
But Ford could run.

Rise of the Bullied Lycan


Chapter 4: But Ford could run.


Dallas stepped forward, Ford’s drink still in his hand as he clutched the smaller's chin and forcefully push his head to the side go get a better view.

Your heart is pounding. Must I intervene?

Dallas this close to him, touching him even this way was disastrous. He didn't reply to Raze because Dallas would just have more ammunition. He face felt like it was on fire and he just wanted to turn away and run, forget about all he had to do.

The other‘s scent had been calming to him but right now he was burning from the inside out. And his heat should be a couple weeks away so Ford really didn't know what the issue was here.

"Do you always present yourself like this?"

Ford blinked a couple time's, he didn't trust his voice one bit, but if he didn't respond then Dallas would get mad.


He yanked his hand away, thoroughly done scoping out his work, Ford’s iced-coffee was nearly empty, "Do you always present markings from everyone who gives them to you or does it just not happen enough so you feel a need to be desperate?"

Dallas’s quirked brow meant he was about to laugh and at this point Ford was on the opposite end of the spectrum. He saw how the smaller eye's turned glassy, almost too moist, and clutched the wide collar of Ford’s sweater.

“Are you gonna cry?! Ha!" He snorted, "Want me to rip this one too?" His question got a faint whimper, afraid, among other things.

He finally placed the cup down and pulled Ford’s sweater out far enough to yank him forward a little. This put Ford directly under the alpha’s line of sight. The smaller bit his lip, breath caught and not able to release at the sheer tension of closeness he has with the predator hovering above him. Heat pooled in his stomach.

Dallas has never manhandled him like this. Was it going to be new territory that Ford would have to worry about? Could he handle this?

Such close proximity, finally smelling the waft of the black-haired panthers rainy smell surround him, weaken him.

“You know, i wouldn't doubt you'd whore around, omega." Dallas said, not so subtly looking down his sweater like a peeking perv. The taller then stuck his hand inside and groped at Ford’s chest, sharp point's of deadly claws graze across his skin, nicking his pert nipple.

Ford’s skin felt tight, chilled at the touch of Dallas’s cold fingers but hot everywhere else.

Goosebumps flared on his skin, visibly so, and a second shiver rattled his spine making a whine reluctantly slip past his lips.

"See? Look at you," Dallas yanked his hand back. “You’re so easy.”

Say something.

"I-i'm not a.."

"Hm? What was that pathetic house-cat?"

"Not a w-whore." Ford’s voice was small.

He never talked back. Never.

"Not a whore?!" Dallas let out a loud cackle, "Like the fuck you're not, look at you, you freak. Bet your panties are soaked aren’t they? Do you wear chick underwear too?"

Was there something wrong in the way Ford dressed? "I-ive never-... I've never d-done anything l-like that."

This peaked Dallas’s interest immediately, "Oh? What are you, some kind of virgin then?"

Ford looked down leaning into himself to get away, the tear's finally having enough gravity to fall. He felt shameful- inadequate even. It was then that he could feel the slick in his hole leak just a tad, instantly hoping Dallas wouldn't smell it.

Ford nodded.

"You know what? That makes more sense," He spoke dismissively, tapping his chin in fake thought "Who'd wanna touch you anyway."

The tears fell thicker, a steady stream on both side's of his face as his head refused to raise. Refused to look up at his bully.

Was Ford as useless as Dallas told him he was? Was he too ugly? Too weird? Was his scent that repulsive?

you must control yourself or I will force myself out.

Raze never bluffed.

Just then, Ford’s ear twitched at the sound of stomping feet, Dallas must've saw because he turned around to the opening of the nook almost a whole thirty second before three of Dallas’s buddies came barreling around the shelf.

One of them took him by the shoulder's and shook him into a 'bro-hug'. "There's this fight about to happen in the gym, some basketball dude's or some shit. We should go," Another one roughhoused Dallas to the side, "Yeah dude, let's go. i think some of the cheerleaders are gonna be down there."

A deeper voice Ford couldn't match a face to said, "You just wanna get your dick wet, Ken." There were a couple laughs and 'ken' said, "Doesn't everyone?"

"Bye freak!" One of them yelled back to him but he was too paralyzed at his spot to move. A couple minute's pass after he was instantly forgotten by the guys and Ford was struggling. He’d been struggling, finally, finally letting out an audible sob.

He never let Dallas hear him, seeing him was different, but Ford would not let a cried sound leave his lips in front of him.

He was shaking terribly. Why did Dallas have to do this to him? Why did he have to be humiliated like this? What did Ford do that was so bad?

Ford, I will kill them all and you will not be able to stop me.

"Raze please," Dallas breathed, attempting to calm down because he was about to burst from holding everything in.

He just wanted to scream.



Rise of the Bullied Lycan


Chapter 5:


He blinked back the rest of his tears and wiped his face with his sleeve. Dallas had nearly ruined another sweater. The neck line was a little stretched but it was okay as long as it wasn't ripped. He fanned at his face trying to calm the heat, it worked for his face but his little briefs were almost soaked.

Dallas’s scent had such an overwhelming effect on him and the squishy feeling was such an utterly disturbing and nasty feeling. Ford had to go back to his dorm. He needed to wash his shamelessness down the shower drain.

