

It is nightfall, and the two of them are inside the hut, they have taken a rest; they are now having a luxury of time for each other.  Fresh fruits are on the table, together with the single oil lamp, that gives light inside the hut. Mesmerized by the new found love, the two lovers become inseparable.

                “Where are we going to sleep now” Shayne asked.

                “Here in the hut” Dexter answered.

                “But the bed is not enough for the two of us” she protested.

                “I think it would be better, if you will come with me in the castle”

                “But I, still want to go home and see my mother”

                There is an urban legend going around in the place where Dexter grows up, that if a man used to enter and live with enchanters and the likes, in their homes, he would not be able to go out again, or go home. Shayne also knows this legend well; it is the reason why she does not force Dexter to come inside her magical castle and stay there. However, by this time, they are lover, and Dexter must trust her, The way, she gave her trust to him.

                “I promised you, you can go out even, if you stay long inside”

                “Even, I eat your food inside the castle?”

                “Yes, you should trust me, the way I trust you”

                “Ok, tonight, we will sleep and rest in your special place”

Dexter also wants to see well the inside of the magical house. He wants to explore it. He wants to know if those urban legend are true. He holds the hands of Shayne, and together they go out, of the hut, after few meters north of the hut, Shayne waves her hand in the air, the castle  appears from the thin air and the two of them, enters in.

                The main gate, is decorated with curbed angel figure, attached on both sides, as if they are guarding the alley, there is no lamp inside but it is clear like a day, all over the whole area. Dexter cannot recognize where the light came from. When they proceeded in the walk way leading to the other rooms, he noticed, it is painted well, the floor is all made from the finest floor tiles that can be compared to the expensive houses and hotels in the city. There are lots of antique wooden furniture around, but there is no one inside except the two of them. Dexter wonders who cleaned and maintained the house, it is big, and it cannot be keep clean by two or three persons only. Shayne is a mysterious lady, and the house she used to live, is also a mysterious one, from outside and inside of it.

                They first visit the dining room, where Dexter had seen fancy food of different types, it is still the same this time. The urban legend that says, the food of the enchanters in the forest are mostly black in color, is not true. It is almost the same with food, that can be seen in table of ordinary family. Bacon, bread, butter, fried chicken, ham and juice in the pitcher, the only difference, the plates, the drinking glass, are of expensive types as well as all other utensils his eyes, can able to see. The fork and spoons seem made from silver, if he is not mistaken, like what his grandmother used to tell on her story, when she still a little boy, the utensils, during the Spanish times. When Shayne invites him to eat, he only takes, bread and bacon, then he drinks the juice. They also take a shot of red wine available on the table

                Then, Shayne brings Dexter to a big room, the master room in the castle, there is a beautiful bed there, the thick foam of the bed, make it sure, anyone who lay down there, would have a very comfortable sleep. The pillows, and all the beddings are shining white, very different from the ordinary cloth available in the market and malls in the city.

                Shayne, herself, is also wearing glowing white dress, that seems reflects the light. Dexter is feeling uneasy with the environment. On the headboard of the bed, there is an expensive hairdresser, Shayne, sit down on the chair in front of it, and fixed herself. Dexter notice, the comb she used is made from silver, and there are lot of expensive jewelries like ring and earing made from fine gold on top of it, in front of the mirror. How could Shayne possess all of those jewelries by herself alone? The more Dexter comes with Shayne, the more and more things he learned about Shayne, the more questions he would like to ask Shayne, but he does get enough guts to ask all of them to her.

                Shayne sprayed a very fine perfume with a great fragrance, it is the only time Dexter has smelled such thing in his entire life. Shayne was so beautiful and lovely that night in the eyes of Dexter. He still cannot believe it, on himself, he has able to win the heart of this lady in a short time. Dexter had made love to Shayne several times, and his sexual drives and urges has subsided down this time.

                While they are laying on the bed, Dexter cannot help himself but to ask several questions to Shayne, hoping the later, will not be offended, and she will answer all of them.

                Why you are alone on this place?”

                “I am not alone; my sisters are just around but you could not see them”

                “Why your castle is invisible during the day?”

                “It is only invisible to human eyes, but not to one like me” she answered.

                “This castle is constructed in other dimension, and in coming here we cross the boundary of your world and my world. Without the guidance of someone, like me, you will not be able to enter here and come out of it”

                The perfume Shayne sprays, the night dress she wears, and the ambiance of the place all of them make Dexter flare up again his burning desire for the beauty of Shayne. He just a man in the presence of lovely woman he loves, he cannot help himself but to be carried again by that love that binds them together inside the room. Dexter kisses Shayne so many times and Shayne again give way to what Dexter is doing. They love each other, and it is just, to enjoy the happiness that this love can give to them.

                Morning of the next day, Dexter wakes up early, ahead of Shayne, he wants to scout the whole place and discover more. He walks towards the door, he opens it, and found out he is again inside the room, as if he is passing a circle and he is just going around. He presumed he is still dizzy because of the wine he drinks the night before. He just lay down again in the bed, but his mind, is again filled-up of so many thoughts, bothering him now.

                What if, he can no longer come out of this place, what will going to happen to him?

                What, if Shayne, is not actually a beautiful lady, and he is just put under her spell?

                What, if he can no longer go home, he cannot see his mother anymore?

                What power Shayne really possesses?

He cannot sleep anymore, he is laying down in the bed, but he remains awake. He sits down in the bed, he looks at Shayne, who sleeping sound like a baby. He looks at her for a long time, he notices nothing, she is still the same woman he had embraces and kissed and make love. Her angelic face still expresses the innocent lovely looks that attracts him at first sight. There is only one thing he is very sure at that moment, he is truly in love with this woman, and he is willing to sacrifice everything because of that love. If Shayne happens to be an enchanter or what he is still willing to love her come what may. It is the only time, he  terribly fall in love, to a woman like Shayne.

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