
Chapter Four

Chapter IV: Unexpected Guest

I was staring at a paper I was holding now. I read its content one by one. I swallowed as I took a deep breath. I couldn't believe it, now in front of me and holding the proof that I am married to him.

I am married to a Lucas Lancaster.

Indeed, he was not lying when I asked him for proof. I swallowed again. My hand trembled as I lowered the paper I was holding. Our marriage contract. My signature stuck in my mind at the bottom of it.

I placed the marriage contract on the table in front of me. I closed my eyes and felt the sensation. At the same time, I leaned on the sofa I was sitting on.

How did I sign that contract? I don't remember signing a marriage contract! Unless..

I opened my eyes and immediately stood up. He followed me with his gaze.

"You forged my signature!" I threatened him.

He raised his eyebrows at what I said.

"Forged? Do you think I still have time to do that?" it said sarcastically.

"Why? It's not impossible! Because I don't remember signing a contract! The last time I signed a contract is..."

I stopped talking when I remembered the last time I signed a contract. It was my last day here and I'm going back to the city. I was in a hurry, and the mother was demanding that I sign an import contract. I didn't have time to read it anymore so I just signed it right away. Because I have a lot of trust in Mama. Total thought

Thought.. I thought again.

I looked back at Lucas, I saw him smirked as he looked at me intently. I swallowed.

"So you remember now?" he said as if he could read my mind. I swallowed again. I sat on the sofa, feeling that I suddenly lost my strength. I gasped and closed my eyes. I felt the sensation again, because it seemed to suddenly hurt.

I remembered what Mama did again. How could she do this to me? I accept that he traded me for money, but he took advantage of me, I didn't expect that. I feel like my whole family has betrayed me. It's like showing me that I don't fit in there. What have I done?

I sniffed and touched my cheek. I

just saw myself crying. I cried because of what I found out. What other betrayal will I know? Is there no end to this?

I was just surprised when I felt someone turn and hug me. I looked up, and Lucas and I met.

"Shh.. stop crying!'

He pulled me close to him causing to sink me into his chest. I put both hands to his chest, ready to push him away. But I was stunned when I felt him kiss my head. Instead of pushing him, I just clung to his clothes and cried there. He hugged me so tightly that I hugged him too. I find it comforting, so I don't know how many minutes it took for me to stop crying completely.

"Feeling better?" asked me who was the first to break away from our embrace. But he didn't let me get away from him. His arm stayed on my waist.

I looked up and our eyes met. I bit my lip when I saw how concerned he was. I looked away, I feel like I'm being bossed around now.

I noticed that he was wearing a wet t-shirt. I bit my lip and looked up at him again. I saw a small smile crept into his lips, maybe he was amused by what I did.

"Your shirt.]'

"Nah.. It's okay. But.." he looked seriously at mine "This is the last time you'll cry. I hate seeing you cry." here. I stared into his gray eyes.

My heart is pounding. Did I hear him right?

We stared at each other for a while when I remembered something. I looked away. If I'm married to him, to someone like him.. That means, I'm married to a... wolf. But how can I be sure that what I saw last night was correct, that I wasn't just looking around?

I looked up at him. His gaze met mine. I secretly muttered, why are her eyes so beautiful? I swallowed, can I ask him?

"Lucas? I know.. are you there inside?"

We looked at the door together. Mother Helen knocked outside.

"Lucas?" calling it mute.

"I'm here, Helen. Why?" he replied but he still refused to let me go.

"Elie called, saying something."

Lucas and I looked at each other. I noticed the increase in the Adam's apple. just for a moment he removed his embrace from me and stood up, he did not take his eyes off me.

"Stay here.."

I raised my eyebrows at what he said. It blew air and looked at me intently.

"I can also just send you to manang

Helen back to your room."

I'm not surprised by what he said. He looked at me directly, it was interrupted again when Helen knocked again. Lucas sighed and started walking towards the door. He opened it and spat out Helen's heir.

Our eyes first met before he looked at Lucas. He whispered something to Lucas causing him to nod. They looked at me together.

"Manang.. you can take her to her room while I'm away."

He said raising my eyebrows. Will he leave?

Manang Helen nodded and smiled at me. I also smiled back at her. I looked at Lucas who was now walking towards me. When it reached in front of me, it sat back next to me and hugged me. I spilled a little there.

"I'm going somewhere.]' he said. I buried my face in his chest and I couldn't help but smell his scent.

"You stay here while I'm away. I'll be back before dinner."

He put distance between the two of us. He looked at me again. He tucked my hair that covered my other eye then smiled. I just looked at him directly. He ignored that and just kissed me sensually. I closed my eyes and secretly smiled. I find his gesture sweet.

