
Chapter 3

Patricia trekked for hours before she reached the bus station. A free bus arrived and parked in her front and she entered without a particular destination in her mind.  

She had nowhere to go, but she felt it was not good to stay around her enemies. They were bad energies she needed to stay away from, so she wanted to go far away. She wanted to live and take care of herself so that she could protect the baby in her womb.  

It was all she got now. 

The bus arrived at its bus stop, so she got down, and immediately as she stepped her feet on the ground, her stomach grumbled.  

She has eaten nothing yet. 

She left home in a rush to the hospital early in the morning, and after hearing the joyous news, she hoped to have a delicious meal with her husband after he returned in the evening, but her plan was ruined. 

She rubbed her stomach and raised her gaze to see a restaurant on the other side. 

She quickly walked to the roadside. She looked left, but she was in a hurry, so she crossed without looking at the other side. 

She paced to the restaurant, excited, but the happiness in her disappeared the moment she laid her hand on the door and remembered she had nothing with her.  

She didn't have any cash or card to pay. 

She called herself back and gently took her hand off the door. 

She took a step back and rubbed her stomach, turning to walk away with her face cast downward.

She dragged her weak feet and carried away to watch her front, causing her to stumble onto an old man. 

The man fell to the ground. “Ah!” He moaned.

Patricia took a step backward, startled. “Oh!” she sounded. Her mouth encircled in her left hand.

She quickly moved closer to the man and bent to help him up. “I am sorry,” she contrite.

“I am so sorry, sir.” She continued to be humble till the man stood on his feet.

The man cleaned his trouser, staring down. “It’s fine,” he accepted with a pleased smile, showing concern. “Young lady, what are you thinking that you aren't watching your front?” 

“I am-” Patricia opened her mouth to talk, but before she could complete her statement, he looked up and stared at her with a flummoxed expression.

“Ivory.” He called in a low voice.

She looked at him with an uncomprehending gaze.

“Park Ivory,” he delightedly called the name in full, raising a question with a smile filling his lips. “Where have you been? Why didn't you come back to me? I have been searching for you.”

She regarded him, lost. “Sir, I am Patricia. But you just call my mother’s name. My mother is Park Ivory.” She explained. She was identical to her mom and for him to mistake her for her mother, she guessed he knew her mother. 

He scanned her from head to toe and peered at her face, pointing at her in disbelief. “You are Ivory’s daughter?” He let out, amazed. 

She nodded. “Yes, sir. My name is Park Ivory.” She confirmed. 

“Where is she?” He asked. The curiosity in his voice matched the longness in his mind. “Where is Ivory, please? Can you take me to her?”

She looked down, sad. “She died a long time ago.” She announced. 

His eyes flashed with shock. His body was instantly consumed with grief and he shook in sorrow. “Wh… wha… what?” His voice stammered.

Patricia quickly took a step closer to him and clasped his arms, supporting him so he wouldn't fall. “Yes, sir. She died.” She confirmed, still holding him.

“What? How? What killed her? How did she die?” He probe. 

“She died in a car accident.” She analyzed.

He raised his gaze to look up at the sky, and a tear fell from his face. “Ivory…” he called in a low voice, and more tears welled in his eyes.

“Why? Just why? Ivory, why did you die without allowing me to pay your debt?” He split out with tears streaming out of his face.

Patricia felt his sadness, which was nothing compared to the one degenerating her heart at the moment. She believed if her mother was alive, she would cry to her. And her mother would welcome her with open arms, unlike her father, who disowned her because of her stepmother and brother.

She wore a sour smile to console him. “Sir, it's fate and we have to accept it. Take heart,” she said.

Her smile vanished and tears rose in her eyes. “Her death is so painful because if she is alive, I won't be going through all this,” she split out. Her voice was teary because of the tears caged beneath her eyelids.

“She will be here for me during the tough moments of my life. I'm sure no matter what, she won't disown me. She will never chase me away.” 

Saying those words pinched her wounded heart, and she felt sadder than she thought, causing the tears to flood out with ease.

Hearing her talk with despair, he felt pity for her, and he quickly took heart. He wiped his face and gazed into her eyes with great concern. “What are you talking about?” He interrogated. “What's wrong with you? What are you going through?”

“Talk to me. You can trust me.” He persuaded. 

“Sir-” she wanted to talk, but her stomach interrupted, grumbling.  

He grinned, welcoming. “What do you think about a conversation over a meal?” He asked, and since he understood her expression, her opinion didn't matter.

“Let's discuss the rest of the meal.” He offered. 

 “Thank you, sir.” She accepted.

Mr. Jackson was hungry, but couldn't eat because watching Patricia enjoying her meal filled up his stomach already. 

He has always hoped to one day treat Ivory to a meal, and since he couldn't, he felt accomplished doing it for her daughter.

After gluttoning the third plate of rice, Patricia picked up a glass of water and drank it up without taking a break. 

“Are you okay, or should they bring more?” He asked. 

Without waiting for her response, he waved his hand at the attendant. “One more plate, please.” He ordered. 

“No, I am okay.” she declined. 

“Are you sure?”

She nodded, beaming. “Yes, thank you, sir.” 

“Do you need any other things? If you need anything, order it. If it’s not here, let me know so we can go to another place to get it.” He informed. 

Patricia smiled. “I am okay, sir. I'm not a foodie. I guess I take this much because of what happened?” 

“Patricia.” He called and paused, giving her a space to answer. 

She raised her gaze to look at him in the eyes. “Sir.” she answered. 

“What happened? Why are you like this? What are you passing through right now?” He investigated with a concerned expression. “Where are you coming from? Where is your destination?” 

Patricia discharged a deep breath. She cast her face downward and squeezed her hands, placing them on her thighs. “I caught my husband cheating on me with my best friend-” she voiced out.

