
Chapter 100- The Final Mark (+epilogue)

Chapter 100- The final mark(updated version)

Laila POV

“Ayeesha?” her name rolled off my tongue and I turned to her with my brows creased, her dark brows were no longer knitted and were more relaxed and she stared at the device in her arm ignoring the shocked look on my face.

“You two were supposed to take care of them since, what was the hold up for?” she said casually and Andrea popped a mint in her mouth while Calum stared at me, he was the only one paying attention to my reaction and the other two didnt mind my break.

“Ayeesha- how? No, this has to be a lie, there is no way this is- this is- is true.” I muttered words stuck in my throat, Ayeesha finally turned to me and placed her hands on her hips, i retraced my steps, my legs moving on its own accord. My eyes narrowed in anger.

“Why? How-”

“You probably didn’t hear it, you were passed out on the slab and you missed it,”

“Missed out? missed out? How much of a traitor you are?-”

“Oh please, you had the nudge that something was off about me yet you let yourself get distracted,” she said smacking her lips together. “At some point, i thought you would figure it out, even though i was careful there were loose ends with you and a part of me was afraid that you will see through me-” she shrugged. “You know, because you’re the white wolf and your insight according to legend is remarkable but you were caught up in the love triangle with the guys and for once i was thrilled. It was easy getting away from you.” she added.

“Then what about all those times you saved me?”

‘You thought I was going to let you die when you still had your mission to go through? No laila, i couldn't let that happen.” she answered calmly.


“Well remember what I said about joining the pack as an outsider- it was because your lover boys killed the one thing that mattered most to me. They killed my brother.” My breath hitched and my eyes widened, Ayeesha’s eyes were nothing innocent about the pair, it was filled with hatred and anger and resentment.

“You- you and Morgana are related?” i asked but she didnt answer, Andrea was beside her and there was a broad smile on her face.

“Looks like Morgana is ready,” she said and i frowned, what did she mean by that. The reddish cast from above drew my attention and my mouth fell open at the sight of the moon which was now red in color.

what was happening?

“What is happening?” The question left my mouth but when i kept my head down Ayeesah wasnt in front of me, instead she was behind me with a cold metal pressing against my neck.

“A single move Laila, and i wont hesitate to slit your throat.” she muttered in my ears and shivers ran down my spine. She pushed me to move and i did, Andrea and Calum followed us leaving Miera and Kai on the floor, limp and lifeless.

“You- you can’t leave them like that.” I muttered but Ayeesha only pressed harder on the knife and the blade pierced through my skin drawing a bit of blood.

“No talking, keep moving.” 

In defeat, i did as she asked, i couldn't point out what Ayeesha could do. we returned back to the center of the clearing where i found Ares on his knees with a blade pressed against his neck, Atlas was chained and was in the verge of passing out. Malcolm and Morgana stood beside both of them and even though it lasted for just a few seconds Malcolm's brows knitted when he saw me with Ayeesha.

“Ayeesha- we need plan c.” Ares muttered with his jaw set, his eyes were red and a growl escaped his lips when he saw me.

“I’m afraid there would be no plan C Alpha Ares,” Morgana said confidently and Ares's brows knitted followed with Atlas who didnt understand what was happening.

“Do as she says Ares, or the girl looses her life for good.” Ayeeshs says boldly. It took them a few seconds to understand what was happening.

“She is one of th- them.” i said in muffled tones but they heard. “They killed Miera and Kai.” I added and Atlas face fell while Ares eyes bulged. 

“No, thats a lie, thats impossible.” Ares muttered, “Ayeesha wou-” but he had seen something in her face that made the rest of his words cease out.

“You had tricked us the entire time, you lied- i- i the council were against you coming to the pack but i vouched for you, i told them that you were different,” Ares said and it broke my heart as the hurt laced his words.

“Too sad that you were wrong Alpha Ares.” she said mockingly. “Now Morgana, let's go on with the ritual.”

“You two? How-”

“Sisters,” Atlas said through the cold air which sliced over my face and into my hair. 

