
Chapter Five

I woke up in an unknown room, again but it wasn't a love hotel like before, there were no condoms or ropes and chain or lube, no dim lights, nothing. I winced at the sudden pain in my cheek, I held my hand to my cheek while I admired the room, the walls were painted blue, there was a closet at the end of the room, there weren't any pictures, there was a work desk next to the bed with a laptop, papers, books and writing utensils and the bed was huge, fit for a prince. I started thinking whether this was one of those isekais where you die and become a young master. The door swung open, pulling me out of my fantasy world. It was a woman, not very young, dressed in a maid outfit- not the sexy ones in Akito's "magazines" but a normal maid outfit. She walked around the room, dusting the walls and desks. 

"I swear, the young master, always causing trouble, as if he wasn't rebellious enough..." She complained as she cleaned.

"Young master?" I think aloud which gave her a fright.

"Oh goodness!!" She exclaimed and turned around. "You scared me."

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

"I'll go inform the young master that you're awake." She says approaching the door.

"Wait..." I yell bringing her to a stop, "who is the young master?" I ask.

Just then, our attention directed to the sound of the door opening, I couldn't quite see the person's face from where I was but the woman bowed and walked out of my view, I assumed she went for the door.

"Do you feel okay?" A familiar voice said, footsteps approaching.

He finally got to a point where I could see him. It was Touya, he was now standing at the foot of the bed, waiting for my answer. 

"I'm okay." I remove the blanket and stand up, feeling the breeze on my skin.

He immediately turned around, "Um, here you go." He handed me a shirt.

I didn't understand why until it got a little bit too cold and I realized that I was naked. Again. My face heated up, I grabbed the shirt and put it on.

"Why is it that everytime I black out and wake up, I'm either half-naked or fully naked?" I yelled.

Touya's POV

"Young master, Your father would like to speak with you so he has asked that I pick you up and take you to the family home" Mr. Sato, my father's driver said.

I got into the car and he started driving. We drove through an unknown street, I had never been there before but the houses and apartments looked pretty normal so I didn't ask where we were though something caught my eye, Hinata, hunched over and holding onto a pole then using the walls as a support to walk, I saw his two friends farther in front of him, walking away without a care in the world.

"Sato, stop." I requested and he stopped the car. I opened the door and got out of the car but before closing the door, I heard Sato whisper in protest. "I'll be back." I reassure him as I close the door and walk away, towards Hinata. He tried to grab onto something but it seems he lost his hold of it and was about to fall which made me quicken my pace. I grabbed him around the waist before he could fall, "are you okay?" I ask.

He stares at me in bewilderment.

"Are you okay?" I ask again.

"I'm fine, I just lost my footing." He replied, trying to get his bearings.

"Are you sure?" I looked up to see that his friends were no longer there. "Where are your friends?"

"I told them to go on ahead." He replied.

What kind of friends are they anyways? I helped him walk the rest of the way home. When we got to his place, I saw his friends and an older man standing at the front door. I suspected that it was his dad.

"Where were you? Daichi and the other one have been waiting here for over 20 minutes now." The older man yelled.

"Nowhere dad, I was just having-" 

"And who's that one?" His dad said pointing at me.

"I'm Touya Matsuzaki." I said, gesturing for a handshake but he ignored me and faced Hinata.

"So, what took you so long?" His dad said.

"Yeah, what took you so long?" One of his friends, Daichi said, obviously angry.

"He was-" I try to answer for him to lessen the blame on him but he interrupts me.

"What took me so long?" He yelled. "WHAT TOOK ME SO LONG? You both were walking with me when I almost collapsed and all you did was ask if I was okay and the moment I said that you could keep going without me, you both left without even looking back and now you ask me what took me so long."

"We asked if you needed help and we know you're really stubborn about that stuff, so we didn't want to keep pushing." The other one jumped in. I hadn't learnt his name yet.

"And when I didn't catch up to you guys, you didn't even think to come back to check on me, to see if I was actually okay like I said I was, huh? Did you?" He continued yelling, tears welling up in his eyes.

There were no responses.

Daichi finally noticed me throughout all the commotion, it's not like he didn't see me but he was just now acknowledging my presence. He walked towards us and tried to pull Hinata away from my side but Hinata slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me." He said.

Hinata stumbled back which made me worry, I looked at him and I noticed that his face was flushed and he was sweating profusely, he probably had a fever.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay?" I asked but he ignored me, still bursting with rage.

