

Sapphire's POV

I had woken up to see my lifeless body lying on the hospital bed, if I hadn't seen my own body, I would have thought that everything was all a dream and I was very much alive, but no, my body only confirmed the truth that I was dead.

I had become a ghost.

My heart was filled with so much rage and hate and all I wanted was revenge, revenge for what those two had done to me, my baby was innocent, my poor baby was innocent and yet Charlotte killed him.

I wanted to cry but I couldn't even find the strength to do so and before I knew it, I was literally standing in Alcandar's study.

I looked around in shock, wondering how I go there and what happened, I didn't get the chance to process everything before I heard someone sobbing.

I didn't want to believe that Alcandar might be crying over my death, after all, he wanted this.

His chair was facing the window, making it impossible for me to get a good view of his face. I walked over to where he was and I was shocked to see him crying.

"I never wanted her to die, I never meant for her to die, I only wanted the bastard she was carrying to die and not her!" He cried.

"What?" I muttered, he still thinks I cheated on him and the baby wasn't his.

He looked so heart broken and lost, but his sorry look didn't touch me one bit.

He may not have known about Charlotte being the one responsible for my death, but him wishing death upon his own child is still the same as wishing death upon me to. It makes no difference now.

Watching him cry only fueled my rage, I wanted so badly to scream at him but it would all be useless knowing that I'm dead and there was nothing I could do.

If only I could get another chance to live again so I can right the wrong that was done to me and my child, then I won't miss opportunity for anything.

I hate them all, I hate the both of them so much! They only used me, they used me!

I suddenly felt so much pain in my heart, the pain was so intense that I collapsed, whatever was happening to me was so confusing because I was dead and I'm not suppose to feel this much pain.

But who knows, maybe I was finally on my way to the spirit world.

The thought of being able to do nothing to protect my baby saddens me so greatly, I remember crying as I fell into a deep sleep.


My eyes flew open and a loud gasp escaped my lips, I could hear the loud chirping of the birds and people's voice from a distance.

I hurriedly stood up and my eyes scanned the area, I panicked as I thought I had finally come to the spirit world, but when I looked around a bit closer, I realized this place looks so familiar, it was a very beautiful forest.

"What the hell is going on!" I mentally screamed.

My hands trembled as I felt my face and my entire body, I didn't even feel dead, I felt so much alive but then it makes no sense because as far as I could remember, I died and then became a ghost and now this!!

"Sapphire." I heard a calm voice which made me jump in freight.

"Who said that? Who's there?" I asked fearfully, I looked around but saw no one.

"Dummy, I'm in your head, I'm your wolf Diane."

"H how's that possible? I thought I didn't have a wolf."

"Yes, in your first life you didn't but not in this life."

"What do you mean past life?'' I asked in confusion.

"You've been reborn Sapphire, you've been given a second chance to right the wrong that was done to you. You've been wronged and you deserve a second chance, this is your second chance Sapphire, given by the moon goddess."

This seems so surreal and I find it hard to believe that all this was literally happening to me.

I ran out of the forest and was shocked to see my house, but the way it looked, it's the same decorations it had some few days before my eighteenth birthday, I remember doing the decorations with my mother.

"This can't be true." I muttered.

"It is real Sapphire."

"Does this mean I went back in time or something."

"You can call it that if you want to." Diane replied.

Hearing her voice still startles me a bit, I didn't have a wolf before and now I suddenly have one, it will take some time for me to get used to all this.

"Sapphire." I heard an all to familiar voice and I froze.

That voice was one I wouldn't forget in a lifetime. Alcander's voice.

"Sapphire." He called again and this time, I slowly turned to face him.

Yes, I had gone back in time and this means that everything that happened before is sure to happen again.

While we were kids, Alcandar and I were very close, we were inseparable and always had this feeling that we were made for each other, that was confirmed on the night of my eighteenth birthday and the entire family was trilled, we had so many good memories that if someone had told me what would happen in the future, I would never have believed it.

But now I know the future, I've been there, I've seen it happen, he betrayed me and that betrayal led to my death.

He was standing with Charlotte and they were both smiling so brightly at me, those fake smiles of theirs.

"How could the both of you?" I thought.

Since I've had a clear picture of the future, I knew that history was definitely going to repeat itself, but not on my watch.

I won't fall for their scam a second time, I've been given a second chance at life and I will be using it wisely.

The old me would have run up to them and embrace them tightly, but the new me knew better.

Just wait and watch you two. I will surely make you pay!

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