“Correct Atlas, your parents killed us over ten years ago, leaving us to navigate through this world by ourselves and then- you two made sure you destroyed our world completely by mudering our brother, this is revenge for all that the Hugh family did to us-”

My impulsive action got the best of me and i managed to break free from Ayeesha rendering her immobile after breaking her right hand and kicking at her knees, it was too quick and i stabbed her in the neck with one of the poisoned darts i had seen earlier, Ayeesha laid on the ground immobile- i should be happy but instead dread filled me.

“Ares!!” Atlas yelled out and i watched my entire world crash down. 

“Ayeesha.” Strong hands held me as i stared at Ares body fall down limp with his eyes wide. 

Ares. No. No. No. My eyes blurred with tears which lasted for a few second and was replaced with darkness, My wolf had taken over and this time i wasnt going to try and tame her.


One month.

It had been four weeks. 

Four weeks since the red moon. Four weeks since the chaos that shook the entire werewolf community.

The moon was high up in the sky, a quarter of it giving its light to the earth, inside the highrise building on the top floor stood a girl in silver hair and bright blue eyes, even with how far up she was. She closed her eyes and inhaled the air, the cold wind whipped past the base of her lilac dress which stopped just below her knees. The material ruffled against her body and she spread her hands out as if to embrace something thats not there.

“There you are.” A voice said pulling her out of her trance, the girl opened her eyes and dropped her hands to her sides as she turned to the guy behind her.

Soft green eyes stared back at her and a smile crossed her lips.

“You’re here,” she stated and walked up to him, stopping just a few feet away she wrapped her arms around his neck and his hands wrapped around her waist pulling her closer to himself.

“I can’t believe you’re back,” she muttered in his embrace while she nestled her face further into his chest. He smelled like Cinnamon and vanilla, and the cotton material of his shirt was warm and even with the cold air around, he was not as cold as her.

“I am,” he answered squeezing her gently. “I’ve missed you.” he added and she smiled against him.

“Me too.” she pulled away gently while staring at his face, the scar on his neck was still there but it was slightly covered by the collar of his shirt.

“Where is Atlas?” She asked. “Isn’t he supposed to be with you?” She tilted her head to the side making her hair move with her, even after cutting her hair four weeks ago, it had seemed to grown so much it fell in loose waves across her shoulders. 

“Yeah, he is with Miera and Derek.” He replied, reaching for her face, his palms cupping her sides, and he brushed her hair behind her ears.

“Did i say that i’ve missed you?” he said and she smiled leaning in for a kiss.

“Yes, you did.” Her lips met with his and the two shared their need to reconnect in a single motion. With closed eyes and a strong push into the other, her heart raced as the warmth filled her, the assurance of him being here for good. 

Laila never thought in a million years of moving out of the town to the big city but after everything that had happened, there was a change of needs and wants and this was one of it. Slowly Ares pulled away from her, his breath fanned her face and as her eyes fluttered open she stared back into the pool of green laced with gold.

“Let's go down, we don’t want them to come up here and interrupt th-” but it was too late, the door burst opened and Kevin rushed in with Estelle in his arms, but the both of them were too engrossed in themselves to notice that Ares and Laila were there, they both watched them kissed and Estelle giggled.

“For Gaia's sake-” Ares muttered in a low tone whihch the couple seemed to pick up. Red faces, and flushed cheeks, Estelle and Kevin stared at Laila and Ares who were staring back at them.

“S- how long have you two been here?” Kevin asked adjusting the collar of his shirt dress. 

“A while to see you two on the verge of making babies,” Ares muttered and Laila chuckled beside him. 

“I mean you two are doing the same thing so-” Ares glared at him and he cleared his throat.

“Down stairs now.”


With Ares arms wrapped around her waist, as they stepped into the brightly lit living room, Laila felt safe and assured that Ares was now with her. The past four weeks had been troublesome and a series of sleepless nights, even though Morgana and her team were obliterated she couldn't help the anxiety that awakened anytime Ares was away from her for too long. 

It wasn’t her fault. Anyone who saw the one they loved get hurt would lose themselves, that is why images from that day are still in fragments in her head but all she knew was that when she woke up, Ares was by her side in the hospital getting treated. His wound wasn’t so serious and Miera explained that because they were both joined by fate, her wolf cradled with Ares's body caused his body to respond to her healing powers. 