Studying had been a complete failure.

He'd only gotten through about half of the stuff he wanted.

When he stood to leave he nearly missed the object laying adjacent from him near the book shelf Dallas and his buddies were previously at. He stepped toward it to pick it up. It was Dallas’s useless scarf.

As if on instinct he brought it to his face and took a deep inhale, immediately feeling the stir in his body calm down.

Dallas’s presence was so intense that it made the omega inside him want to fawn, bend and present himself with his ass in air and head in the pillow. Ford was so conflicted.

But the smell on the scarf, the same exact scent that made him wet also made him calm down. Ford guess context matter's.

You are exhausted. Go back to our room.

"I know Raze. But it's barely the afternoon."

Everyone will see your tears, Ford.

Ford hated how convincing the Lycan could be sometimes, "... oh... okay," He took another sniff, somewhat dazed, "Yeah, i guess you're right." He then wrapped the scarf around his neck and face letting it sit covering nose.

Ford hoped his roommate wasn’t there, like always, as he hurried back to his room. It made it even worse when he started to notice people staring at him, eye’s lingering longer than the wall-flower would’ve liked. People could smell him and it scared the living piss out of him. He need to wash it off, change his briefs, hide, something to simmer him down from combusting.

He shot in, lightly clicking the door closed behind him and pressing his back against it. He took a deep breath.

“~ah! Fuck! Deeper!” Ford froze. Oh no, he thought to himself. His roommate has someone fucking over. And he was fucking them. It made the smaller scrunch his nose in disgust when he finally inhaled the stiff aroma wafting around him. He wanted to gag.

They are mating, Ford. They smell horrid.

Raze was right. He needed to get out but he had no other place to go. This was supposed to be his happy place, his hiding spot, his resting area. Nest. But Ford couldn’t do anything worth resting about if he had to be around those two.

So he strategically, and quietly so, darted into his room grabbing fresh clothes and clean little briefs. He Made sure to get his shampoo and soap also, before heading to the Men’s public shower’s attached to the sports building center.

Ford always made a note to check his surroundings everywhere went, too anxious not to, before feeling comfortable enough to walk inside and choosing a random stall in the center of the bathing area.

He immediately pulled his shoes and pants off shedding his slick cover briefs with them. He folded the sodden fabric inside the pants and crumbled his sweater up laying them both on top of the concrete separation. He stepped in the small stall and pulled the curtain closed behind him afterward twisted the nob to start the hot water.

It was barely 2:00 by this time, any one could walk in, but it was a Thursday and Ford didn’t know the schedules of practice for the universities sports teams. He should’ve paid more attention on his way in, should’ve grabbed a bigger bag to put all of his stuff in.

He knew that anyone would be able to smell him if they walked in and Ford himself was weak, but Raze was too strong.

Ford didn’t want to risk being taken advantage of. It scared him more than anything.

To be honest, the grey-haired boy knew he couldn’t control much, not with being a weak omega, not with Dallas tormenting him, not with anything that made him be social.

But Ford could run. Ford has always been good at running, less for him, and more so for the others if Raze got out.

Ford sighed, washing the shampoo he massaged in out of this hair, ears low to keep water from entering, twitching like always. He was about lather his soap to wash his skin when Raze voiced himself.


Fuck. Raze could sense them because Ford couldn’t hear them. Ford paused in his spot, soap running down to his elbows.

Not now, the Omega hoped his Lycan was lying.

But he wasn’t because a moment later the door slammed open and people shuffled in and Ford clenched his eyes shut, stopped breathing and hoped for the best, hoped they wouldn’t smell him.

They knew he was here because the shower was running. But now he would have to walk by them, have to make himself noticeable just to leave.

Lockers were being opened as the other’s shuffled around, duffel bags most likely, but which team? Ford didn’t know.

Guys were laughing, talking loud, echoing off the thick walls and spiking Ford’s anxiety more than need be.

Calm down, I will protect you.

The voices didn’t sound familiar to him, he didn’t hang out with anyone, he knew no one. But then one voice was familiar and then two, three, the fourth Dallas.

And Ford wanted to sob all over again.

So many people around, he was going to demolish the grey-haired boy, Dallas feared. He didn’t know why not moving would’ve helped, it wouldn’t, it certainly didn’t.

“You guys smell that?” Someone said and the room went silent. A course of ‘yeahs’ sounded and Ford quickly accepted his fate. He immediately felt hopeless. “I’ll go check it out, someone’s horny and I haven’t fucked in a while.”

There was laughter.

“No, I’ll do it, probably some sloppy slut, you don’t want a disease”’ it was Dallas this time. Just by the way he said it made Ford sure he recognize his scent. Ford heard one say, “fine bro, whatever.”

Ford hears the footsteps treading, without shoes and his heartbeat thrummed, pounded, hurting his chest like so many times before.

Ford looked down, faced the curtain covering himself because he’d rather not have his still somewhat leaking hole open to view. He let his hair fall into his eye’s waiting for Dallas to finally breach his privacy, hands trembling.

When Dallas did, he yanked the curtain open unforgivingly, and cold air rushed in making the smaller omega gasp.



Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Jennylyn Peneyra
tagalog po sana
goodnovel comment avatar
please update ...

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