"Do not touch me Daichi, you've been ignoring me all week, all the advances I made to talk to you, you shut down but the moment you want something from me, do as... you do as you please." He slurred.

"Hina, are you ok-"

"And I told you not to call me Hina. I just want to be friends again but you confessed and its your fault, it's all your fault." He gradually stopped yelling. 

I suddenly heard a thud next to me, like when you slam a book on a desk, I turned around to see Hinata lying on the ground, his father standing over his body holding his fist in his other hand. It happened so fast, I didn't even have time to react.

I ran to Hinata and tried to wake him up, his cheek was redder than the other. "Sir, what did you do?" I asked knowing full and well what he did but still in shock of what just took place but his friends immediately ran to his dad and held him back.

"Take him with you and don't let him come back until we tell you to." Daichi yells.

"Won'the protest when he wakes up? What about the matter of clothes? What should I say to him?" I bombarded him with questions in the heat of the moment.

"Just go!!" They yelled in unison struggling to hold him back. 

I carried Hinata and ran back to the car where Mr. Sato was waiting. I opened the car door and dropped him in then went to sit in the passenger's seat.

"You-young master??" He said in distress.

"Drive to my apartment." I ordered.

"But your father wants you home." He interjects.

"Damn it. Let's go then." I say.

We got to my family home, I carried him into the house and walked straight to my former room. I opened the door to see one of the maids cleaning.

"Out!!" I said.

"Young master, welcome back." She scurried out of the room. 

I laid him on the bed, took off his shoes and socks so he would be comfortable. I stood up to leave but he grabbed my hand.

"Don't leave." He said. "Don't leave...Daichi." I don't know why but when he called for someone other than me, I felt my chest tighten, I didn't like it, not one bit. 

I eased my hand out of his and laid on the bed next to him, he wouldn't stop clinging to me, well he wouldn't stop clinging to "Daichi" and for someone reason, imagining him and Daichi cuddling together on a bed infuriated me, it made my blood boil. I fell asleep and when I woke up, he wasn't holding onto me anymore. I stood up and went to take a shower. 

I came out of the shower to see his clothes scattered all over the floor and he was completely naked sprawled on the bed. I noticed it before but his skin is really fair so it's really noticeable when there's even a spot on him.

"Hot." He groaned. 

I walked towards the thermostat and decreased the temperature. I didn't want him to be too cold so I covered him up with a blanket. I went into my closet and put on a black shirt with grey sweatpants and I went to go speak to my father.

"God, what is wrong with you?" I yelled as I slammed the door of his office.

"An arranged marriage, I'm still a second year and I'm not even in college yet, not to talk about the fact that I like someone else." As soon as I said that, Hinata popped into my head along with the memory of him calling for Daichi in his sleep and I felt my chest tighten up again. Why did I say that I liked someone? And why did Hinata come to mind? Do I like Hinata? When I became aware of my surroundings again, I was at my room door. I walked in and saw the same maid as before about to walk out the door, "she probably came to finish her work." I thought to myself. She bowed and left, I saw Hinata sitting up on the bed so I walked over to him.

"Do you feel okay?" I asked out of concern.

"I'm fine." He said.

He stood up from the bed and the blanket that was resting on his chest slid down, uncovering his body, he hadn't noticed it yet so I didn't want to stare at him either so I turned around, I saw a shirt that was hung on the chair and handed it to him.

I turned around when I stopped hearing the ruffling of his shirt to see him, his face beet red while he tried to cover his legs with the rest of the shirt.

"Pfft..." I let out.

"D-don't laugh at me." He yelled again.

"I'll go find you a pair of pants that'll fit." I chuckled as I walked into my closet.

I came back with a pair of pants that I used to wear while I was in middle school.

"Here." I motioned to him.

He collected it and proceeded to put it on, "how did I get here anyways?" He asked.

"This is my home and I brought you here." I replied, leaving out the rest because I felt like he didn't want to remember nor talk about it.

"Ok, well why am I here?" He followed up.

Why would he ask me that? It's almost as if he doesn't- "Do you not remember anything that happened after I walked you home?" I waited eagerly for his response.

"No, that's why I asked how I got here." He replied, now confused. "What happened after you walked me home?"

I couldn't think of anything to say, before I left, Daichi told me not to say anything about what happened to him. I think he has a right to know but...

*bzzt bzzt*

"Give me a sec, I need to answer this." I took my phone out of my pocket and checked the screen. It was an unknown number, I picked it up and walked out of the room.

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