do that?” I was shocked.

“Don't bother about it..” he said.

“Tell me, you know I can handle anything.” I urged him.

He sighed and replied, “It's the hospital proposal. They found out about it.”

I knew it; What were we thinking?... I've had my fears.

I was quiet; I wasn't sure of how to respond.

He adjusted himself and faced me hoping for a reply that I never had.

“I…I… don't know what to say…” I stuttered.

“You said you could handle it.”

“Yes, I said it… What were we expecting? Marriage? With your kind of career? It's so close to impossible.”

“Don't talk like that. There are a whole lot of actors who are married.”

“Yes, there are. Remember, whatever the agency says goes. They own you… I'll totally understand if you say the proposal was nothing real.”

“But it is!”

“We live in different worlds, Zach. All these?… between us?… I'm starting to feel unsure.”

“How can you conclude like that? You said you could handle it.” He flared up.

He paced around the room;

“And I did. This is reality Zach. There is nothing you can do about it.” I told him.

“How can you be so calm? We just started again. How can we end it so soon?” 

My eyes widened at the sound of his last statement. “I didn't say anything about ending things.” I countered.

“What if that's what they wanted?”

“Who? Your fans? Client? Agency?” I queried.

“I didn't mind when my pictures were on almost every blog and your female fans were spewing all sorts of trash about me. I stayed, Zach. And I'm not planning on leaving soon.” I added.

And here we are again.


I arrived with an awful countenance. Bella was already waiting at the entrance to receive my things. She greeted me and I realized my response was so cold.

On getting to my office, Bella placed my things on my desk and said, “ And a cup of coffee to help you through the day.” 

“Thank you, Bella.” She always seemed to know what I needed. She waited to see if I needed anything.

“That will be all.” I told her.

She retreated and closed the door.

While my head was still ringing with loads of thoughts, I took a sip. The warm taste was rather refreshing.

That very moment I got an unexpected or a rather expected guest.

“There's someone here to see you… said it's important.” Bella reported over the telephone.

“Who is it?” I demanded.

“ The director.”

My heart skipped.

“Le.. let him in.” I stuttered.

I was still on my feet when I saw the bald middle aged man walk in.

“Mr. Ike,” I muttered with a forced smile.

“Miss Jọláadé…This won't take too long. I could have done it over the phone but facial expressions will go a long way.” He meant business.

“I know why you are here.” I told him calmly.

“Do you?” He snapped.

Woah! He wasn't going to take it lightly. I won't let anyone come into my space and talk down on me because I'm the woman. Never!

“Why don't you have a seat, first?” I tried to be cool.

“Like I said, this won't take too long.” He repeated.

“Alright.” I sat comfortably on my chair.

“During the little time we spent together I found your personality to be amazing. However, the whole thing going on between you too is just a fling. It has to stop.

And if you really care about him and you wouldn't want what he had built to crumble, I'll suggest you end whatever that might be going on.”

“Mr. Ike. I get that you are a businessman. I just have a few questions for you.

What did you do when the news of him being with Jade was everywhere? Nothing. Who was the first to visit him in the hospital? Me!.

So for the last reason you mentioned, let's just act like the proposal never happened. Then everybody will be happy. He can claim it's nothing serious during the interview.

I think I've helped. But ending things?... I don't think that will be possible.”

“Unless… unless…” I gesticulated.

“Unless he ends things with me on his own terms.” I added. He wanted to speak but i countered

“Mr. Ike, you need him. He's more important to the agency than five actors combined. We both know that.”

“I believe that will be all. It's early and I have work to do. Have a nice day.” I spoke boldly while I flipped open my laptop.

He was dumbfounded.

Apparently, he wasn't expecting that side of me.

He quietly vacated the room.


I couldn't bring myself to go for lunch. I was on my phone scanning through posts. Moreover, I came across a clip of an interview with Zach.

I bet he decided to attend. To clear the controversies.

“Let's talk about the proposal. What was it about? Was it real? Or just a publicity stunt.” The presenter asked.

“So, this is it. It was not real. It was just a way to entertain the patients. I actually proposed to a girl in my latest movie.”

“Yeah. That's right. However, we've been hearing rumors about you two actually dating. In fact you've both gone on several dates.”

“Wow!” He was shocked at how every part of his personal life was no longer personal.

“Don’t get it twisted. I can take anybody out. It shouldn't give the impression that we are dating. I'm one of her clients and she's become a friend. And I don't have to report to anyone about who I choose as my friend.” He was a natural.

“Yeah right... There you have it people. It wasn't a real thing… All my ladies out there, calm down. Nobody's gonna snatch your Tv sweetheart.”

Afterall it's always been about the fans.

Sometimes, I pitied him for living in a world where your private life can't even be private.

Nevertheless, he should have known what he signed up for. What about me? How did I get here? Blame it on my heart.

A notification popped up and I clicked on it.

It was a live stream. Welcome to the era where anybody can claim to be an influencer or a content creator.

There she was, the melanin skinned beauty. One of the famous i*******m queens, Pearl, spewing bullshit.

I sometimes wonder who are the people who engage with her stupid content.

Fake lives, lies and lies… They've all got secrets too yet they would think twice before dragging a celebrity's name in the mud.

Wait! What? I couldn't believe my ears.

She just claimed she had a one night stand with Zach!

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