“You are married?” He interrupted her narration. 

She nodded. “Yes, I am married to Lucas Cohen.” she disclosed. 

His eyes widened in a fraction. “The same Lucas Cohen?” He let out in a questioning tone. 

“Yes.” she confirmed.  

“He cheated on you, so why are you here? Did you leave home in anger?” He interrogated. 

She shook her head in opposition. “No, sir,” she responded. “Cohen divorced me. He said he doesn't want me anymore. He trusts her best friend and wants to be with her now.” 

“Where is your father?” He wanted to dig deep.

The moment he asked about her father, a drop of tear fell from her eyes, but she quickly wiped it. 

He disowned her, so he wasn't worth her tears. 

None of those evil souls did! 

“He disowned me and removed my name from the family register.” She narrated. 

He banged his feet on the table in anger, grinding his teeth with each other. “He-” He wanted to speak with anger, but calmed to watch his words.

“Why did he do that?” 

“He said my mom cheated on him with another man. I’m an illegitimate child.” She narrated. 

“That's not possible. I know your mother very well. She can't do that. How could he be so heartless to disown you?” He pulled out.

He sighed. “What do you plan to do now?” He asked. 

“I don't know. I don't have anywhere to stay or anyone to run to. I have no plans,” she voiced out and rubbed her belly. “Right now, I just want to live for the sake of the baby in me.”

Mr. Jackson walked out of his seat to the other side and sat on the chair next to Patricia. He caged her tiny hands in his left hand and wiped the tears on her face with his right hand. “Stop crying. Everything will be fine.” He consoled. 

“When? Today should have been my happiest day, but my life crumbles before me. The only thing I used my life to protect was destroyed within a blink of an eye,” she expressed. Tears rushing out of her eyes.

She wished to stop crying, but as she talked and remembered everything that had happened, more tears pumped out of her eyes. She weakly hit her chest as if that would ease her pain. 

“In a single day, I was betrayed, heartbroken, and rejected. How am I supposed to live?” 

He drew her head closer and rested it on his shoulder, patting her back. “And what if, on this same day, you climb up to the top of the ladder of success?” He raised a question. 

His question made her raise her head from his shoulder. She looked straight into his eyes, wanting to dig deep. “What do you mean, sir?”  

“I will repay your mother's favor through you.” He proclaimed. 

She frowned her forehead. “My mother's favor?” She repeated his words in a confused tone. 

“Patricia, right in front of you now, is the old man, president Jackson Matthew, the CEO of Ivy global organization,” he introduced. “Also, I am your mother's old friend, who owes her all his wealth. She is behind the success of the Ivy organization.” 

Hearing him introduce himself as the popular unknown old man of Ivy organization, Patricia’s widened in surprise mixed with shock.

She was shocked that she had been chatting with the richest man in the city, the wealthiest, oldest, chairman Matthew Jackson.

“You are the president of the Ivy organization?” She asked, still unable to believe him.

He nodded. “Yes. I have been living my life in hiding because I feel I don’t deserve to show myself to the world as the president,” he revealed. “Your mother deserves it. She is the founder of the organization, and its name was derived from her name,” 

“She put me in charge of the company while it was still in its developing stage. She begged me to keep it a secret from her husband and never look for her unless she comes to me,” he explained. “I have been waiting and searching for her. It’s heartbreaking to know she is dead.” 

“She told you to take the secret to your grave. Why are you telling me now? Isn't that another form of betrayal?” She said her view. 

“It is not. And I just understand why Ivory took the wise step then. She did everything for the future. She wasn't speaking about herself coming back to me. She was referring to you.” He explained. 

Patricia was speechless, and she nodded, impressed. “So, what do you want to do now?” She asked. 

“I will transfer all the companies and properties to you. It’s all yours.” He proclaimed. 

“No, you can't do that,” she declined. “You are a great man to inform me about this. Keep the companies and properties. You deserve it. If you didn't take proper care of it, it won't be a global organization. Ivy is the biggest organization in this city.” 

“Patricia, please accept this from me. I'm giving you just the company. There are other properties to live off.” He implored. 

“But sir, I don't need it.” She continued to decline. 

“Patricia, I can’t advise you to take revenge on those that hurt you, but what will you do if there is a chance in the future?” He threw reasonable, convincing questions. “When the time comes and you cross paths with them again, do you still want to be someone they can step on anyhow they like?” 

“You can't be a nobody. You have to be somebody so you will not be in a position lower than them and once you become Ivy president, even the Lucas family will be under your feet. You will have a say then.” He convinced. 

She reasoned along with him but said nothing. Instead, she nodded. 

“Or Patricia, don’t tell me you don't want that. Do you want those who hurt you to have the chance to do it again in the future?” He asked. 

“No, I don't want that. I want power to fight back.” She proclaimed. 

“To have that power, I will legally sign your name into the Matthew family register. I will officially make you the president of the Ivy organization and give you a man to stand by your side and protect you.” He proclaimed.  

“A man to stand by my side?” She let out an unclear. 

“Yes. He will help you with everything he can.” He assured. 

“Who is the man?” She inquired. 

“My grandson, Bastian,” He replied, and a Demi-god voice interrupted their conversation.

“Good day, old man.”

Patricia raised her gaze and saw a tall, handsome man walking in their directions with his mouth filled with a lovely smile that could drive a woman crazy. His hands were in his pocket and his appearance alone was satisfying. 

“Who are you?” She asked. 

“I am Bastian. Someone who is ready and willing to stand by you and support whatever your decision is.”

Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Olivia Santos Dunham
Yup, grammar is terrible! ......
goodnovel comment avatar
The grammar is terrible. Proof read!
goodnovel comment avatar
good things happen to good people

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