
Chapter 2

Patricia picked the paper and walked to the cabinet to get a pen. She signed it and walked back to Cohen’s front. 

“Take.” She said and threw the paper at his chest. 

She bit her lower lip and snickered. “I can't believe I’ve been a fool and continue to be your wife till now despite how evil all of you are,” she regreted. “This marriage is meaningless and I’m stupid for not requesting a divorce till now,”

“Well, I am grateful you do it on my behalf and it's not too late to move on,” she uttered, hiding her pains with a bright grin on her face. “This is the end of a painful bond with you, but believe me, Cohen, it is the beginning for you all to reap what you sow.” 

She exhaled deeply and veered around to Anna, brightening her smile. “Anna.” She called, not expecting an answer. 

She thought Anna would be ashamed and wouldn't dare not look at her in the face, but she was wrong. 

Anna raised her gaze and looked straight into Patricia's eyes. “What’s it!” She yelled. 

Seeing Anna not guilty, Patricia masked her face with a brave look, suppressing her sadness to pour out her mind. “Thanks for doing what you feel is right and congratulations on your new achievement. You finally satisfied the greediness in you,” 

“Cohen is my leftover, but you must take good care of him and enjoy life together until karma arrives. You can't plant an onion and expect to harvest an orange. Latest Mr. Lucas Anna, keep in your dirty mind that karma is inevitable,”

“Traitor, be prepared for the unexpected which I am expecting.” 

She slightly pushed Cohen out of her way, using the back of her left hand. 

She walked to the wardrobe and stood in front of it. “I will reduce your stress and let you have all the spaces you crave for. I will pack my dresses.” She directed her words to Anna. 

“Do you think you deserve to pack the dress?”  

A voice came from behind and she turned to see Charlotte, her evil mother-in-law.  

No, her ex’s mother-in-law. 

Mrs. Charlotte entered the room, with Elsie behind her. 

“How dare you have the nerve to talk back when your filthy secret is just exposed? Don't you have a conscience?” Elsie said.

Patricia looked at Elsie. “Hey Muppet. You're such an immature lady, so be mindful of what you will say,” she warned. “If you aren't wary of the manner you talk to me from now on, you will regret it.”

“Hun!” A shock tone escaped Elsie’s mouth as her eyes widened in surprise. 

She didn’t see that coming! 

It was the first time Patricia spoke up for herself against her since she has always been submissive, hoping to win her heart. 

Right now, Patricia was no longer Cohen's wife, so there was no reason to hold herself back. She wanted to cut their coats according to their sizes and pour out her mind before she would step out of the room. 

“Are you talking to me?” Elsie queried. 

Patricia pointed at Elsie and bravely looked into her eyes. She confidently bent her neck to the left a bit. “Yes, my words are for you,” she confirmed. 

“What can you do? Do you think you can maltreat me like you've always done? Do you still expect me to watch you bark at me while I shiver?” She challenged her. 

“I dare you to hit me so your family can watch me beat you to pump and break your arms.” She threatened.

Patricia’s words annoyed Elsie till she couldn't take it anymore. Elsie ground her teeth and stormed closer to Patricia, with her hand set up to slap Patricia.

Patricia grabbed Elsie's hand, keeping it restrained.

Patricia pinched Elsie's skin with her thumb and index fingernails. 

“Oh! Ahn!” Elsie screamed in pain.

“I warned you, this is a new version of me. The updated version you shouldn't mess with because this woman won't sit back anymore.” She said. She released Elsie's hand and pushed her to Cohen, making them fall to the floor with their mother. 

They stood on their feet and Charlotte gazed at Cohen, expecting him to make a move, but Cohen did nothing. 

Charlotte resorted her gaze to Patricia. “How dare you hit my daughter!” She said and stepped with anger towards Patricia with her hand set up to hit her. 

“Are you trying to harass me!?” Patricia raised a question and Charlotte froze with her eyes widened in a fraction. 

Patricia crossed her hand on her chest, and a gentle scoff escaped her mouth. “Madam, don't you know I have signed the divorce paper? I'm no longer your irresponsible son’s wife, so you are advised to stay in your lane,” 

“But, if you don't mind, Madam Lucas, you can hit me. Feel free to harass me and wait for me to reveal to the world how the Lucas family maltreated me for the past three years,” she threatened. 

