

When Shayne wakes up that morning, Dexter greets her with a sweet kiss on her lips. He waits long for her to wake up. Shayne was surprised a little, seeing Dexter is watching her to open her eyes.

                “You are waiting me to wake up?” she asked.

                “Not actually, I just wake up a while ago”

Shayne fixed her self and the two of them come out of the room. Dexter wonders why, a while ago, he cannot move or pass away from that door, and now with Shayne, they pass it forward without any problem. Is he actually still drunk? What he remembers, he only takes one shots of wine. He is sure, he will not get drunk in only one shot. He has been drinking wine in the social gathering, and with his friends, before.

                “ Let us eat breakfast first, before we go out” she said.

                “That is good, I am actually hungry” he replied.

They proceed to the dining table, to his wonders, the food is already prepared there, by someone else. There is fried eggs, bacon, cheese, bread and a hot chocolate steaming in two mugs, that was made ready for the two of them. There are also lots of fruits in the tray located at the middle of the table. Shayne hand over to him, the plates containing the fried egg, and bacon, then she moves the steaming mugs of hut chocolate close to him. With smiles on their lips, they eat together, once in a while Dexter holds the hand of Shayne.

                While they are eating, Dexter recalls his things and he ask Shayne about their whereabout.

                “Where are my personal things when I come here” he expects they were all ok.

                “They are all keep safe in the store room; you can see them later” she said.

After eating, Dexter asked Shayne to see his things. They proceeded to the storeroom, and there, he sees all his things intact. His rifle hunting gun, his bag, with all the survival and first aid kits, his compass, the radio transceiver, and his cellphone, that is no longer working, it is low of charge and now dead. He gets all of his things ang bring them all in the hut.

                “Please allow me to go home, promise I will come back, I just want family to know I am ok”

                “I feared you will not return to me anymore, once you leave this forest”

                “Please believe me, I will return for you, I love you very much” he kissed Shayne.

                “There will be many things that will happen once you are out of this forest” Shayne face show her fears.

                “I promise you I will come back, please believe me”

Dexter holds the hand of Shayne and pressed it. He wants to erase all doubts and fears she is having that time. He is sincere to what he said, he will come back for Shayne, because it is only in Shayne, he has tasted the true happiness, in her love he can feel his life is complete.

Dexter is inspecting all his thing trying to figure out, what he can do with them, and how those things could be useful to him again. The compass is now working well and he realized he is in the deepest part of the forest north north-east, of the hunting ground where he came from and got separated from his friends.

                After few minutes, he is ready, he asked permission from Shayne, to go home for the meantime. He is very eager now to see his mother, his family and tell them he is ok, possibly they are now very much bothered by his lost. The sun has not rise well that morning, Dexter, presumed it is only pas eight in the morning, and if he will leave the place that time, he will reach the entrance to forest in four to six hours walk, that is before the sun down.

                Shayne is sad, that he is about to leave, she actually fears, he will not come back anymore, or the family of Dexter will not allow him to return, for so many reasons. But Dexter is very eager to leave, and she cannot stop him from leaving. She also knows, if she did not allow Dexter to leave, he will scape and find his way going home.

                With teary eyes, Shayne prepares food and water for Dexter for his journey. She embraced hard Dexter and told him to come back for her.

                “Once you are in trouble call me, and I will be there for you” Shayne told to Dexter.

                “I will come back; you are always in my heart”

                “If it is true, you will always find the way coming back to me, in your heart”

Dexter leaves the place, he walks fast, after few hundred meters away, he looks back and he sees that Shayne is still in the spot, where he leaves her, she still waiving at him. He is also sad, that he needs to leave Shane, but he knows, he must report back to his office, must especially to his family. They must know he is still alive and kicking, his worried is that, they may think something bad happened to him, that he is dead. His mother is sick, and worrying so much might affect her health condition.

                Shayne only allows him to go, because he told her, he will only buy dresses for him and for her and once he returns, he will stay for good, that he will never leave her anymore. Possibly Shayne felt his sincerity, that’s why she agrees. Dexter is serious in all those things she told Shayne, after he has seen his mother, he will report to his office, file a retirement and will return back to her, without ever leaving her again.

                Dexter walks and walks following the direction his compass is telling him. He had passed dense vegetation, thick forests, he had also passed, several creeks and river, up and down in the hills, he had eaten all the food he carried and drink the water, but he has not reached his destination, the sun is almost to touch down in the west. Why he has not seen his way home? If his calculation is correct, he has already walk more than fifty kilometers, then he should have reached the entrance of the forest. He should have reached the nearest community in the forest. He should have talked with the authorities there, and have reported his presence. But why he has not reached yet even the nearest forest ranger post?

                Eager to reach the entrance of the forest before sundown, he walks fast, the fastest walk he can make. All of a sudden, he found himself he is in front of the hut where he came from. His body is all perspiring, he is already tired, he presumed Shayne has something to do with what happened to him.

He calls Shayne in the top of his voice. Shayne in no time come to him, she is worried about him.

She really cares for him.

                “Could you explain to me why I am here again” his voice shows his anger.

                “ I simply don’t want to lost you” in her submissive  tone.

Dexter feel guilty that he shouted Shayne, he now feel pity with the woman in front of him, who has not done any thing wrong, but to love him.

                “Shayne I have told you, I will come back to you after I have seen my mother”

                She did say anything, she simply embraces him, and cried silently on his shoulder.

                Dexter caresses Shayne on her hair toward her back, he understands her.

                “Please Shayne allow me to go home and see my mother, I beg you”

The two of them remain motionless for several minutes, embracing tightly each other, as if, it would be their last day to see each other. Both of them are heart broken.

                “Shayne, I promised you, I will come to you, please believe me” he repeated it several times.

                “Ok, this time I will allow you to go home” she said.

Shayne also feels pity with Dexter, she knows he eagerly wants to see his mother. She knows how hard it is for a son, not to see his mother, knowing she is worrying very much for him. Her doubts that Dexter will never come back anymore, once he is out of the forest, is now over shadows by her pity and sympathy to him.

                “You are hungry and tired, you eat first, and I will fetch you to the entrance of the forest”

                Dexter is actually hungry and tired he follows the advice of Shayne. They enter the castle, and they eat lunch, although it is almost four o’ clock in the afternoon. Dexter eats heavy meal; he is very hungry. Shayne is just on his side watching him.

                After eating, true to her promise, Shayne fetch Dexter out of the forest. She holds the hands of Dexter and together they walk towards the entrance of the forest. Dexter wonders what time they will reach their destiny, he has walk for more than six hours and he has not reach it, how much more the two of them, walking holding hands.

                But to the amazement of Dexter, he can see with his two eyes they are moving fast, even their feet is not stepping fast, with Shayne, they walk on the top of grass and bushes passing the creeks as if they have not steeped on waters. Shayne has not stop amazing him and showing him the mysterious things, she can do. In no time, they are in the entrance of the forest. Before Dexter talk to any man in the small community, Shayne bid good bye to him.

                They embrace tightly and kissed tenderly.

                “Don’t forget your promise to me”

                “I will not, believe me”

He watch Shayne move fast going back to the wilderness of the forest, he wave his hand to her.

Dexter is so happy, he is back to civilization, he can see his mother and tell him he is ok.

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