
Daniel's Mansion

The girl slowly turned.

“Taylor,” Ian breathed with a sigh of relief. What he said was true. Taylor has the same hair colour similar to Ruby. But she doesn’t look like Ruby.

“What are you doing here?” Chloe asked. She can’t believe she has wrongly misunderstood the whole scenario.

“What am I? I came here to shop for some dress for my brother and me.” Taylor explained and her brother came behind her looking perplexed by Chloe’s expression.

“Sorry. It’s a misunderstanding. You can continue your work. We just came here to watch the movie,” Ian clarified.

“Fine. Do you have anything to share? because Chloe looks so pale...” Taylor trailed off.

“Nothing. I will take care of her” with that word Ian grabbed her arm and got out of the mall.

“Trust me, Ian. I know how Ruby looks. It seems like our Ruby. What’s happening here?” Chloe still trying to prove it.

“You need to calm down, Chloe. You still haven’t recovered from Ruby’s death incident.” Ian put both of his hands on her shoulder. “But what I saw was true. I know how Ruby looks,” Chloe muttered under her breath.

“Can I take you home?”

“It’s okay. I will take care of myself. Bye, Ian.” she sternly said and walked alone till she reached home. Inside her mind, she still has some doubt that it could be Ruby, even though she was there on Ruby’s death. She’s always good at predicting something and now this incident stays in her mind strongly. She’s having a strong sense that something happened wrong today.

She instantly changed her mind with some other thoughts. It’s a good thing that all the stores, the mall is near their house. Their house is selected and bought by Charlotte, Caroline. They did everything with their salary.

“Care!” Chloe shouted in the road seeing her sister.

“Hey, where have you been?”

“I just went with Ian to a movie,” she simply said, everything except misunderstanding Taylor for Ruby.

“Why are you late?” Chloe questioned care.

“I...I... just visited Daniel,” she stammered. She told about Daniel’s break-up and her visiting his mansion. The day went well for her than her sisters and brother.


Till evening Daniel didn’t come to pick up care. He got a lot of works to finish.

“Get in the car, madam,” a bodyguard kindly asked Caroline. After some minutes, she reached the mansion. It’s so big and wonderful. She never lived or entered a place like this. All she did was earn on her own for their lives. She slowly walked into the large, well-maintained garden. It contains a fountain and a swimming pool. The maid opened the front door. They told her to wait in the hall for a few minutes. She was so nervous about being in a mansion. She sat on a couch which was soft and comfortable. She is anxious to meet Daniel again. He is her idol from her childhood. She never expected that one day she will visit him like this. On the other side, she is afraid of who might have sent the video.

“You can go now,” the maid showed a room. She opened the knob, entered the room quietly. The room is like his own personal office. There’s even a photo of him hanging on the wall. Daniel and an old man smiled in that photo.

“What are you staring at?” Daniel asked her, standing in full- black suit and jeans.

“Nothing” she laid her eyes on him. He’s looking so gorgeous in a black suit. She tried so hard to control herself to not look at him.

“That’s me and my dad,” Care nodded her head. Daniel sat in his office chair and motioned her to take a seat. After some silence, Daniel spoke, "thank you for sending the footage. You did a big help. I don’t how to thank you but can I know how took that video?"

“Um... you don’t need to thank me. Sorry, I can’t tell you who took it.” She firmly said. She acted like she was the one who sent it, but she needs to find who secretly touched her phone. Who could it be?

“Iam not going to publicize it. Just tell this one,”

“The person who took it has already died. I can’t talk about that,” she said sympathetically.

“They died? Iam sorry to hear that. But what happened?”

“It’s my brother’s girlfriend in Roshord high school. She died in a fire accident. Its important news in Roshord. Don’t you know that?” Care shouted; this time annoyed by this question.

“I don’t. I have been busy for a while. Today I broke up with Becca.”

“What?” Caroline's eyes widened.

“Yes. I did and Iam so stressed.” Daniel got up from his seat and paced back and forth in the room.

“Why? do you miss her?” Care asked curiously.

“Hell no, you don’t know about how we both met,” he said with disgust.

"Why don’t you explain it?" he looked at her for a minute. She doesn’t know what’s going on in his mind.

“Her father is the CEO of his enterprise. My father and her father are friends. They want us to be together. They have such a stupid wish. They are thinking we are a perfect match. But she isn’t my type.”

“You should have said no,” Care angrily suggested.

“Are you asking this out of care for me?” he came out of the topic and questioned her.

“No, just answer my question.” Daniel doesn’t like to be demanded, but something inside him doesn’t want to scold Caroline. She seems to be a different girl. She isn’t attracted to him like the others. That’s the reason he wanted to talk to her again.

“I can’t tell no. I accepted to be her boyfriend because all I have is my father and I will do anything for him. Iam not interested in Becca but now I can’t do something for a girl like her. Iam only worried about how to explain it to my dad. He blindly trusts his friend who is cruel, just like Becca.”

“That’s right. Their whole family will be like that. No doubt about it. You did a good job,” Care smirks.

“You are happy about that.” He leaned towards her, keeping his hands on the chair. Care swallowed hard and stared at him. She can’t handle seeing him closer to her. She tries hard to act like normal in front of him. Soon, he moved away from her.

“Since you came here, you should have dinner,” He asked with expectations. He always gets what he wants, and he did not doubt that.

Care followed him out of the room. There’s a large table arranged with many dishes. She doesn’t know why he arranged it for just two people.

“Will your father be joining here?”

“No, he has some works. Are you coming or not?”

“I got some works at home. I should go home,” she politely rejected him.

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