
Chapter Three

Freya's POV.

As the contents of my red cup go down my throat, I groan inwardly, my eyes closing to stop me from dropping a tear. This gin is strong, but this is my third bottle.

I've found a way to get out of the ballroom and hide myself behind an apple tree, where in front of me is a beautiful, shimmering body of water.

I watch the reflection of the moon on it and wish my life was as beautiful. Maybe it will be after all.

My wolf hasn't stopped giggling since the moment the Alpha King put this jewelry of the throne on my ring finger, and I'm staring at me.

We are actually married to our mate. I mean, if one thing is to make me actually excited in all of this chaos, it's this. Perhaps being the mate and Luna to the Alpha King will give me a chance to live a better life. Perhaps I can help other Omegas live a better life.

A lot of thoughts have been reeling in my head, one of which is the Alpha King actually confessing to me afterward that I am his mate, and when I say it back, we'd kiss and be forever happy in each other's arms.

I don't have to feel like I'm bearing a child for the throne anymore, but for my mate.

I scoff, my eyes narrowing in distaste, as I drain the cup and flip it onto the ground.

My breathing hitches suddenly, scaring me a bit at the intensity of a new presence even before he'd talk marvelously. "Here you are, Freya."

My face lights up as I watch him come and stand in front of me. His smile is damn beautiful, too.

"Yes, my king." He knows my name.

"To be honest, I had to get away from there as well." He pauses and chuckles, which made me join in. "It is Nicholas. Just Nicholas, please."

"Nicholas," calls my wolf inside us. It sounds so sweet and fitting for a handsome man like him.

We go in silence for a moment, allowing the night to carry our thoughts away into bliss.

"Would you like wine?"

"Fruit wine?"

He shakes his head. "Yes, also alcoholic."

I give a hesitant nod. "I prefer non-alcoholic fruit wines or tea most of the time. Pure chocolate tea. Don't worry. I won't get fat." We both chuckle.

He chuckles. "Ah, I see. The saint between us." When he used the word us, to classify our bonding, I felt cherished. He's really capturing my soul tonight, and I'm not holding back.

"Nah." Then, I face him and blow a breath via my mouth to his nostrils. Sniffing, he cracks up a laugh.

"You're not much of a saint. That's gin, Missis." He continues to laugh even when the situation isn't, to that extent, funny.

He stops afterward before he stands up. He gave me his hand, which I took to stand up.

"You wish to be away from here, don't you?" Nodding my head, his smile grew. "I have just a plan. Come with." His thick British accent draws me to follow him.

My nerves kept spiking up, but not because of scariness but because of anticipation of what's to happen. Alas, we reach the place, and he opens the door softly.

"I hope you'd love..." I didn't relax enough to finish hearing him when I saw the inside. I walk inside with my jaw on the ground, metaphorically.

Oh, my moon goddess. I didn't think someplace like that could be real.

I'm in the middle of a lake that's been enclosed in a building made out of thick glasses, translucent enough to allow the full glory of the moon to strike in, except that it changes the color of its rays to green.

This place, in its glory, flows with utter beauty. There are spiny and slimy yet flexible trees growing out of the water and filling spaces in the water to synchronize with the green flavor.

I cannot help but be engulfed.

Nicholas takes me to a curb he's created in the walkway and kneels down in front of me. Oh, man, this is all a dream.

"Freya, I want you to know that all this is real. It is all real, and I am real. I'm sorry for whatever life has made you feel. The bullshit and all, I'm sorry. I love you." The moment he finishes saying these words, I shake my head.

This is all too much. I cannot believe it.

"Two days ago, I would say this was a dream—that I would wake up soon. I don't know what to say."

"Just say you love me back." His lips spread to the left in a flirty smile.

"I do. After all, you are my..." Before I could finish the statement, in which he hadn't made any notice that we were mates, he kissed me.

His lips are just as soft as leather, while the hungriness of this passionate kiss fills my stomach with blue butterflies. His hand goes to the back of my head, kissing me hard, and I open my mouth more for his entrance.

Slowly, he rises to sit and uses his hand to guide me to sit on his thighs. Under instinct, my feet curl to capture his kneecaps while my core is exposed to him, which I want.

My eyes are closed, frankly, and graven into the action. I gasped when he snatched the kiss from my lips to my neck. There, he kisses me hard, licking my skin like it's his favorite flavor.

I wanted him to tear off my clothes, and I wanted to do the same for him. My wolf and I are in control, and she's so impatient for him to have us. We haven't been this decisive before.

As though our minds have completely aligned, he rips my clothes at the cleavage, making me instantly wet.

My eyes are wide open at his wildness, and when I bite my bottom lips, he turns me such that I'm now on my knees on the curb while he removes my dress completely. I'm left alone in my underwear.

"I..." My voice caught up in my throat, and I heard his soft chuckle.

"Do it. Whatever you wish to." He whispers into my ears, and I muster the courage to make him sit down and bend down in front of him, exposing an unreasonable amount of my breast. He sucks in his breath, delighted by our beautiful sin.

With care, I take off his shirt. My eyes took a moment to admire the beauty of his clean chest, captured by the ink of a wolf's head tattooed close to the heart. I touch the art and smile at it before my hands trail downwards to his trouser. I could tell there's tightness there at which my wolf feels triumphant.

As I unbuckle him, I feel intense nervousness. I'm actually doing this. I'm going to consummate this bonding with Nicholas for real, without force or distress, as I had thought.

I didn't know much to do after I unbuckled him, so I took out his dick, and, oh, goodness, I couldn't hold back my gasp.

He's slimy, long, and left-curvy, with some veins poking out.

When I blink up at him, he's flashing yet another flirty smile at me. He brings me back to the curb and lies me back down. Our faces met, and he kissed me before he spoke with soft pecks on my neck.

"Tonight, I'd like to do some dirty things to you before the main event of thrusting hard into you. Will you like that, Freya?"

"Yes, Nicholas." I didn't expect myself to be so accepting of him, but, well, I cannot blame myself. All my life, I've been so vulnerable, and to my mate, I'm more.

"As I thought." He speaks and begins the act.

Tonight, for the first time in my life, I didn't have to feel unsafe or scared. Rather, I allow the moment to fill my mind and allow my heart to synchronize a beautiful string of tones with his.

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