


She slammed the door in my face, her anger clear as day. But my own fury burned hotter as I watched her march toward the front door.

"God damnit!"

I punched the airbag, trying to let off steam, but my frustration only intensified as thoughts of her plans tonight played on repeat in my mind.

I can't believe a college girl's scheme could rile me up like this.

Still, I had to hand it to her. She had a talent for getting under my skin with every sassy remark.

“We've got one hell of a wild mate, Adolph," I muttered to my wolf as I parked the car and stepped out.

"Then let's tame her. She wants you, and it would be an easy task," he replied, painting some steamy scenes in my mind.

I shook my head, quickly banishing the images before they could take hold.

Adolph scoffed, "So... basically, you don't want to tame her, and you want another guy to do it. Am I right or am I right?"

His words stabbed at me, causing a sharp headache. The idea of them together in bed felt like poison.

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