
Falling in Love

Chapter Six

Aura's POV

We were talking when he looked at me seriously. If stares could kill, I would have died on the spot if he had not talked that moment. He cleared his throat as he spoke, looking straight into my eyes.

“Should we continue the story you were telling me? The day before yesterday?”

I quickly swallowed the food as I looked at him, trying to maintain my emotions.

“AHH THAT STORY, forget that. It’s all in the past” I said, trying to avoid the topic.

But before I could say anything, he looked dead serious while controlling his anger as he continued in a thick, heavy voice.

“HEY AURA, look at me”


“I need to know about the past. I need to know the truth you have been hiding from me, from Ash” he continued.

ASH. ASH. AHH! he could not find that Ash knew I was alive. She knew everything about it from the start, even she and I were the ones who planned it all for him to believe. Believe in my death. It was all my doing, but yes Ash was a part of it.

She is the one who convinced Sabestain to go to Norway for his promotion when we made him believe that I hated him.

I looked at him, trying best to hide my nervousness as I continued-

“Okay, you want to know right? The half-left truth but it will only hurt you more, so it’s better for you to not know it” I said trying to show my bold and strong side.

But he’s him, nothing works for him.

He wanted to know. Know everything he has gone through because of me.

After you went to Bangalore, my headaches got even worse and within a week I got diagnosed with a brain tumor.

He looked at me like he never expected this from me, like he never thought something like this had happened to me.

His eyes now have pity that I hated, that’s the reason I made him leave.

“I don’t have many days now. I stopped thinking about months” my doctor told me, I said looking at my empty plate.

“If I did not go through the surgery within 5 days it would even reduce the success rate more”.

It was getting intense now, as I continued looking down, Sab stood up from his seat and started coming to my side now.

I felt him sitting beside me, I was feeling so worthless before I could look up. His hand reached into mine. The breeze was getting colder and sharp now.

As I looked up at him, I saw more emotions in his eyes: regret, pity, sympathy, anger, sadness. I hated it, I hated it so much that I wanted to leave as soon as possible, as fast as my legs could get up.

I took his hand from my hand and tried to put it back as gently as I could on his thighs. His eyes met mine easily like it was not the thing he was expecting and I looked straight into his eyes with whatever I was feeling.

I could tell now he was trying to figure out what was going in my head, but he could not find the answers.

Controlling my emotions, I said “it’s getting late. I think I should leave now” I told him trying my best to smile.

I stood up from my seat waiting for Sabestain to stand up and make a way so that I could go home, but instead he looked up with his still sympathy expression.

AHHHHH! I hate it.

“Sorry I am getting late. I think I should leave the weather is also getting darker as it could rain soon”, I said still wearing a tight smile.

This time he knew I was determined to leave, so there was no point in stopping me. He stood up from seat as I came out of my seat. I looked at him.

“Thanks for the dinner, it was nice”, I said trying my best to smile widely.

I turned around and started to move away from him. I know he shouted my name from behind but I could not turn back, even if I wanted to, I couldn't because I cannot bear his expression.

His sympathy, his pityness for me, I cannot bear it. That was the reason in the first place that I lied to him. I never want him to look at me thinking I am weak or I am not strong enough.

I hate it from anyone, but for Sab it was more than that, because the person you love is the person you want to show how good you are. You are afraid if they see your weak side, they will leave you or think that you are no good. They deserve better than you. The thought of them thinking something like this itself is so hurting.

I walked out of the lift and went straight out of the restaurant. I was about to get in a cab but a grip on my hand pulled me back as I turned, I saw Sab panting heavily.

From the way of his state, I was sure he had run to catch me. I looked at him, trying my best not to break down.

He looked into my eyes, but now his expression had changed from back then, now it was something different, as if he was fighting with someone inside him, as he was afraid, as if he had lost something.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards where his car was parked, he let go of my hand and my back was now touching his car and he was now again caging me in between his arms and the car.

If I wanted to run away from him, I would have to use physical force for it. Instead I decided to listen to him, so I was standing quietly between his arm cage.

He was still panting from all the running and I could feel his breath without getting closer to him. Finally, after a minute, his breathing went to normal. It was time to “talk”, he said.

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