
CHAPTER 5: Where are you?


"Alpha, are you assured you know what you're doing defending a criminal woman?"

I took James, my most trusted beta, out of the kingdom to find Clavem, who was now being hunted by the civil guards, as well as the Chief Zeta's and the Gamma's, due to the crucial order of Heres, especially because her father was in the association on the other side of the country. So, as her Father, the King, assigned Heres to govern their realm and implemented a distinctive and very terrible punishment, Clavem was sentenced to death as payment for the valuable life she took.

"Fuck off!" I curse badly. "You'd better just help me find her!" Now my pulse is beating rapidly, and my entire body is shivering in dread of Clavem's impending death.

Damn it! I cannot understand myself anymore, but I also don't want Clavem to be hurt, and I seem to lose my mind if something horrible occurs to her.

I could see James was confused by his tone. "But it was Clavem who killed the queen," he said, paused, and swallowed. Shrugged, then bit and licked his lips. "The dear queen, who was the mother of your beloved luna and was killed on the very birthday of her only child, you alpha, don't you think this is depressing?"

I stopped walking when I heard what he said. Those simple words stung too much because of my unintentional lies and betrayal of my own wife.

"You're a jackass! You don't understand! So I commanded you to shut up!"

I wouldn't be like this if I could control my emotions, and I wouldn't think about her every day. I'm hoping for the day when I can truly let her go. My jaw clinched as I swallowed the spit that had filled my mouth. My veins became apparent when I clenched my fist.

"Alpha, my brother, I'm sorry that I've taken the liberty of speaking and questioning you too much, that I don't even realize I'm stepping on your line, but Heres, your wife, is in mourning; she needs her husband to lean on, and you should be by her side right now," he pleaded. "I know Clavem is your fated mate, and you are concerned with her... but I will remind you that you are also an Alpha, a designated leader with a vital part in your jurisdiction, and many of your subordinates rely on your fair tenure. Clavem is a killer, and you need to capture her to end her life, not revive her and set her free."

My breathless eyes closed in uncertainty as I moved my head a few times. And opted to be stubborn over listening to him. Because my beliefs are diametrically opposed to what they fighting for. Violence or bloodshed, in my judgment, is not the answer just because she causes harm or death to my subjects. Although I know for a fact that there is a more equitable way to achieve justice and teach her the right course of action that does not harm or stain anyone's hands with blood. Above all, they all should not rush to judgment because they do not know, and they do not realize, that the poor wolf woman accused of the death penalty has not done anything bad or wrong, and in the event that they did follow the correct suspicion, there is not enough that is the standard and measure of the crime that occurred involving the defendant, whether or not she is guilty, because they all may be the cause of the misunderstanding.

He spoke again, trying to convince me.

"Damn you! If you despise her, Leave!"

"Alpha Sortitus. P-Please, My Best Friend. Let's go back. They're looking for us. She's looking for you, too," he whispered weakly, shaking his head and reaching out his hand to me.

"Leave!" I commanded in intimidation, staring at his hand reaching out to me. I noticed his concern on his face. "Go away before I forget it's you, James." Before I could finally depart from him, I bent down, gazed at him, opened my mouth, sighed, and inhaled. "It's up to you if you want to betray me."

I just shook my head and turned my back on him, despite the fact that I hadn't heard his response to the last words I told him, and took off away. Even though I was hoarse from screaming, I didn't stop searching and calling Clavem's name now that I was alone. I traveled throughout the entire forest, including the cave I entered, and I also went through numerous forests and mountains, including the world of people, all in search of her, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Fuck! I believe in my heart that Clavem is innocent. Even though they often fight and end up getting physical with Heres, I know that Clavem will not reach the level of she can kills life. And if she is the real killer, what is her sufficient reason?

Damn it! Shit! I'm very dumb. Like Fenrir, my wolf, I want to see her again and ensure her safety, even though I know I'm being selfish at this point. I did not empathize with Heres in her mourning and secretly increased her pain.

