

She said it and before a blink of an eye the rumor was everywhere.

It disgusts me when I see these wannabe queen bees and upcoming content creators take advantage of an ugly situation just to gain views and followers.

I got back home very late and made something light for dinner.

Dinner was over;  I had a cold shower and wrapped myself.

My phone buzzed; Zach was calling;

“Hi… did you miss me, already?” I teased.

“I'm at the door.” He mumbled.

I hurried to the door and let him in.

“Hi…” he greeted; catching his breath as I shut the door. He was wearing a short and an oversized hoodie with sunglasses.

“If you are trying to disguise yourself, you've done pretty bad because you only made yourself look more suspicious.”

“Oh my!” he exclaimed childishly. He took off his sunglasses and the hood hiding his face.

Finally, he noticed what I was wearing; a white towel. He struggled to act neutral.

We proceeded into the bedroom. He slumped on my bed like one who is tired.

I sat before my dressing table.

He sat at the edge of the bed like he was worried and wanted to tell me something really important. 

“I'm sorry, Jọláadé. Having to pull you through all these. You don't deserve someone like me.”

I faced him; “What are you talking about?” I asked.


“Yeah. She is an opportunist that wants to take advantage of your situation. Don't worry, babe. I got you.” I interrupted.

“You do?” He asked confusingly.

“Yes, I do..”  and applied my face cream.

But those eyes; my weakness… Those lips; my desire… His body; my obsession. 

I rose, advanced toward him, sat across his laps and stared into his eyes.

His heart was beating faster and so was mine. Like it would pop out of me.

I gave him a daring kiss. For some unknown reason to me he had resisted a bit…

“It's been a while.” I whispered into his left ear and kissed it softly.

He let out a soft sigh. I repeated it tenderly on his neck and he mumbled the most seductive moan I've ever heard.

Evidently, he yearned for me. His eyes couldn't lie. The hunger… the angst he was trying to conceal.

“Jọláadé…” he muttered faintly.

“I… I… I…” he stuttered.

“Shh!’” I crossed his lips with my index finger.

“Please, don't ruin the moment. Can you do that for me? Let it just be about us and nothing else.” I lured him.

He leisurely moved his finger around my face like he was making an imaginary drawing. 

“I love you.” He's never been more sincere. I know it.

His hands reached for my waist and kissed me with great pleasure. My hands were carefully wrapped around his neck.

He turned me over, cautiously laid me down; pulled off his oversized hoodie and laid on me lovingly… His lips tasted so good.;

My arms moved steadily over his alluring body. God! His broad chest and firm muscles…

Out of nowhere, he stopped as though he had something on his mind.

Hold that thought!

I flipped him over and undid my towel.

“I consent!” 

My hand reached into his shorts. He bit his lower lip and exhaled.

His enormous arms wrapped around my body. I went wild.


I opened my eyes; feeling embarrassed for what I did last night. I grabbed my towel and crept into the bathroom, had my bath and dressed up.

There he was,the man who captured my heart; sleeping so peacefully like a child.

Tempted to touch his beautiful face, I bent over and tenderly caressed his forehead to his cheek.

Oh! shoot! He's awake!

I was alarmed and wanted to run but he grabbed my hand.

“Hey!” His breathy voice was charming. That was his voice most mornings.

“Hey!” I replied shyly while avoiding eye contact…

“I didn't mean to wake you. You look peaceful.” I muttered. He yawned quietly like a baby. He then made me sit on the bed with him…

“All thanks to you. It's the best sleep I've had in a while.” He was sincere.

I cleared my throat; I was so ashamed. You can't blame me. A woman has needs too.

“That's a side of you I'm glad to know.” 

Oh,no! He said it… I could literally cover my face.

“I… I… have…ha..have…to…” I stuttered.

“Hey!hey!.” He stopped me.

“There's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of… It means alot to me.” He drew on my face like he usually does.

“I can kiss every inch of you for as long as you want.” He leaned forward and kissed me softly.

“I don't deserve you.” I spilled.

“No! That's supposed to be my line.” He answered.

I beamed.

“Sincerely, I don't think I deserve you.” He was serious.

“Loving you is my truth. But I never stopped disappointing you.”

“What are you talking about?” I got curious.

“I've wanted to tell you when I saw you in the hospital and I also tried to tell you, yesterday.”

“I don't understand.”

“Pearl and I. It may be true.”

My heart skipped…

I laughed sarcastically.

“You're joking, right?”

He couldn't say anything. 

I moved a bit away from him. My countenance changed.

“After I left the bar that night; I was so frustrated that I went to another club and got drunk.” He confessed.

“...and you slept with her?” 

“I can't recall if it really happened but I know we met.”

“You talked, got drunk and probably shagged in the restroom or in a room you paid for. Right?”

“Joláadé please.”

“Just say the freaking truth.” I yelled.

“I was hurting Jọláadé.” He tried to explain.

“Don't call my name.” I countered.

“With the thought of you having feelings for my stepbrother. The moment you chose him over me.”

“Was I supposed to watch you beat to pulp? You are stronger than him. And I did not have feelings for him.”

“But he does!...”

“Zach, stop! I see what you are trying to do. You're finding faults.”

“I'm not! I'm not doing that. I wanted to tell you what I believed and it was my fault for getting drunk. I shouldn’t have.”

“Is she your type?”

“Why would you ask that? Jọláadé.”

“Out of the numerous women who were there that night you chose to put your thing inside her. Pearl? of all people?”

“Joláadé stop jumping to conclusions..”

“You just said you did.”

“I didn't,” he blurted out.

“I don't think I did, okay?” he continued 

I didn't know what to believe anymore. 

I stood up and wouldn't let him touch me.

“I need to clear my head.” I sobbed.

And left the house.

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