
He Came to the Rescue



I wished for once Lucas would stop looking at me like he could see my sins through my skin. He folded his arms as he asked me to tell him what I knew about him. 

I was sure I met him at the Iris Hotel the night Ryan and I broke up, and he'd given me a lift to Joan's apartment. 

However, Lucas' denial could only mean he was some sort of undercover agent who didn’t want to blow his cover.  

“You’re an undercover agent,” I spilled out without knowing how silly I sounded, “You don’t have to worry about your identity.”

I moved my hand on my lips, “My lips are forever sealed.”

Lucas rolled his eyes as if he hadn’t heard anything sillier. “I’m not an undercover agent, Ariel. Can I close my door now?”

I didn't say any more words. I let Lucas close the door behind him as the tone of my name in his mouth rang into my ears. 

How could someone call my name so perfectly? I wished he would call me once more so I could sink into it. Suddenly, speaking with Lucas this morning made me forget I had trouble getting a job. 

I cleaned up the roughened area by my doorstep, limping back into my living room to find out the deafening silence in my life. 


My wound healed after five days, and I was able to walk without visibly limping. On the sixth day, I resumed my job search, and I was back to my home, shattered than how I had left.

I hit my head on my couch, and then my phone buzzed. I could guess the caller was Joan, my best friend. She was probably calling to get me out tonight. 

I picked up Joan’s call, and I was right. Her squeaky, excited voice would deafen my ear if she spoke any louder. 

She spent the next two minutes persuading me to go to the club with her. I reminded her that I needed a job and not to waste my time partying again.

“You’ll get it,” She promised as if she had a job stacked somewhere for me. 

I gave in to her plea, and her next words rang in my ears, “Dress sexy, will you?”

I hung up the call. For the rest of the day, I scrolled the internet and ate my leftover chicken and chips as I waited for the night sky to appear. 

Tonight, I stepped out in the fine green mini-dress Joan had gotten me on my birthday last year. Joan’s car pulled out in her rusty car, and her horn blared out loud to call me out. 

However, Joan wasn’t the only person standing by their car in the parking lot. Lucas was about to step into his car as well, and his head hung still to look at me. 

We both looked at ourselves in silence as I entered Joan’s car. 

“What was that?” Joan asked, “And who's that fine wine?” Her emphasis was on Who. 

“No one important,” I replied, turning to her, “come on, let’s get out of here.”

Joan started the car again, but she promised me that we would talk about the fine old wine who just couldn’t take his eyes off me. 

Joan played her favorite Ariana Grande album, blaring it as we drove into the street. Then, she pulled up at the club. I was kicked out from the last time I saw Ryan and his new girl.

Joan reminded me that the chances of meeting Ryan here were close to zero, and I didn't need to worry. 

But the bouncer by the club’s entrance stopped me from entering while he let Joan in. He informed me that I had been blacklisted from entering the club since the incident with Ryan. 

Joan stood across the rope line as she tried to plead with the bouncer. 

I stood in the front queue arguing with the bouncer until a firm hand gripped me. When I looked up at the man holding me, my heart skipped a beat as I saw Lucas. 

“She’s with me,” he told the proud bouncer, and as if Lucas was an important individual, the bouncer had let us in. 

"Why did you-" I began to speak, but I couldn't find the words. 

“Why did I let you in?” Lucas asked, “I expected a form of gratitude from you, Ariel.”

Of course, I was grateful to him. I just couldn’t help but wonder what influence Lucas had on the bouncer. 

Why had the bouncer let me off the hook just because Lucas showed up to the rescue? 

Maybe Lucas was not an undercover agent. Maybe he was something more than I imagined. 

Thinking about that sent chills down my spine. I wasn't sure what I felt at that moment: excitement or fear.

The hall was already filled with pulsating music, vibrant neon lights, and energetic chatter. It was a popular downtown club known for its eclectic mix of music genres, from electronic beats to classic hits.

The dance floor was alive with a diverse crowd, moving to the rhythm under the mesmerizing glow of the disco ball.

Lucas and I still stood at the entrance door, and I couldn’t help but remember the last time I had been in this club. I didn’t want to think about that, not tonight.

Thanks to the arrogant man beside me, I was given a chance to have fun tonight. And that was exactly what I intended to do.

Have fun.

I made to walk away, but Lucas grabbed my wrist. The feel of his hand on my bare skin sent a jolt through me, a sudden shock that ignited every nerve ending.

Slowly, I turned to face him. The look on his face killed the moment instantly. Lucas arched his brow, his lips curving in anticipation.

I couldn’t tell why he was looking at me in that way, and then it clicked. He was still waiting for me to say thank you.

For a second, I hesitated as I pulled my arms from his, rubbing the spot where I could feel his touch.

“I didn’t think saying thank you would be so important to you.” I raised my voice above normal so he could hear me.

“It’s only proper, seeing that if it hadn’t been for me, you’d still be standing outside trying to convince the security that-”

“I get it.” I interrupted, feeling irritated at the arrogant way in which he said it. I could tell him what he wanted to hear and get on with enjoying the night.

But for some reason I didn’t feel inclined to. Perhaps it was the way he insisted on it.

“If you do, then it’s only proper you say it,” Lucas said, snorting.

“I didn’t need your help out there. Hadn’t come, I am sure I’d have found another way to get here.”

Lucas's eyes bulge at my words; they flicker, drawing me in in the swaying disco light of the room.

“I doubt that very much. Are you too prideful to be appreciative when someone renders you some form of help?”

“Prideful?” I sneered.

He breathed in, “If there’s anyone who’s a stuck-up arrogant bull between us both, that would be you. Since you arrived, you’ve succeeded in making me feel small with your presence, denying the fact that you recognize me!”

I could feel a rush of anger rising up within me, and I couldn’t understand where it was coming from. Somehow, being in this place brought back memories that made me feel both ashamed and angry.

And I was taking it out on him.

“Why is it so important that I recognize you?”

“Oh, who says it is important? For the record, I am glad you don’t.”

That was a lie, and from the look on his face, he knew it was. But I didn’t care. “I don’t want another conceited and lying ass male in my life.”

Lucas stared at me like he couldn’t understand what I was blabbing about. I wanted to say something more but was saved by the appearance of Joan. She was giggling and already very chirpy.

It didn’t take anything to get Joan in the mood for a party.

“Hey!” she screamed at the top of her voice to ensure I heard her above the booming speaker in the room.

I was furious at her for leaving me out there, seeing that she had been the one to insist I come here to this club.

Here, where I could meet the very person that could ruin my night. I turned to glare at Joan, my anger evident on my face.

However, Joan didn’t seem to notice it, nor me. Her full attention was on Lucas. I could see she was already swooning all over him.

“Hi, my name is Jo.” She said, stretching her hands and smiling like a complete idiot.

“Your name is Joan.” I pitched in.

She turned briefly to me, saying in a rush: “Yes, Joan, but my friends can call me Jo.”

“I’m your only friend, and I don’t call you Jo.”

Joan turned away from me again: “Doesn’t matter,” she said. “What’s your name, handsome?”

Handsome? I bit my lower lips to stop the words from coming out. Turning, I moved away from them to the bar.

He was truly handsome. The type of handsome I’d throw myself upon six months ago.

However, I wasn’t the same person as I was six months ago.

I was a changed woman, doing my best to stay away from men.

All Men.

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