“Don't underestimate me, I can now do the undo because I have nothing left to lose,” she poured out. “But you? The Lucas family name and reputation will be in a mess once the world knows how evil you are,” 

“There's no bond between me and your son anymore, so I have no reason to protect this family. If you want to help yourself and your family, watch me pack my things and leave this your suffocating mansion in peace.” 

After pouring out a little of what was in her mind, Patricia turned back to the wardrobe and as she laid her hand on its handle, a thought passed through her mind, making her halt for a second to look at everyone's face one after the other. 

She took her hand off the handle and turned to Cohen. “I deserve this whole mansion as a compensation for what you and your family did to me,” she expressed. “But I won't take anything, not even a pin, out of this house. I came with nothing so will leave with nothing,” 

“I will leave everything and go my way.” 

Patricia took off her wristwatch. She removed her necklace and earrings, and threw them at Cohen. “These are your properties. For the clothes I am putting on, if we ever meet again, remind me to return them.” 

Everyone shockingly watched Patricia do what they never expected her to do. 

Charlotte and Elsie’s minds were boiling with anger, but they couldn’t make a move. 

Anna would have stood against Patricia, but she stayed calm because she was still in the process of winning the Lucas family members’ hearts, so she didn't want to act rashly. 

Patricia moved to Elsie's front and moved her mouth close to Elsie's ear to whisper. “Your family is evil, and I expected nothing from a silly daughter trained by such a mother. I can't blame you much since you lack training because there's no one to teach you,” she caned her with words. 

She exhaled softly and advised. “You're a lady. If you continue like this, I doubt you will be happy. Peace of mind will be far from you and you may end up never finding true love. It's better you turn to a new leaf before it's late,”  

Elsie's eyes turned outrageously red, wishing she could punch Patricia, but she held herself back because of the fear Patricia has created in her mind; she afraid Patricia might truly break her arms. 

Patricia moved her mouth away from Elsie’s ear and looked at her face. She beamed at her, winking her eyes. “Be a good girl. Hun? It's not too late for you,” 

Patricia glimpsed at Charlotte and directed the next lines to her. “You will reap everything you sow,” she summarized. She had a lot to say to Charlotte, but briefed it because she saw no point in a lengthy conversation. 

Charlotte felt humiliated. She desired to vent her anger, but controlled herself because Patricia was already a threat to their family. 

Patricia looked at her ex-best friend, but now her biggest enemy, Anna. “Karma will hit you. I just pray it will strike hard so you will break into pieces,”

She glittered her face with a cute smile and looked at Cohen straight in the eyes. “Ex, all the best. Wait for your heart to scatter. When you know the truth, it may just be late then,” 

She walked out of their middle and turned to them, bowing her head. “Thank you all for bringing the best version of me. Looking forward to the future,”

“Till then, enjoy every moment,”

She raised her head and, without a second thought, she elegantly paced to the door in a long stride, taking her steps in a manner she had never done before. 

Immediately as she stepped out of the room, she glanced backward, and waved at them one after the other. “Bye.” She bid and walked away, smiling while they eyed her with their mouth densely opened.

With each slow step she took descending the stairs, a part of her mind reprimanded her, making her almost regret her actions and also convinced her to go back and apologize.

“I did the right thing. I have had enough. I can't go back there. Cohen and his family doesn't worth me.” She told herself, heeding to the courageous part which kept her moving till she arrived downstairs.

She walked to the living room and paused for a moment, scanning the whole living room. “This is just big for nothing,” she thought to herself.

She walked to her bag on the sofa and took out the pregnancy test result. “This doesn't belong here,”

She walked to the door and as she laid her hand on its handle, she heard a voice in her head.

“Go back right now and apologize! You have nowhere to go! You have no one to run to! Your father has disowned you, and Cohen is all you get!”

The noise continued for a minute, making it difficult for her to take a step forward.

“No!” She screamed silently in her head. She closed her eyes. “I don't belong here. There's no place for me here,”

“I need to go!” She shouted and shook her head, and the voices stopped immediately.

She opened her eyes and walked out of the house without delay. She kept going and refused to glance backward till she got out of the Lucas compound. 

“Where will I turn to?”

“What's next for me?”

Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Advocate Nisha Munshi
please accept my GIFT
goodnovel comment avatar
Advocate Nisha Munshi
Wow! Author. Fantastic. If this is the beginning then I hope you will keep it up . Thoroughly enjoyed the first chapter.

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