
Chapter 13

As the fight raged on between the two brothers, Logan was deep in the forest in the Pacific Island being miles away from their world. The island had been deserted years ago due to the dangerous spirits that hovered over it, harming the lives of those who lived there. It had been rumored that the humans who tried to explore the area recently hadn't been seen ever since they entered the island.

Logan who was so bent on his mission felt that nothing in this world would make him turn back right at that moment, besides he wasn't human so he felt nothing would dare attack them. Logan being accompanied by his two best men had turned the place upside down but still got nothing.

The three men decided to have a rest as they replenished their energy and drink from the blood banks they had carried. Logan had retreated under a tree for shade while Nate and Jordan engaged themselves in a conversation. He admired his friends from a far. Ever since the two got together they always supported him without any complaints, even after working tirelessly day and night they still decided to stick to his side and help him. Logan made a vow in his heart to never let anything come between them, it definitely was a relationship to keep for centuries to come.

While Logan had been lost in his own world suddenly he heard a whisper but on looking around he sawn o one and thought that it could be the wind. He felt a sudden coldness he never experienced in his life, the hair on his body rising steadily, whatever it was that the humans feared in that island definitely had been true. In his entire life had he felt fear in his Logan looked in the direction

that Nate and Jordan sat but it was like they were oblivious of what was happening around him.

However the whisper got louder and this alerted him, he tried getting up but a sudden heavy force kept him to the ground. Logan had never felt as powerless his entire life like he felt at that moment. This had never happened to him as he wondered what could unleash such a force on him added to the fact that he could see no one around.

"I can see you are looking for a way to kill your brother's, "the voice whispered to him again. Logan who had started to get terrified immediately felt his entire body suddenly relaxed, so it had to do with the answers he had been seeking.

"That's right, so I guess you know about it and can help me," Logan responded immediately still gazing around but nothing was there, he knew that the person who just spoke to him was somewhere close by.

"Are you sure that is what you truly want, asked the voice

"Of course I do, why would I trouble myself this much for something I'm not interested in." Logan replied. The moment he had laid his eyes on that beautiful lady he knew for a fact that he would spend the rest of his days with her. With that feeling having power in their world would enable his children enjoy the luxury and power throughout the ages, for this he had to gain control by becoming the next King.

Logan had been sure if one of his brothers got the throne life would definitely become unbearable for him, never in his life did he allow anyone to boss him around, leave alone dying prematurely. He also hadn't planned on leaving their world and starting elsewhere, life in their world had never ceased to amaze him.

"If you are sure then you have to follow me," the voice said.

"I will just inform my friends about it so that we go together." said Logan trying to get up from the ground but the felt the force pushing him back once more.

"This fight is for you alone, don't you get it till now why no one else knows about the secret on how to kill your brothers," the voice reiterated.

"They will just be fine, they won't even realize you left." came the voice again.

Logan felt himself rise from the ground, he had no control over his body but felt himself move, it was like someone else had possessed his body and he could only comply to their wishes. He was being led away through the forest just passing by his friends. He got shocked when he realized that Nate and Jordan did not notice him, Nate even made a comment about how he had been tired and they needed to let him get some sleep.

Logan glanced back at the place her had previously laid on when he saw his body positioned in the same manner as he did earlier, Logan was so confused about this, how could he be in two places at the same time, surely that wasn't a dream as he never tried sleeping.

"That's just an illusion so that your friends would not search for you. So we better hurry before it wears out." the voice echoed in his mind.

"Could you at list show yourself so that I could see my helper," Logan said.

"There is no need for that, you just focus on getting what brought you here" the voice echoed in his mind again. Logan decided to keep quiet, he wasn't really concerned with anything else but find the solution to his problem. He was led into the middle of the ocean wondering what it could be that he had to acquire from there. Coming to a stop Logan felt himself stand in the water, he couldn't understand how there could be a shallow depth within the ocean.

"Before we continue you have to be sure about your decision, because the moment I show you the secret there is no turning back." warned the voice.

Logan thought about it for a brief second and found that he could do whatever it takes to secure the throne, just to have a beautiful life with Elise.

"I'm sure about my decision, and I promise I won't turn back no matter what awaits me on the other side,’Logan said. “That is good of you, just so that we are on the same page, remember this will be your secret, if you let it out the consequences will fall on your generation forever" the voice warned again.

The moment the voice disappeared Logan witnessed the water rise up in waves and cooled down seconds later.

The next moment what looked like a video showed on the water surface. Getting a closer look Logan was shocked to find himself in the video, besides him was Elise holding what seemed like a new born baby who was crying.

"Take this and pierce into his heart," the voice startled Logan who had been lost into the image, it was not the soft voice which had led him here, it was now ferocious and filled with blood thirst. Logan took a moment and realized this was his baby, but in the future. Was he willing to sacrifice his first born son just to get the position of a king.

A wooden cross with a sharp edge danced on the water just beside the video that reflected on the water.

"Remember no turning back," sounded the deadly warning.

Logan's thoughts went back to his father, did he sacrifice his brother to become king? Why hadn't he talked about it? Logan realized that he had all the answers with him. Having had many brothers he was sure he would be able to get more children, but will Elise agree to this!" As he wondered the voice echoed again,

"She won't notice it when you kill your son, you shouldn't worry as you will have many more to follow."

Logan who couldn't think of anything else picked up the cross and lifted it up, he then struck the water at the same place the shadow of the boy had been shown, the baby immediately stopped crying and closed his eyes, he had died, though no blood showed on the image, on the wooden cross it was smeared with fresh blood. Logan trembled when he saw the blood, he had just sacrificed his son.

"Never let anyone see this," the voice whispered to him as the cross was taken from his trembling hands, he could only see it getting wrapped in an old fabric and placed back into his hands. He felt himself suspended in the air and was led out of the water, only coming to a stop on the dry ground. The coldness he previously felt was gone and he gained back the control of his body.

Realizing that it was a done deal he took the wrapped package and placed it inside his pockets, Logan decided to go and look for his friends.

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