I remembered what happened last night when I was here.

He l's crashing every thing. I think it might be short

its sorry. But the gesture he just made? I held my breath.

I must guard myself to him. I have no idea why he does this.

He said goodbye to me. I just nodded there. I followed him until he got out of the library. He brought me here because I asked him for the proof that we are married. I sighed, I forgot to ask him. But, will he answer me?

"Didn't I tell you, he's kind."

I was holding my chest when Helen suddenly spoke next to me 1<0. I looked up at him because he was standing. His happy face greeted me.

"It's good that you and your wife are getting better anyway."

His last words caught my attention. He knows? It started walking away from me, which is why I immediately stood up from my seat. I followed him and when we got out of the library he was the one who locked it. We started walking down the hall. There were many paintings hanging, but I didn't have time to stare and admire them.

If he couldn't ask Lucas, he would ask Helen.

"Manang... ahm.. I was going to ask you something." I started to ask, she then turned to me as we continued walking.

"What is it, hmmm?"

"Ahm".. I swallowed. Shall I ask? But how could I be wrong? What if... I took a deep breath and quickly put the other questions out of my mind. If I don't try, I'll never know.

"You've been working with.." I swallowed '[Lucas" continuation 1<0.

I didn't take my eyes off of her. I noticed this thought.

"Hmm. Lucas hasn't been born yet, I'm already working with the Lancasters. Why did you ask?"

"Ahmm.." shit! Shall I ask? Come what may. "Ah-ahh. If that's the case, you already know him well?" I asked. It nodded. We stopped at a door, and when it opened, the familiar room was revealed to me. It seemed like we were back in my room where I stayed.

Manang Helen went straight to the bed, and it looked like something had been fixed there. I stood not far from him.

"Manang.." this is it."I wanted to confirm something. I'm restless. Ahmm." I bite my lip a lot.

"L-Is Lucas a wolf?" Manang Helen stopped what she was doing and turned to me. He looked at me as if he was assessing something. just for a moment, it held its breath.

"I'm not in the place to answer that son. Just ask Lucas. I'm sure he can give you the answer you want."

After saying what Helen said she walked towards the door. I just followed her with my eyes. When she got to the front door, she immediately opened it, but before she went out, she turned to me. It smiled slightly as if asking for patience. I just smiled back at him.

"What do you want for lunch?" she asked. I blinked.

"Anything to eat.." was not my own response. He turned around and left the room.

I don't know how many minutes I stood in front of the bed before I decided to lie down on it. I stared at the ceiling.

I will ask Lucas because he can give an answer like? The question is, will he answer me, will he tell me?

I just sighed and stared at the ceiling. When I got bored I lay down properly. I noticed something because of that. 

I got up and looked at the arms .

The scars are gone. My body doesn't hurt anymore. I remembered what happened earlier, what it did before the scars on my arm disappeared. I bit my lip, and immediately put the embarrassing events out of my mind. I tried not to think about the kiss. But what happened always haunts my mind. I groaned in frustration. Why do I think that?

"Argh.. you're crazy Maria." I said to myself and started adjusting myself. But seriously, how did he do that? How did he treat my scars?

Suddenly my heart beat faster. I'm sure, I'm sure he's a wolf. But.. but there is this kind of creature in the village? I thought I was only reading fiction. I thought..


Sighed. I hugged the pillow next to me. When he gets home, I will ask him directly. Right, I'll do that.

A few minutes passed and I didn't realize that I was already falling asleep.

I just WAKE UP feeling like someone was shaking my shoulder. When I opened my eyes, Helen's face greeted me.

"Hey, if you're young, it's hard to wake you up.

You and Lucas are just the same, sleeping oil." He stood up properly when I got up. I held my head when I suddenly felt a tingling sensation.

"That's it, you're still asleep this morning." its sermon. "Oh hey, get up from there and head to the kitchen. Lunch is ready. Your body doesn't seem to hurt anymore..." after saying that, Helen walked out of the room. I was left looking at what he came out with.

I decided to follow Helen into the kitchen. When I got out of the room I had no trouble finding the stairs. The elegant staircase greeted me. When I got down, I looked up at the living room


If only I hadn't followed what mom said, maybe I wouldn't be here today. But I know, if I don't follow that, we will also be in trouble in the end. I sighed and immediately went straight to the kitchen. When I got there, I saw the food prepared. Wait, how much is it?

"Manang.. how about the darni you cooked?" I will ask. she turned to me and what she had prepared in the kitchen. she grimaced and seemed to notice what she had done.

