

Look up.

Gabby shivered.

Look. Up. I command you.

She raised her head, slowly but surely and when she was eventually looking at him, his full closure, she couldn’t help but feel a fool.

Mills gave a crooked chuckle. “You are all red, all red just because a man is in his nightwear?”

“What do you want from me?”Gabby asked.

“Nothing much little woman, just that you be my wife, but am not asking.”

Idea lights went flying all around Gabby’s head instantly.

Of all the gruesome things Gabby had thought in her tiny big head, she did not think that this could be the reason.

This was easy, as his wife all she would have to do was put a knife in this man’s neck one day and hit run for it. Or maybe that would be too obvious but with a marriage contract, she could still get away, maybe not now but definitely.

She had to pretend that she did not want this, that this was the most inhumane thing she had imagined this to be all about.

“I will not marry you. Over my corpse.”Gabby screeched, yelling at the top of her lungs and shooting daggers at him.

“How you so easily turn red,”He chuckled. “You will find that you already did in your beauty sleep last night, you signed that certificate with your blood, there’s no denying it. Our paper is sitting right at that desk.” He pointed in the direction of the old table by the bed.

With that gabby felt the pain on her right thumb where the piercing to retrieve her blood must have been done. She had been unconsciously soothing the pain.

“You should freshen up, we need to introduce you to my grandfather.”

“You are to behave yourself, we are totally in love with each other, we’ve known each other forever, you are a painter, and if you can’t paint at all, then remember to say that you are an amateur painter. “Our story would be that we met at the museum where you had a project you were working on, we bumped into each other, and for all you can say we fell in love with each other instantly. Don’t worry about doing too much, he’ll buy it. After all his dying to meet you, or at least a daughter-in-law.”

Gabby shivered.


Oliver McClain's shepherd looked old, terribly sickly, and harmless. Gabby eyed him from where she sat.

His nurse had just wheeled him into the room where she and Mills sat with hands intertwined.

Te old man looked to be asleep.

Mills' large hands were stroking hers gently, sending annoying emotions going through her like the flu. The strokes got so relaxing after a while of the strokes, but then she would instantly remember where and who she was with and she would stand her guard again, stiffening up like a wood.

Oliver’s nurse stood behind him and gave Mills a sheepish smile.

“He is supposed to be in bed, but when I told him you had come to see him, he insisted on seeing you even though he might not be able to comprehend whatever would be discussed.”

“I’ll try and rouse him.”The young nurse suggested.

The nurse stroked Oliver’s back in an attempt to wake the sleeping old man. He raised his head to look at the nurse.

“Am good Esther, am awake”. He said in a raspy voice, taking note of gabby who was seated beside his grandson.

“Who is this little girl beside you Mills? I asked you to get a wife, not a child. There are women out there with large breasts and round bubbly back sides, this young lady here, I beg your pardon miss, looks like she hasn’t hit puberty yet,” “Are ya a pedophile or something?” Mr Oliver asked feigning annoyance, he would have accepted her even if she was a crazy and barking.

Grandpa !! You wanted me a wife, I have one, we got married. Am a married man grandpa and she’s no child.” What do you truly want granps?

“She may not be a child, but am sure you bought her,”Oliver said pointing frail fingers at Gabriela who seemed to have shrunk throughout this conversation.

Mills nudged Gabby to say something.

“play along,”he whispered.

“Uhhmm, I and Mills love each oth…..”,

Hold your tongue child!!,” Oliver roared, sending shivers down everyone’s spines, even Mills seemed taken aback.

Mills got up on his tall feet and walked towards his grandpa, he bent down so he could be face to-face with his grandfather.

“We had a deal, old man. I’ve played my part of the deal, I have a woman legally married to me and in no time, you’ll have all the great grand sons that will carry your name to kingdom come. But I’d rather you not prick my temper, and especially not in the presence of my new wife.”

Gabby was so fixed on Mill's lips to make out what he was saying to his grandfather but all she could make out were hushes and the male low growl from Mills to his dying grandfather.

“And the joke about being a pedo is no longer funny, Mills continued, it used to be funny but not anymore, you need to stop.”

“Do you love her?”Oliver asked in a hush.

Gabby picked that one up, so she looked at Mills for the reply.

“We should go to a separate room if you’ll be so unreasonable about this situation, I don’t want my wife to think you’re the boss of me.” Mills retorted, trying to ignore his grandpa’s ridiculous question.

Gabby got “ the boss of me” but missed everything else. She has to act and play her part, if Oliver discovers his grandson bought a wife, then her fate may change for the worse. She might end up in a worse situation than being married to him.

“Mr Oliver sir, I am Gabriella, I met your son in an art museum.”

Gabby stood and walked to Mills and Oliver.

“I do love your son, am an adult too, I’ll be turning twenty-four in three days. I am very healthy and would make healthy children too. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, sir. Mills says very little about you.”

Oliver smirked.

“She sells herself well.” “I do need those grandchildren, so get at it as soon as possible,”Oliver said looking directly at Gabby and then at Mills.

“I’d like to get my rest now Esther. Mr Oliver said to his maid.

Nurse Esther wheeled the old man away after saying her goodbyes, leaving Gabby and Mills with the bodyguards.

Mills got on his feet.

“You are a terrible actress little woman,who asked you to say anything about your fertility? Mills asked with a chuckle. You must be desperate to have children for me already.”

“I was just playing along, as you instructed”. Gabby defended herself.

“Am sure there’s a lot more you’ll be playing along to , you just wait and see.” Mills threatened.

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