
Author: De - Wordsmith


"Mother, this is all my fault. I shouldn't have let her go all by herself." I could hear my husband, blaming himself for what he knew nothing about.

"No Chester, you're not!" Luna Avrilla, his mother said, trying to comfort him as he pace back and forth in the hallway, his footsteps echoing with the weight of fear.

The hallway seemed to stretch endlessly, filled with an air of uncertainty. Luna Avrilla, and Chester's siblings stood by, their faces etched with the same fear that seemed to consume us all. All we waited for was the doctor - to come with a piece of good news.

Indrane, Chester's fated mate, had been involved in a fatal accident. She was fighting for her life, but the doctors are struggling to save both her and her unborn child, because it was Chester's order.

Yea, you read that right. Indrane is my husband's mate, not me. When Indrane ran away on their wedding day, I was forced to step in as a substitute bride because of my Lycan blood, which is not only good for Alpha Chester but also the whole upcoming generation.

But when, Indrane showed up with a baby bump, after two years of peaceful marriage, I was left alone, trapped - No one cared about the same Reign who saved 90 soldiers in five minutes just for them to return to the battle field and everyone pretended they didn't realize Alpha Chester was having an affair with his runaway bride despite being married to me.

As I observed Chester's restless movements, he approached me with a somber expression, a flicker of desperation in his eyes. His words hung in the air, filling me with a sense of unease.

"I hope you know what you will do if the doctors can't save Indrane?" Chester's voice trembled, and it echoed the doubts that had haunted our hearts.

Confusion furrowed my brows as I studied him, uncertain of what he meant. The pole I was leaning on suddenly grew cold as I stood upright, "I have no idea what you're talking about." I said, my voice steady. I truly didn't know.

Before Chester himself could say another word, Luna Avrilla joined our conversation.

"I'm afraid... I'm afraid something terrible will happen to Indrane and her pup," Luna Avrilla confessed, her voice heavy with anguish.

I reached out, placing a comforting hand on her trembling shoulder. I needed to reassure her, even though she didn't regard me as her daughter in-law any longer.

"The doctors are doing everything they can, mother in-law. We must hold onto hope. Indrane is a fighter and I know she will make it out of there alive," I said, my voice filled with conviction. But Luna Avrilla shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks, her fear unabated.

"No, Reign! This is almost impossible. You will have to step in if the doctors fail, you know?" Luna Avrilla's words hung in the air, and an icy chill raced down my spine.

I glanced at Chester, hoping to find some reassurance in his eyes. But he stood there unmoved, his expression inscrutable. They had planned this behind my back, I guess.

"What do you mean, step in?" My confusion etched itself on my face, and I took a step back, gently releasing Luna Avrilla from my touch. I needed answers, clarity in this sea of uncertainty. I am sure I understood what she meant by step in, but I wished I didn't.

Luna Avrilla's tears seemed to flow even more freely as she looked into my eyes.

"You have the power to save her, Reign. You can use your powers to save everyone in this pack. To save Indrane and her pup," she pleaded, her voice heavy with desperation.

A surge of conflicting emotions washed over me as I grappled with Luna Avrilla's request. I was acutely aware of the dire consequences that wielding my healing abilities to bring back two lives could incur. There's no way I'd want to this... Not because I hated Indrane, but because I'd lose literally everything.

"No... I can't, I am sorry mother in-law. This is obviously beyond me," I whispered, my tone filled with both fear and resolve.

"Why can't you do it? Because you're jealous? Really? So, you want her to die?" Luna Avrilla's voice grew suddenly cold as she spoke.

"Mother in-law... I just can't..."

"Do you even know you are the major reason why Indrane is on that bed? If you had offer to go to the mart in lieu of Indrane, you will be the one in that bed and there'd be absolutely no one to save you." Cleo, Chester's immediate younger sister confronted me.

"You really wish I was the one in that bed? I have been doing all I could for the past two years... I saved thousands of people, but...." I couldn't finish my words, Cleo interrupted.

"Shut the fuck up! If you want us to acknowledge what you did for this pack then save Indrane and her pup. That will also show us that you're not jealous of her... but if you let her die, you know what's going to happen."

