
Chapter 8

I wasn't really sure what to say so I just went with...


She just turned to look at Alessandro.

"Lo que le faltaba al postre... la cereza, mejor dicho la Americana." (What was missing from the dessert...the cherry, or rather the American.)

Alessandro came closer to stand between us.

"Nicole meet my sister Andrea, Andrea this is Nicole."

She seemed unbothered.

"Is he forcing you to stay here?" She asked me point black.

"Andrea!" Alessandro growled at her.


"Not talking to you now Ale."She looked at him for a moment before returning her attention to me.

"You can tell me the truth, if you wish it I'll drive you to the airport myself. Trust me he can't stop me."

For some reason I believed her, So there was no doubt in my mind about my answer.

"Please take me home." I said without looking at Alessandro. He was about to say something when Andrea put a hand to his chest.

"Go get your stuff, I'll take your passport."Andrea told me. Takeing one last glance at Alessandro I ran to the room.


 I didn't care about my clothes I could always get new one, I only cared about the bear. As I grabbed him from the bed I went to the door but my path was blocked by Alessandro.

"We have a deal, don't you remember?" He asked me.

"There is nothing that assures me that you will keep your end of the bargain, this feels more legit." I tried to go past him but he blocked my path with his hand, still not touching me.

"I gave you my word didn't I?"


"I don't know if I can trust your word."

 He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

"I gave you my word that I wouldn't touch you, don't you take that as proof."

"There is nothing that guarantees me that won't change."

With his hand lowered I made my way to the door I was about to turn the knob when..

"If you leave now, I'll tell my man in NY to take Erica."

The blood in me froze.


"What?" I asked him, my voice trembling.

"Before my sister gets you to the airport I'm gonna have Erica in my possession."

"Are you really treating me with the only person I have?"  I asked him in disbelief.

"You leave me no choice, all I'm asking you is to hold your end of the deal."

I want to leave but he and I know that I would never put Erica at risk, so I defeatedly walk to the bed and set my bear next to my pillow.


"You can tell my sister we made a deal and you're staying, but..."

"Leave the blackmail part out."  I finished the sentence for him before leaving the room. I was going down to stairs I saw Andrea waiting for me.

"Where are your things?" She asked me.

"We won't be needing them,I'm staying here."

"What did he do?"  She asked me but was definitely looking behind me.

"Nothing,we made a deal, I stay here for six months and then he let me leave."

She laughed. 


"Something else is going on here." Andrea said.

"Nicole saved my life when I was shot, I want her by my side."Alessandro said to Andrea.

"As what exactly, your lucky charm?" She said sarcastically.

"I gave her my word, you know better than anyone I always keep my word."

I am so tired of hearing about his precious word.

"Fine brother, then I'll be staying here, with you guys."


Honestly, the look on Alessandro's face was priceless. You know that face when you're about to have explosive diarrhoea,  I think that's that face.

"¿Tu me estas jodiendo?" (Are you fucking with me?) He said.

"No, I'm a bit tired of travelling, staying home for a bit doesn't seem that bad."

She said as she walked up to me.

"Besides I want to meet our new friend."

 I still don't know how I feel about her but seeing how much she fucks with Alessandro's mind I think I like her already.


"Why don't we finish that breakfast Nicole, I'm starving."  She said as she walked outside,I followed her.

"You don't speak Spanish Nicole?"Andrea asked me as we sat down at the table.

"No, I can understand bits and pieces when you talk slowly."

"Give it a month or two with me and you'll be fluent." I smiled.

"You think?"

"When I was 14 my parents sent me to boarding school in Sweden, I taught my roommates Spanish in six weeks."

"Thats amazing,and I'm really glad I meet you, with you here I think time will fly by."


Two months later.


Andrea was so right,in just two months I was haveing full on convertations in Spanish.

Haveing her here, makes this place seem less like a prison, a golden prison but a prison in the end. For now Alessandro has kept his word, he hasn't touch me. But ever since he threatened me with taking Erica, I can't even properly look at him let alone have a conversation with him. I think his idea of seduction is showering a woman with presents,so much so that every day I receive clothes,jewellery, perfumes, make-up,shoes. Erica would kill for these shoes.

I do get to talk with her, but always in Alessandro's presence, I pretend that I'm fine and having the time of my life.

She thinks Alessandro is hot, she even asked me how he is in bed, not knowing he was on the other side of the phone.

I told her I had better, just to annoy him.


Andrea and I found a cosy place in the home theater room watching "Days of our lifes" of all shows.


"Take that bitch." We both screemed at Sammy as if she were in the room.

"Are you two loseing your mind?" Alessandro asked us. Andrea put the TV on pause.

"You won't let her leave , so we had to find something to entertain us."

"Can you tone it down a bit, Diego and me are working." He said as he walked out.

"Uhh I don't like that Diego guy." Andrea said as she sat down again.



"I don't know,he has been working as my brothers PA for a year now and there is still something about him I just can't digest. Besides his record is too clean."

"His record?"  I asked her genuinely confused.

"A background check we do for all of our employees,everybody has a slip up in their life.He has none."

"Not everybody has to have it." I say.

"You mean not everybody swims in the fountain wearing a unicorn onesie." Andrea says as the blood trains from my face.

"How do you know about that?"

"You may have deleted all the photos but the internet never forgets."

"So how much exactly do you know about me?" I asked.

"Enough to know that you don't pose a threat to my family." She says that dead serious, I could see that she was getting lost in her thoughts and the ambient was getting a bit uncomfortable so I decided I could take a bathroom break.


"I'll be right back."

 I got up and exit the theatre room, I got fairly comfortable walking around this house. At first it was kind of a big maze But I got the hang of it. There is only one room this entire house that I don't know and it's because no one except Alessandro is allowed in.

So imagine my surprise when I see a man that I've never seen before leave the room no one is supposed to enter. And he does it in such a suspicious way, not even opening the doors fully just kind of slipping between a crack getting shocked when his eyes meet mine.


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