

“I have a meeting to attend to, take my missus back home, see that she gets all she needs and if anything is out of reach, get back to me,” Mills instructed one of the bodyguards who had taken part in abusing Gabby the previous night. His name was Lukas.

“And Lukas?”Mills called as he was about to go on his way.

“Moss quit his job last night,” mills said looking at Lukas intently.

“You let him go”? Lukas asked hiding his worry.

“Do you dare to ask?”Since when did you ask questions around here? Mills queried.

“Sorry boss”, it will never happen again.” Lukas apologized.

“You know what happens to people who think they have enough gall to quit,” Mills chuckled, run along now, take her back to the house”.

Lukas retreated to carry out his duty, his friend had quit behind his back, and he was all alone.

Lukas began to wonder if the girl told on them and the boss was just taking his time before he did to him what he must have done to Moss? Moss knew too much for the boss to let him go just like that.

Lukas said a quick prayer to his friend who he knew must be in a place where no mortal could reach him.

Lukas led Gabriella into the car that would take her back home. He took glances at her, trying to figure out what she was thinking. Lukas knew that if Gabby decided to open her mouth, he would be gone before he could explain himself.

Gabby got into the car and couldn’t help but remember what Lukas and Moss had done to her, she guessed they wouldn’t have dared to do so if they had known she was to be Mr shepherd’s wife.

The ride back home was gruesome and tiresome, Gabby had noticed two cars make a left turn at some point during the drive home, she suspected it must be Mills and his escort. She was so relieved to not have to be in the same vehicle with him.

The bastard had shown no remorse for his actions, not even an apology to say he had to do what he did to fulfill his grandfather's wish.

It was obvious he was enjoying himself, and she was going to let it remain that way until she struck.

After a few hours had gone by, they finally arrived at Mill's large mansion where Gabby was brought last night.

The gateman who was dressed in his service uniform did a security check on the cars before he confirmed for them to pass.

As they passed through the gates, Gabby could not help but look around the surroundings, she had never seen anywhere so neat in her entire life, it was old, but modern at the same time, she saw a few maids in their uniforms running in the direction she suspected to be the garden.

As they drove nearer to the main building, Gabby marveled at the large water fountain right at the center of it all, the sculpture of a large lion with water profusely coming out of its mouth and down the fountain that was rounded at the base with a beautiful plant that produced pink flowers.

The car bumped hitherto rapidly from the large gravels that were used to floor the ground of the compound so despite the beauty, gabby couldn’t be more grateful that the car had finally come to a stop.

Before she could help herself down from the car, Lukas was already at the door, opening it for her.

She despised the horse fucker, but came down anyway.

Dragging her gown and struggling to stand on her feet as the gown she was in was one size too big for her.

The three maids were at the entrance to welcome her, they had heard that she was to be the lady of the house, a wife to their mysterious boss.

Gabby stood despite the weight of the gown and scowled at Lukas who looked straight ahead, not daring to make eye contact with her.

“This way ma’am,”he bowed while extending his hands toward the direction she was to go in.

Gabby walked up the stairs, refusing to ask for help even though she could use it, she hated everyone here, she had to hate everyone here.

“Welcome my lady”. The three maids bowed.

Gabby settled down into the room she had been brought into yesterday.

“Would you like a bath ma’am,”one of the maids had asked”?

Before now, gabby barely got to bathe every day, and now in less than a few hours, these women wanted her to bathe again.

“Yes please,”she replied. “And I’d like to see the man who escorted me back, the one who held the door for me.”

“Oh you mean Lukas !! Stella confirmed.

“Yes, Lukas. Get me him right after I’ve had that bath.” Gabby said.

After an hour of undressing and bathing, Gabby had insisted she’d take her own bath as she couldn’t see herself getting accustomed to the ritual of being bathed.

They put her in a more lightweight gown, the sky blue silky dress was still one size bigger than her but the gown was beautiful, and Gabby loved it.

“What would you like to have for lunch my lady?” Stella asked?

“Ermm, whatever is available.”Gabby replied.

The maids exchanged glances at each other, curtsied, and left the room.

A few minutes later, Gabby’s heart skipped a beat at the sound of the knock at the door, her teacup almost fell from her hands from the shock. She composed herself after setting the cup down on the table.

“You may Come in.”Gabby said.

Lukas entered the room, bald-headed with a mustache that hid his lips, he was bulked but not too tall.

“Do you need anything, ma’am? He asked closing the door behind him and standing aright.

“Where’s your friend?”Gabby asked.

“I, I, have no friends, ma’am”, he replied stone-faced, trying to hide his feelings.

Gabby smiled, her anger rearing its head to the surface.

“You say what Mr. Lukas? Do you have no friends?”Gabby stood and walked slowly towards him.

“I won’t ask a second time,” where is your friend?”

Gabby knew she was gambling, for all she knew, Lukas could be a diligent guard and Mills could dismiss his and his partner's behavior, she is either about to make a big fool of herself or get something out of this, either way, she had absolutely nothing to lose.

Lukas fell to his knees immediately, with both hands clasped before him.

“Am so sorry, you know, we have no idea you were to be the lord's missus, we thought you was for something else, have mercy. me have a daughter and a wife, and my mama is sick too.”

Gabby felt so powerful watching him beg on his knees, she was no lover, and neither did she have a soft heart, the only human Gabby felt love for was her mother, no one else could conceive such emotions in her. As she looked at him and felt absolutely nothing, no pity for his story, he could plead all he wanted, if it was in her power, she’d put a bullet into his dammed skull, and watch him evaporate into nothing.

But she could do none of that, so she watched and let him beg until she got bored.

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