
Chapter 5

Lisa's POV

" Hey there, Princess of Oakenville." 

          I am always unsure of how to react to the mention of my supposed title. Yet I allow my lips a curve, because it's Emilie Forger whose face fills the screen of my laptop. There's no malice behind her words, as the title is usually called with spite or awe. There is only childish mischief twinkling in her coffee brown eyes. 

          " Hi Em," I clasp on silver earrings. " How are you? And how's Duke's Table?" 

          " Is this the part where I reel off the terrific performances of your food haven? I guess so. Your other baby's fine." 

          I shoot the woman in whose capable 

hands I left my restaurant a look of mock reproach. 

          " You are smokin' hot," she drawls. " What's the occasion?" 

          I glance down at my bodycon black dress with its long sheer sleeves encrusted sparingly with tiny rhinestones. A silver button is fastened at my neck, but a triangle is cut out for a generous view of my cleavage. I haven't worn anything this daring for so long. But I like how it makes me feel. Sexy, and powerfully feminine.

          " You think?" I do a twirl as Emilie whoops. Even Willow cheers from atop the bed, where she busied herself with a stuffed bunny I packed into my trunk just for her. 

         "I know. You're a woman for the ages, Lisa Armstrong Reed." 

         "Thanks love." I grin. I fantasize running into Damien in the hallway. The way his eyes would dilate as he appreciatively drinks in the sight of me. I stop myself when I realized how vain the line of thought is.  " Selena invited me over for dinner tonight. With the girls," I add in a sloppy imitation of her Southern accent. Emilie's laugh is throaty. 

          " I wish you were here with me." 

          Emilie regards me with puppy eyes. "Me too, darling. Me too. Enjoy your evening, sexy princess." 

          I don't hide the blush that reddens my face. 

          " My regards to Willow." She calls out, craning her neck so she can glimpse my child behind me." Hey Sweetie!" 

          Willow stares back with confused, large eyes. She's probably wondering what Emilie's doing in a screen, I consider with a laugh. "Give Nolan a kiss for me, will you?" I say to Emilie. 

          " Lisa, did you know…" 

          I pivot back to her as she trails off. "Hmm?" 

          She shakes her head, beachy blond curtain bangs whipping around her face. "Don't worry your pretty head." And the call ends. 

          I arrange my wavy hair over one shoulder as I let myself mull over what Emilie intended to say. Did another gossip about me break out in Oakenville? Perhaps they can finally prove I murdered my husband just so I can have his idyllic mansion all to myself. 

          I slide my feet into diamante heels with butterfly wrap around straps. Picking up a silver clutch and a tote bag specially put together for Willow, I beam at her. 

          It's time to go. 

          The setting for the dinner is a cozy, Italian restaurant, with dim lighting to thank for the ambient, relaxing mood. Soft music plays in the background as Selena and I make our way to the reserved table. 

          " Here comes the bride…" Yvette croons as we approach. Brown locks tumble down in glossy spirals onto a turquoise silk dress the same shade of her irises. She acknowledges me with a pretty smile in my direction before turning to Selena. "Do you want a blue feather boa or pink?" She asks Selena.

           " Blue," Selena opts cheerfully. 

           " That leaves you with pink then," She drapes the plumy thing around my shoulders. 

          "I see we have a stranger with us," comments someone in a white strapless number. " Who's that?" 

          " Chillax, Tiffany." Selena is strutting to her place at the table, where it appears like she's flanked by her friends. " Lisa's family." 

          " Oh, that Lisa?" Tiffany's voice rings out with a titter. Though it's kind of apparent she's tipsy from some wine, with the way her head lolls with each movement, I wonder what she knows about me. I glance over at Selena for an explanation. She waves a hand dismissively. " Lisa, meet my friends. And bridesmaids. From my left is Tiffany. She works with me at JK magazine. And of course you know Yvette, Leigh and…" 

           Yvette clears her throat. " Umm…" 

            " Isn't Nicole at Miami yet?" Selena raises a quizzical brow. 

            " I'm sure she'll be here soon." 

            " Oh. Okay." Her high pitched tone tells me it isn't really okay. " I haven't seen you guys in like, forever. So before I get hitched, I thought we should meet and catch up, like old times." 

            " Thanks for having us then." Leigh beams. 

            " The pleasure is mine, love." 

            The rest of the evening lulls by. Champagne flowing, chatters and whispers wafting over lasagna. Selena looking on with a contented smile. In the warm lights, she's a girl on fire in the best ways, a flaming queen holding court. We both wanted our own happily ever after. It seems like one of us will get there afterall. 

            " Guys," Yvette suddenly calls. Clinking of cutlery seizes as all heads whip towards her. "I just received a text from Nicole's mom." 

            That piques their interest. 

             " And?" Comes Selena's expected reply. 

             Her expression is solemn. Selena narrows her eyes. I take the hint, just like everyone else around the table. This is so not good. 

             " Is she dead or something?" Tiffany whispers. 

             " Maybe the champagne's got to you," Selena snaps. 

           " She's fine, Tiffany." Yvette exhales. " But in a hospital." 

            Everyone collectively gasps. 

            " What happened?" Inquires Leigh while she fiddles with a napkin. 

            " It was Adam, her miserable excuse of a husband." Yvette scowls. "Apparently they got into a huge fight." 

            Leigh releases a string of curses. Tiffany lets her fork clang noisily on her plate. But it's Selena that's the most terrifying now. Her eyes have gone cold, and I can already imagine her hands around Adam's neck, squeezing until his head pops off. 

            "That jerk just ruined my wedding plans. Hope he's pleased with himself." 

           " What are we gonna do now?" Yvette meditatively wrings her own feather boa. 

           " Ask one of Wade's groomsmen to step down?" Leigh suggests. 

           Selena sighs, a sign she isn't even considering it. 

           " Should we call the wedding planner…" Yvette starts to say.

            "And have her do what?" Selena counters.

             "... Or the doll here can try on the dress. And stand in for Nicole," Yvette completes, zeroing in on me. 

            Doll ?

          But that's the least of anyone's worries. Tiffany is sizing me up. Leigh taps a red pointy nail on her chin. "Good idea. I watched her while she walked in. She's about Nicole's size too." 

            Yvette takes a swathe of my hair. "It has a hint of red, but it should blend in with the rest of our browns. Thank goodness you're here. You can fill in for the Maid of Honor." 

            I notice for the first time that, save for my aunt, I am surrounded by brunettes. 

            " We need the bride to stand out," Yvette explains. "Even Leigh, a natural blonde, had to turn brunette for this wedding. It's all for the cause." 

            Leigh wistfully pats her brown tresses. "The choice was entirely mine. Just as the choice should be yours if you want to replace the bridesmaid."

            Unexpected? Yes. Though it shouldn't be that hard. I glance at Selena for at least her approval. Her face is an unreadable mask. 

            " You don't want to?" Tiffany downs a flute of champagne. " We won't get mad if you refuse." 

            I might have been stunned by the sudden development, yet I want to help Selena's wedding plans get back on track. If only to help her achieve her happily ever after. If only to see her smile. 

            "We should have you try on the dress tomorrow. Before our beach trip," Yvette begins. "That's if…" 

            I bite my lower lip. " I'll do it. Anything for Selena's perfect wedding." 

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