
Lala Land

As Seline stepped into the cab, her mind was a whirlwind of emotions. The encounter with Marcus Sweet had left her in a state of confusion, her heart racing from the unexpected closeness they had shared. Her fingers instinctively touched the spot on her waist where he had held her, still feeling the lingering tingle that seemed to echo his touch.

The cab's engine hummed to life, the gentle vibrations providing a backdrop to her racing thoughts. She gave the driver her address but found herself lost in a sea of contemplation, her mind unable to settle on any one thought. What had prompted Sweet to hold her that way? Was it just another one of his mind games, or was there something deeper that she couldn't comprehend?

The city lights passed by in a blur as the cab journeyed through the streets, each turn a reflection of the twists in her mind. She tried to analyze her feelings, to decipher the complex web of emotions that Sweet seemed to awaken within her. She had always respected him

Who did Sweet meet at his door? Watch out for the next chapter Drum rolls đŸ„đŸ„đŸ„đŸ„đŸ„đŸ„đŸ„đŸ„

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