Now they were back together, for Good.

“Atlas!!” she yelled and jumped into his arms, he twirled her around in the air. 

“Yeah, i miss you too but we were only gone for three days.” he chuckled as he put her down. Laila rolled her eyes but didn’t let go of his hands. Derek was talking to Miera, he had been doing so much better when he realized that Ayeesha had betrayed us. She had been taken away and locked in a facility where she won’t be coming out anytime soon.

“Hey D.” Laila said with a small smile, “How are you?” Derek had shaved his head a few weeks back- saying it was his way of starting afresh. His eyes looked hollow just like everyone else, who had a tough time.

“Doing great,” he answered while takign a sip of his drink.

“Laila-” she turned to Miera. She pulled away from Atlas and hugged her tightly. It was the first time Laila had seen her since then. 

“I’m sorry-” Laila apologized. “I’m sorry for ever doubting you.” Laila repeated and Miera stroked her hair gently, 

“I know hun- i know that you are. Come, lets get some fresh air.” She said and they both stepped outside after assuring the twins that she would be fine.

Miera leaned on the balcony as she stared off into the city, the view from here was incredible and the lights looked like fireflies in the sky.

“My intuition to get a double was the right thing to do, i couldn’t fully trust Ayeesha but i didnt want to be the one causing dispution but i did know that something was up.” she explained.

“What about Malcom- i thought you were with Morgana because of how you-”

“Malcolm is Kevin’s brother.” the revelation turned Laila’s eyes wide and her mouth ajar.

“What? Thats not possi- but they said he was gone-”

“Yes, he was, but he got into Morgana’s army to be an insider, it was a dangerous job but he managed to pull it off.”

“You need to tell Kevin and Dere-”

“No. Malcolm made it clear that he didn’t want them to know. He says it's best they dont have their hopes up- he doesn't want them to look out for him, Laila, you have to respect his decision.”

“What? then i’ll wait knowing the truth-”

“Yes. Please, you don’t want to make this harder for them” Miera stated turning to Laila who was conflicted, she saw the look in the vampire’s eyes and knew that she was right.

“Okay, i won't say anything.” Laila sighed and turned to the city. “I’m glad that this is all over.”

“I am proud of you.” She started. “Your mother would be proud of you. You did it, you not only saved the ones you love but you saved the entire community back there. You’re a hero Laila, and i want you to be proud.” 

And for the first time, I did feel at peace. I had everything i wanted. Friends turned family and my mates by my side.


“I didn’t expect to find you here.” The masculine voice said to the woman who pulled out the chair opposite him to take a seat.

“Its good to see you too Malcolm,” she stated crossing her long legs. 

“What do you want Maya? You’ve gotten what you wanted, the red ruby.” Malcolm muttered putting down the glass of wine. He cleared his throat and called the waiter over for his bill. While he reached to bring out his wallet, Maya replied.

“There would be no need for that. I think it’s all cleared up. I need to speak to you.” she said and he raised his brows at her.

“No you don’t,” he replied and got out of his chair heading for the door, she sighed but followed him. It was raining outside and from the distance lightning flashed off in the sky.

“I have been stripped off my duties.” she said and he halted. “Everything i worked hard to get is gone,”

“Thats not my problem Maya, i am not the friend you pour your heart out to.” He stated pulling out a cigarette from his pocket. She plucked the material out of his mouth and tossed it into the rain making him frown.

“Thats not all- they’re going to kill me.” She added and he examined her face- she wasnt the type of woman he would involve himself with but he noticed how her voice wavered. 


“You’re the only one i can trust to keep me alive.”


Thank you for coming this far. Mated to the HUGH TWINS is officially done and dusted.

Do you want to see Maya and Malcolm love-hate story? If yes, please leave a comment.

Comments (27)
goodnovel comment avatar
Good book can wait for next one
goodnovel comment avatar
So Ares never mated with Lila? It seems unresolved!
goodnovel comment avatar
Funmi Kukuaka
No,I don't want to read more because I don't like the way the other one ended

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