Being very tired, I returned to our forest again and found a waterfall. I went to a waterfall to wash up and drink. I was about to change my clothes when I heard a voice.

Damn! It was her voice. Clavem's voice!

I came alive again. I finally heard her voice after several hours of searching. I quickly changed into my clothes, grabbed my pack, and followed the voice. When I saw the Hut, I swallowed. The first time we came together and shared Clavem's main night was in a hut under the full moon.

"Clavem!?" I screamed.

I got inside, but there was no one there. I went out again, hoping to see her, but I failed to find her.


I sat down after putting my stuff on the pallet. As a result of my frustration with fate, I messed up my hair. I expected to see Clavem again and embrace her, but it was only a delusion.

"Fuck!" I curse. I took the bag from my side and hurled it in front of me, cursing myself repeatedly. "Fuck! Where are you? Where are you, Clavem? Don't make me hard on me like this! Please show yourself!"

I took the soft cloth with a reddish stain next to me and glanced at it. If I'm not mistaken, this is Clavem's dress.

I'm shocked to see blood all over the clothes, and why are these clothes in the hut? This is what she was wearing at the party, and it was the last thing I saw of her before she disappeared.

I froze for a few seconds, while clutching the blooded fabric, when something rang and vibrated from my pants pocket.

"Sortitus, I know what's bothering you, my dear Alpha," Heres giggled on the other line.

I swallowed and pressed my eyelids shut. Inhale and exhale. I licked my lips multiple times.

"I'm just doing my left-hand work here at my office, and Lia forgot to sign the important papers to me." I answered on the other line of the phone.

I know her; she won't accept the truth. She is capable of doing something massive that will undoubtedly tear down and bury herself to the point of ruining the lives of others. I heard Heres sighing and yawning.

"W-Working?" she asked raspingly. I even heard her slurping, hiccuping, and coughing a little. She was drunk. 

I quite shook my head. "Are you drunk?" I inquired, concerned.

"No! I'm not," she refused. She burst out laughing. "Oh! By the way, Sortitus, come back here to the kingdom because your beloved Luna has a surprise for her Alpha husband!" she said childishly, laughing hysterically. Snorted three times and choked shallowly. "Oops! Sorry. Hahah." Her final words made my hair stand up.

_ _

After I entered the kingdom. In the great room where the coronation and appointment were held, my heart broke to the extreme when I witnessed with my two eyes an event that caused me so much grief. I shouldn't have felt it, but when I saw Clavem kneeling, her arms resting on the wood in front of her, and already bathing in her own blood, I overcame the feeling that a silver single-edged knife was cutting my flesh to the bone. She braved herself and did not budge from the pain and wounds she got and suffered as a result of my cousin Gamma, Fortis's, non-stop whipping of her. Even though her flesh came out of the ranging cuts on her body.

At these points, I can feel nothing but a tinge of hatred. Fortis gave a grin and a silly laugh as he turned his attention to me. He temporarily stopped torturing the woman. He greeted me happily, as if he had done nothing wrong. He opened his arms wide, ready to embrace me tightly and welcome me.

"Oh, My beloved and honored Alpha, you're here! Take a seat and enjoy the show!"

My jaw tightened, and I made a noise with my fingers as both ears sizzled in angriness at his presence. Instead of hugging back, I met it with a strong blow.


My punch was so strong that he fell to the floor, and his face sank. I immediately took off my upper clothes and placed them on the wounded Clavem, who was now staring straight into nothingness and speechless. Not even in the blink of an eye does she catch a glimpse of me. Without emotion, she removed what I placed on her, and she shook my hand that was supporting her to stand up and to run away from here with me.

"Just leave me alone."

'I will not leave you.'

"Just let me go."

'I will only let go of you when everything that hurts you is gone.'

But I was even more surprised by what she said next.

"This is what you wanted too, wasn't it?" Clavem answered me sternly.

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