
10) Another Shock

Author's POV :

"What?", Niyati blurted just one word, that too with shocking expressions on her face, and then she started asking her with the same sentiments, "Have you gone mad? What are you saying?  Just a few months ago, he joined the school. How can he leave school so soon?  You have some misunderstanding", She said to her with confidence.

"No Niyati, I'm speaking right. I'm just now coming to hear the conversation of Smaran Sir and Charan Sir. He was telling Charan sir that he got a job in a company, but that company gave him that job in another city because of which they have to go to that city. He is also quitting his call center job and teaching in our school", Mitali told her everything in detail, which brought tears in her eyes which didn't go unnoticed by Mitali.

"Niyati see, you don't get upset, we will talk to him and won't let him go anywhere", Mitali encouraged her, but Niyati didn't utter a single word from the front. Bell rang and Lunch time has been finished. Niyati sat quietly in her place. Seeing her not speaking anything, Mitali also didn't say anything because she knew that this is neither the right time nor the right place to talk to her so she too sat quietly with her. Also, Niyati was completely unaware that another shock awaited her.

A student came in the class and announced that due to some work, Charan sir won't be able to take his period today Therefore they all are. free. They can read any subject or complete any unfinished work. On hearing this, there was happiness on Divya's face.  She was looking for a free lecture so that they could tell Niyati and Mitali something that they could not even think of and which would make Niyati broken. 

Divya knew that Smaran sir had become the favorite teacher of Niyati and Niyati was also very interested in him Therefore, she comes to know something which will break her completely So she went to Niyati to narrate the news but already saw her sad.

"What happened Niyati?  Anything happened ?", She expressed a fake concern and asked. She was missing somewhere in her thoughts, so neither did she listen to Divya nor did she give any answer. 

Mitali spoke after seeing her not speaking, "She is not well, Speak if you have some work?", Mitali asked her.

"I have worked from Niyati, Not you",She swaggered and replied.

"Okay, She is not well right now. You can talk to her later", Mitali said seeing her miserable condition.

"Okay, I had to tell her something about Smaran sir. She had to clear the misconception that he is not at all like she understands him. He pretends to be as good. Of that, he is not even good a percent", Looking towards the Niyati, she was about to leave saying that she stopped hearing something.

"What do you mean?", Niyati asked in a serious voice, looking straight at her. 

Her heart and mind had stopped working on hearing that Smaran had left school, but as soon as she heard the name his name from Divya's mouth again, her attention shifted towards her words. Hearing Niyati's voice, she turned towards her smirking.

"I mean to say that Sir is something from inside and something from outside", She replied with a smirk.

"Stop turning things around and tell me directly what you came here to tell me", She replied in a slightly angry voice. 

"The simple thing is that out of the two girls who came to our class today, one of the girls, named Gauri, was the girlfriend of Smaran sir", Divya said angrily.

On hearing this, Mitali's eyes widened with surprise and Niyati got another shock. The first shock for her was not yet tolerated that now she got another shock. Divya was very happy to see the blown colors of her face.  She kept looking at her like this for some time and then said, "what happened, why did the colors of your face go away after listening to me?", She asked with a smirk.

"Why should we trust your point, how do we know whether you are telling the truth or a lie? It may be that you have made it on your behalf?", Mitali asked surprisingly. 

"Okay, If you don't want to believe my words, don't do it, but tomorrow you will get proof of this thing of mine", She said in confidence.

"What kind of evidence?", Mitali asked. Niyati was not in a situation to speak anything at this time so she was just sitting at her place listening to their talk. 

"Gauri will bring her and Smaran sir's pictures taken together tomorrow.  She saw Smaran sir at school this morning.  Coming to class, she asked me the reason for sir to be here at school.  Then I answered her question and when I asked her why she was asking about him, she told me that she had been his girlfriend.  Their relationship was broken only a month ago and she broke that relationship herself", Divya replied. 

"Any special reason for their break up?", Mitali asked.

"I don't even know that because I was not interested in knowing the reason.  If you or Niyati have to know the reason, then ask Gauri yourself tomorrow", Saying this, Divya left from there smirking.

As Divya left from there, Mitali looked towards Niyati, a tear from her eye splashed to her cheek. Mitali wiped that tear from her cheek before anyone notices it. 

"You don't lose your heart. We will know everything by talking to Gauri tomorrow and anyway, Divya said that they had a relationship which is over now. We will find out the reason for this tomorrow also. Smaran Sir is very good. He won't do anything wrong with anyone. Please don't get upset and please handle yourself",  Mitali was constantly trying to handle and convince her, but she was not getting any further answers as if her voice had gone away. 

School time was over and all the students started going to their homes.  The path to Niyati and Mithali's house was in the opposite direction.  So Mitali embraced her and left from there. Niyati started going from there that suddenly she saw Kajal standing near the door next to the school. On seeing her she thought something and went to her. Kajal and Smaran live in the same house on rent and Gauri is also a good friend of Kajal, so she thought that she should ask her about it.

"Hello Kajal", She said while showing a fake smile.

"Hi Niyati", She replied smiling.

"I wanted to ask you something", She said hesitating slightly.

"Ask", Kajal replied.

"Look, you don't mind, but I have to talk to you about your friend Gauri and Smaran sir. Did they have any relationship?", She asked curiously and also said, "If you don't want to tell me then don't tell. There is no coercion", She asked, keeping in mind her comfort, but she wanted to know about the two of them.

"No, there is nothing like that", Kajal said.

"So please tell me, was there really any relation between them?", Niyati asked with curiosity.

"Yes", Kajal replied. Hearing this, Niyati's eyes widened due to the shock, but she somehow managed to handle herself and then asked:", So is there still a relationship between them?".

"No, Their relationship ended a month ago", She replied.

"Any particular reason for their relationship to end?",Niyati asked eagerly.

"The reason was not very special. Just Smaran was a little too busy with his work. Due to which he was not able to give her so much time and couldn't fulfill her wishes so she left him", Kajal replied.

Hearing this, Niyati had a slight smile on her face and asked, "when did their relationship begin?".

"Three months ago", Kajal replied that after hearing that a big smile came on her face.

"Thank you very much", Niyati thanked him and went home smiling from there.

In the evening, she called Mitali to meet her at the park near her house. Mitali hugged her as soon as she saw her.

"Are you alright?", She asked with worried eyes.

"Yes, I'm all right", She replied smiling.

"Thank God. Today I was very scared to see your condition in school",Mitali happily hugs her again and says.

"I'm all right. It was just today that I came to know such things which took me a while to understand. Now listen, I have called you here to tell you something about Gauri and Smaran Sir", Niyati said curiously.

"What?" Mitali inquired curiously and then Niyati told her all the conversation between her and Kajal which Mitali was surprised to hear.

"It is because of some girls like Gauri that girls like us also get infamous. Girls like that only have to run after boys with money, due to which the heart of the clean-hearted boys is broken and they also get slander", Mitali said a little angrily.

"You are right. He is a very clean-hearted person. He can never cheat anyone", She replied thinking about him and smiling.

"Gauri was mad who lost a boy like diamond due to her selfishness but what have you thought now?", She asked raising her eyebrow.

"What about?",Niyati asked unknowingly.

"About Sir, He is leaving school since Monday and this city too", Mitali replied.

"Oh yarr, this earlier thing had gone out of my mind in the matter of the second thing. I haven't thought about it yet", Niyati said in despair.

"So think quickly before it is too late", Mitali said. She nodded, agreeing with her and then they both spend some good time and go back to their respective homes.

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