

It’s been three weeks since I last heard from Lena or any of my sisters. At first, I was relieved, but I was growing concerned, mainly with the questions Lena had asked me Thanksgiving day when I returned home to get the rest of my things. Looking down at my phone screen, I hesitate to call Lena when Ky grabs my arms. “ babe, you don’t have to if you're not ready. “ I look away, feeling like I’m letting my sisters down. They deserve to know the truth and not find out the hard way like me; no one should face this alone. Kiara placed her hands on mine, kissing me on my shoulder with a slight squeeze to my hands. “ I’m going to be here no matter what. You are not alone.” a flashback takes over my mind as I prepare to fall asleep. It’s me as a child holding newborn baby Lena “ whispering into baby Lena's ear I love you, I will protect you until the day I die. I promise shedding small tears “.

Mom looks at me with tears of joy. Jesse: “I can hear her heartbeat; Mom, I swear it’s beating sw
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