

They go home together, that is mid-day, Shayne prepares their food for the lunch, in the hut, it is because he is still adamant to enter his castle although she allows him to come inside. Dexter becomes used seeing Shayne doing house hold chores for him, he enjoys it, in the thought that someone is taking care of him.

                “Launch is ready, let’s eat” the sweet voice of Shayne that he always wants to hear.

                “Thank you very much, I pray you will not get tired of looking after me” he sincere on it   

Shayne smiles at him. He reaches her hand and pressed it, the small soft hands that is nice to hold, he always wants to hold this hand, if possible, forever. They eat together, once in a while stopping and having conversation of something not so important, but it makes them close to each other more than before.

                After eating Shayne leave Dexter, she went to her castle. The day is warm, the sun is on its zenith, she is perspiring and wants to relax. She takes a short nap and then afterwards, she decided to take a shower in the water falls, north of the hut.

                She thought, Dexter is asleep, he was also got tired in exploring the forest, early that day.

When she passed by, she sees him lying down in the bamboo bed, she presumed he is past asleep.   She proceeded to the falls and she plans to stay there long to cool herself. This is what she always used to do in the past.

                Shayne is wrong, Dexter is not asleep when she passed by in the hut.

                Dexter is laying down, but he is fully awake.

                He knows Shayne passed by going to the falls.


Shayne was used to bath and stay long in the water falls. It becomes her playground most of the time. She was used to do it for long time, otherwise, no man has ever penetrated her hiding place, and no one can ever do that, without her knowledge. The animals around are her lines of defense for such intruders, besides the thick vegetation growing around her place, is not easy, to pass by.

                Like what Shayne is doing in the past, she takes a bath in the foot of the falls totally naked. She looks like a goddess of nature, there, enjoying the cool bath of the falling water. This is her ways to be with the nature; to be one with the water and the falls, in a natural way. She cares for nothing, no inhibition whatsoever, because she was all alone in this part of the forest, for quite period of time. She has totally forgotten Dexter is with him, because; she allows him to see her in her hiding place.

                Dexter in the other hands, look like a thief, walking slowly, he is so careful not create any noise. He wants to reach Shane and surprise her. His naughtiness is again is at work and he wants to take advantage of the situation, he wants to join Shayne in taking a bath in the water falls.

                When Dexter reaches the falls, his eyes were all widely open. It is more than what he expected. He only expects she is having a native dress, and her wet looks will make the gorgeous body of her, obvious, like what he has seen in the sexy movies, in the city.

But it is so overwhelming, the total nakedness of Shayne is all free for his eyes to feast on. She is at the foot of the falls, and the flowing water is embracing her, she faces the flowing waters, and her naked breast is showing off. She looks like a goddess of nature, with the total innocence of lust, in the middle of forest, enjoying a cool bath.

Dexter cannot hold it, anymore, he undresses himself and immediately join Shayne. He suddenly embraces her, holding her tightly, so that she can not move away from him.  Shayne was surprised, she releases a loud shout, that echoed far and wide in the forest. But who can hear her cry for help? They are the only person around. She immediately recognizes Dexter, and she no longer move horridly to free herself.

“Why are doing this, to me, you don’t respect me?” she said to Dexter.

“I respect you, but you have attracted me so much while I am watching you”

“Then, it is your mistake, you are peeping at me” You are a sex maniac”

“No, I am not, I am only terribly in love with you”

Words then have no more place with the two of them. Dexter embraces, and kisses Shayne, he caresses her whole body. Shayne was then little by little get arouse of what Dexter is doing.

Dexter carried Shayne in the side of the falls and lay her down there. Then he, feast her eyes with the naked beauty of a goddess in front of him. Later on, he again embraces and kisses Shayne, in the lips, in her checks, in her breast. Shayne becomes a forgiving flower welcoming the refreshing dew in the morning. Dexter has reached the peak of his sexual attraction to Shayne and he gives off the final blow to the attainment of full happiness their sweet love to each other can offer. Dexter wild dream that Shayne, and him, be like Adam and Eve in the lost paradise happens.

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