" isn't it?" it agrees with me. she smiled slightly. "I'm sorry. I was a little excited because I'm not going to cook for Lucas anymore, you're already there." I was left speechless by what Helen said. I felt myself blush at what she said.

When I sat down I asked her to eat.

It's good that she accompanied me anyway. I was happy to finish my meal. Anyway, I was not bored because of Helen's story about her family.

Manang Helen doesn't have a family of her own, it's sad but she has a family to support.hse has nieces and nephews who are studying. One college and two high schools. I also learned that Helen of the Mansion has only one assistant.

That's why she's the only one I see around here. I also don't know how she maintains the mansion by herself, but I can't help but admire her. It also told me how she was became assistant to the Lancasters. But I feel, his story is not complete. Something seems to be missing.

I offered to help wash the food we ate at Helen's but she wouldn't let me. He sent me back to my room because he said I still need to regain my strength. I can not do anything.

When I go up to the second floor and go to my room, I stop at the hanging paintings. I am entertained by those. There is a scenario like war, but there are only animals. But I got stuck on one painting.

A painting of a.. dog body. It stands on an inclined rock, which looks like a cliff. Behind it is the big round moon. Based on the painting it looks like a howl. The painting is not detailed, it's just a silhoutte of a dog howling. But I feel it's not a dog. A Wolf..


I almost jumped in shock when I saw Helen standing next to me. How did it end up next to me? I didn't even feel its presence. I noticed that he also looked at the painting in front of us. He smiled slightly and looked at me.

"This is one of Lucas' favorites. she told me that this is where you first met."

I raised my eyebrows at what Helen said. Meeting? What does this mean?

"What do you mean?" I noticed that he seemed to get upset in no time. There I confirmed something. Something's wrong.

"Ahmm. Nothing. Alright, I'll clean up the garden. Rest in the room first." that's all I heard from Helen, then she walked away from me. It did so by walking. I just held my breath.

I am in no position to ask. But what I'm wondering is, how did Lucas and I first meet the scenario in that painting?

I sighed and went back to my room. Okay, I'm claiming it like if it's my own room. I went straight to the bed and lay down. It was only then that I felt as if my body was also tired. I just woke up but I still feel sleepy. So I didn't do anything. I lay down properly and fell asleep again.

I WAKE UP again as if someone was shaking my shoulder. When I opened my eyes, Helen's face greeted me again. I smiled when I noticed his wrinkled face.

"What are you doing and how hard are you to wake up?" I laughed at this question.

I'm not really a fat sleeper. When I was in the city, I woke up early. But when I got home here in the province, I always woke up late. I just think that my body is too relaxed here.

"It's time for dinner. Just go straight to the kitchen, okay?"

I nodded at what she said. I looked at the clock, I had slept for almost six hours. I followed Manang towards the door. she was about to leave when I called her.

"My dear Helen!" it turned to me.


"Ahm.." I looked away and bit my lip. Wait, should I ask? Come what may. "Has L-Lucas come home yet?" I asked shyly.

I noticed a smile on her face.

"Not yet. But maybe it's going home." she responded and left the room.

I gasped for air. It was as if I was suddenly out of breath because of my question.

Where did he go and spend the night? He said he'd be back before dinner, but.. hey. What am I thinking?

I left the bed and fixed myself. When I got out of the room, I immediately went to the kitchen. When I got there, it looked like Helen was taking care of something again. Just like before, there are many ready at the table. But the rest of that, we had left over earlier and it looks like Helen just warmed it up.

"Oh dear, go ahead and sit down..." she said while placing a plate with only a dish on the table.

"Uhm.. is Lucas already here?" I couldn't help asking Manang..she stopped in front of me and smiled slightly.

"Maybe his coming. I don't know, he didn't text me," she replied. He doesn't like cellphones." I just nodded and looked at the food in front of me.

How many times do I have to ask where he is? Wait.

If I just wait for him? But.. maybe it will think differently? My mind was debating whether I should wait for Lucas to have dinner together or not and just go ahead. But in the end I decided to just wait for him. Maybe it's going home.

Only a few moments passed when I heard the doorbell from outside. I looked at manang who seemed to be busy with what he was doing. I stood up from my seat.

"Manang.. ahm.." I bit my lip. "I-I'll open it." Manang nodded while turning his back to me, so I immediately left the kitchen and headed to the mansion's door.

I did my hair and myself. I don't know why I do that. The doorbell rang again so I immediately approached it.

A small smile appeared on my face as I opened the double door. But when I opened it, Lucas wasn't standing outside.

"M-Maria?" it's my name.

I was speechless. Wait, what is it doing here?!

To be continued...

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