"I can't save Indrane or her pup..." I responded.

"You must! You will do it. You are nothing but just a maid here that must follow orders... We only kept you here because you're useful, so do what you do best and stop being adamant," Fridge, Chester's second sister asserted, her voice cold than ever, this time it felt like everyone was against me as I looked around, no eyes showed pity. Not Cleo, not Luna Avrilla, not Chester.

I looked over at her as she walked away from my presence, feeling completely shattered. Fridge never liked me and she had always wanted me to go since Indrane returned, but only one thing mattered to me and I couldn't let go so easily -

That was my husband, Chester.

Chester was the only person I held dear. He was the only person I wanted to care about. He chose me in front of everyone to be his wife, his Luna. And I would do anything for his sake, except going down while trying to bring Indrane up.

I looked into Chester's eyes who stood a few feet away from us. Our eyes met and I approached him.

"Am I really going to do this?" I asked him, expecting a NO. Everyone was well aware of the consequences, but no one seemed to care about it.

"You have no choice actually," Chester nodded slowly, grabbing my arm, "You will have to use your power to save Indrane and my pup which you failed to give me." His voice this time was cold.

Did he just say I refused to give him a pup? Not for once was I touched by Chester. We had separate rooms throughout the years, but I tried to keep loving him because he deserved it.

"No Chester! No, I can't do this please... you know what will happen if I do this. The consequences of healing one dying person is dire, let alone two. I might lose my powers or even worse and talking about worse, I meant death."

Chester's eyes narrowed in response to my refusal, his voice laced with an underlying determination as he closed the distance between us, his touch sending a shiver down my spine. He embraced me gently, and warmth radiated from his body, calming me momentarily. But my mind remained filled with turmoil.

"Reign..." he whispered gently. The way he called my name filled me with such ecstasy that I nearly moaned. He never touched me this way.

Chester's lips brushed against the nape of my neck, and my body trembled as adrenaline coursed through my veins. My toes curled, and I felt a vulnerability I had never experienced before.

Softly, almost invitingly, Chester whispered in my ear, "If you truly love me as you claim, Reign, then you will do this favor for me. Save Indrane and my pup," Chester's words lingered in the air, fraught with an unspoken ultimatum.

My breathing quickened as my internal battle raged on. I loved Chester deeply, more than I could ever put into words. The idea of losing him was unbearable, and I was willing to do anything to prove my love. But at what cost?

I met Chester's gaze, my eyes filled with uncertainty and fear. "But, Chester, if I do this, I could lose everything that defines me. I don't know if I can bear that."

Chester's expression softened, and he gently held my head, pleading with his eyes and words. "Your power doesn't matter, Reign. If you lose it, you will regain it. Your abilities do not define you, but your love and sacrifice do."

"What will become of me when I lose my powers?" I asked.

"I will always be by your side, you have done alot for my pack and I'm ready to protect you too... And if you want, I will take only the pup from Indrane and asked her to leave. Just save my pup please."

I felt myself being pulled into his persuasive embrace, swept away by the overwhelming emotions that consumed me. But I didn't give an answer.

Minutes later, the old doctor emerged from the ward, his face etched with concern. I and Luna Avrilla turned to face him, our hearts pounding against our chests. Luna Avrilla's hopeful gaze met the doctor's worried eyes as a single question hung in the air.

"How is Indrane doing?"

The doctor's silence spoke volumes, his head shaking slowly from side to side. The weight of his unspoken words crushed Luna Avrilla, and her tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

I stood there, conflicted and uncertain. I knew the stakes were high, not just for Indrane and her unborn child, but for mhself. The respect I commanded within the community rested upon my healing abilities. If I were to lose, to fall short when my rivalry with Indrane was at its peak, I would lose more than just my powers— I would lose the respect I had fought so hard to earn.

"Reign, it's your turn..." I heard the familiar voice from behind. It was Cleo's.

"I need time to think this through!" I replied.

"You actually have only two options now, Reign." Chester walked forward, "It's either you save Indrane or get out of this pack."

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