
Chapter 14

Logan made his way back to his friends going through the dense forest, it was already noon but there was no sign of the sun, the sky was gray with no sign of life. The trees seemed dull not even swaying their leaves to flaunt their beauty, not even the birds of air could be seen flying around, it was like even nature was mourning the life of the infant. Logan was lost in his own world, the pictures from earlier still fresh on his mind. Did he just kill his own son.

Among the vampire clan the first born sons were the most powerful among the family members. An idea that had been passed on from generation to generation talked about a war that happened centuries ago between the witch clan and the vampires. The vampires were able to win this war be installing a powerful force made up of firstborn son. The witches hadn't been spared and most of their population was reduced. Up until now the witches hold only a significant number of people. This is also attributed to their strict rules against having relationship between them and the humans.

It took Logan almost two hours to reach his friends, he was too exhausted physically and emotionally that nothing interested him anymore. Not even the throne seemed significant ash e mourned his child he hadn't even met. Will Elise be able to forgive him knowing that he killed their child? Logan tried to

push away these thoughts from his mind but the more he tried the more the images from earlier attacked his mind. He decided to approach his friends, maybe they could get him distracted.

Nate was the first to notice Logan come from the opposite direction, he was so confused and checked the place Logan had been sleeping on just seconds ago. How was it possible that in the blink of an eye Logan was able to get up from his sleeping posture and suddenly appear In front of him, walking and seemingly tired. Nate couldn't understand this and motioned Jordan to check out too. Jordan too couldn't understand what was going on with him. Logan had slept for almost three hours and yet he appeared right In front of them utterly exhausted. The witch's illusion of the sleeping Logan disappeared the moment Nate had seen him.

"Hey bro, what's up, why do you look so tired when we've waited for you for hours just to let you have a proper rest." Nate was the first to comment.

"That's true bro, you look too tired for someone who had slept for an hour." Jordan added.

"It's done," Logan said curtly and sat on a rock close by.

Nate and Jordan looked at each other in astonishment, did he mean that the search had been fruitful, but how did that happen when just before they decided to have a rest, they had not gotten any clues about what they had been looking for. Or did he mean that one of his brothers had been successful in eliminating each other?

"What's done Logan, don't just leave us hanging like that " Jordan complained.

"I got what we need for me to become king "Logan replied, he felt so tired to respond to their interrogations.

"But you were just here asleep," Nate said. He could not understand what it was that Logan had acquired in his sleep.

"Just know that it's done and no more questions. Call the pilot, we are heading back immediately.” Logan said and got up from the rock. Such questions were a nuisance to him, he better get away from them to have some quiet time.

The two noticed the foul mood that Logan had and decided not to ask further, mores because the method had been kept a secret for the entire clan it was something they learnt by now they could never know about it. They made their way back to the plane that had landed on the isolated airport with no sign of life.

Back at the palace the battle had continued for along time now, no one was conceding defeat. The whole palace was in chaos as they witnessed the once best friends as they thought battle it out. The guards had tried to separate the two but both Roman and Thomas warned them against poking their noses into their business. They could only watch as the brothers destroyed almost everything in the room.

The broken chair were scattered throughout the room with holes being made on the wall from the impact of their bodies coalition with the walls. The two were injured beyond imagination but the little strength they had left they continued to fight. Roman who had an upper hand earlier just had one of his legs broken but still forgot with determination, he couldn't let himself be defeated when he had planned for this all his life.

Thomas who had been weary had one of his eyes completely destroyed, this was after Roman had smacked it with a heavy blow, dark red blood flowed freely, he could only survive on one eye. Most of Thomas's body was filled with deep bruises that oozed blood, he felt so much pain that he looked for ways to escape his brother's wrath, he still had the kingdom to fight for.

Thomas sized the opportunity and scurried away the moment Roman had been distracted by one of the guards who helped him get up. Roman's leg could barely support his body. The moment he realized that Thomas escaped he fumed with anger but realized that he wouldn't be able to survive for too long in his state. His brothers would definitely find a way before him to finish Thomas. With that in mind Roman requested for one fi his trusted guard Brighton to assist him get to his car.

Roman had planned for his gateway years ago and built his own empire where none of his brothers could locate him, but he was skeptical about Logan, he had treacherous methods of finding anything he wanted. But since the two had never been into any problems since, he was sure Logan would not pose any threat to him, unless he challenged him for the position of the king, but in that he wasn't interested. With that Roman was driven away. He stared out through the window burying the memories he had in that beautiful palace which had been his home for many years. It was his time to start new.

Logan and his men just made their way back to the palace towards dark, by now they had caught wind of the ferocious battle that had happened between Roman and Thomas. For a long time Logan had doubted Roman's sincerity in his inseparable friendship with their elder brother. On many occasions his men reported to him about Roman's secret trainings apart from the ones he had with Thomas. Now he eventually got his answers

As Logan's convoy of vehicles made their way into the palace vast compound, they met with Roman's car.Which was being driven in the opposite direction. The moment Roman spotted Logan's car he got waved at him through the window.

"Goodbye brother, hope the kingdom will become yours," Roman said and his car sped off, he didn't let Logan reply to him. Logan could only shake his head as he continued on the journey. Logan made his way to his mansion located right behind the palace, he ordered no one to disturb his precious time as he wanted so much to rest. Getting into his room Logan dropped himself on the bed like a sack of potatoes, he was too tired for anything.

At Thomas's mansion, he had hidden himself in one of his secret rooms, he was sure Roman had wanted to finish him off and that he wouldn't let go of him earlier. His men helped dress his wounds which would only take

a few days to heal. He also got himself a blood bank and decided to help himself to it, he had lost lots of blood in the battle.

Robert one of the four brothers had just woken up from a long rest. He had been exhausted lately due to the unending battle that happened between him and his brother Thomas any moment they had met. Today he took a day off from battle to help himself recover. He had planned to continue with the search immediately he woke up.

Once the servants noticed the master had woken up one of them quickly rushed to his side and helped him have his glass of blood, he liked it that way, always enjoying being served in expensive utensils. The servant who just got in told Robert what had just happened between Roman and Thomas. The news excited him so much that he decided to celebrate this. Thomas would now fight with them on a leveled ground with no assistance. He sent the guards to bring in one if his loved ladies, Tessa, she knew how to please him at a time like this.

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