
Chapter 4. My Hubby Embarrasses My Ex

Tonight James took me to a nightclub. He really knows how to find entertainment for young people like me.

We arrived at the club with a tight escort by some of James' bodyguards. And it made everyone in the club marvel at our arrival.

James sweetly invited me to sit in front of the bar, while he ordered drinks from the bartender.

"Oh isn't that Lizzie, Jack's ex-girlfriend?"

My forehead wrinkled at the mention of my name. I turned to the source of the voice and was surprised to see Jack's presence with his friends.

They were sitting on a sofa not far from the bar. They all looked at me, then my gaze fell on Jack who seemed to widen at my appearance. He was clearly surprised to see my style that was different from usual.

"Gosh, why does Lizzie look so different now? Hey Jack, you're so stupid for betraying the love of a beautiful girl like her," said one of his friends.

Well, all of Jack's friends knew that I was his ex. But I didn't care about that at all anymore.

I looked over at Jack to see his reaction, but he just looked down to take a sip of his drink. My gaze then shifted to the woman who had just arrived and immediately sat down next to him.

That woman...


Flona, my best friend. The woman who betrayed me. She was beautiful, but her attitude was absolutely disgusting. She had an affair with Jack until I was kicked out miserably.

But that was in the past. Now, I was happier with my husband, James Hansen.

Flona raised her head and our gazes met. Just like her friends, she seemed very surprised when she saw my expensive appearance. The ego in me made me stand up automatically to greet her.

"Flona, hi? Long time no see. After all this time, we can finally meet in this pleasant place," I said with a sweet voice and smile.

Jack and his friends looked dumbfounded, while Flona looked nervous. I was deliberately being friendly because I wanted to show off how I was now-much classier and better than her.

Lizzie Steward is no longer a poor woman that you can insult.

"You don't want to hug your 'best friend', here?" I said, emphasizing the word best friend and making Flona flinch.

Flona smiled stiffly, but she accepted my hug anyway.

I felt like whispering about how rotten Flona's game was in taking Jack away from me, but I refrained. Just seeing me with expensive things was already making that woman feel inferior, so I was going to be more lenient.

At least for now.

"Sweety, why did you just leave?"

James suddenly appeared behind me.

I smiled sweetly and immediately took James' arm. "Oh yes, introduce my husband, James Hansen. James is the hot, established man I've been dreaming of and I can't believe that he has the same feelings for me. I feel so lucky to have met him," I said in a big, excited voice, overpowering the music that echoed around us.

They were again dumbfounded, while Jack who had known about it could only freeze in place.

"I'm the one who feels more lucky for having met a charming woman like you, Sweety," James said with a teasing smirk. He knew full well my intentions in front of Jack and Flona's friends.

Lovingly, James wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me repeatedly on the cheek. I giggled as the tip of his nose rubbed against my skin. James continued to shower me with kisses, his big hands wrapped around my slender body and I'm sure this was enough to make Flona hot.

I could see her face was flushed and her hands were clenched at her sides. I'm sure she was jealous of me being with James - the man every woman wants to be with.

"Honey, how about we dance over there?" whispered James, putting his arm around my waist.

I nodded and said goodbye to Jack, Flona, and their friends who could only nod.

Before turning to leave, I looked at Flona one last time and flashed a triumphant smile.

I felt very satisfied. It felt like the weight on my chest was disappearing little by little.

I hugged James' arm tightly and we danced to the music. I could hear some of the girls complimenting me on how lucky I was to have a husband like James, the hot and cool guy they had always wanted.

I could only smile and stare at James who looked very handsome under the lights. I touched his face unconsciously, while James fell silent. His eyes were closed as he let my hand trace his delicate face.

His high nose... his thin sexy lips... his firm jaw...


My words were cut off when there was a sudden commotion from the direction of the bar. James and I quickly approached and overheard people talking about four large men attacking a guest.


From the direction of the crowd, I widened my eyes to see a battered Jack. He ran towards us, specifically James who was now standing in confusion.

He immediately took cover behind James' body and asked for help in a desperate voice, "Help me, Uncle! They're going to kill me! You have to help me!"

The four large men in black-on-black suits stopped in front of James. They looked very angry, but then gasped when they saw James' face.

"Mr. James," one of them said in a respectful voice. They seemed to bow briefly and James returned the gesture. "I didn't expect you to be here. Do you know Jack, sir?"

"What exactly happened?" asked James. "Why did you guys chase Jack and beat him up?"

"Jack has a fantastic amount of gambling debt with us, sir. That's why we chased him when he tried to run away and wouldn't pay."

"Uncle, help me! Please! I'll die here if you don't help me!" Jack thrashed for help from James, he looked like he was about to cry. "Please pay off my debt to all of them, Uncle. You have a lot of money and that gambling debt is nothing, please!"

Jack continued to plead, not caring anymore about the eyes of the people who were now focused on us.

I just stared at James who was silent, then suddenly he grabbed my hand.

"I can do it, but you have to kneel down to Lizzie and ask her for help," he said.

I stared in shock, while Jack was gaping. He looked loading for a few moments, then shook his head hard.

"What? What do you mean, Uncle? Why should I kneel down to her?"

"Because my wife holds my money and all my assets, so you must kneel down to her. If she agrees, then you will be safe," James continued with a faint smirk.

Jack was speechless, his mouth wide open. He then looked at me with an incredulous look.

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