
Author: authoress Dhebee

The Witch and her Mate



It is thrilling to know as a witch, I am to be mated to the most powerful Alpha, Alpha Alexander of the Woodlock pack. The arms of the moon goddess finally extend their fortune to me, although being a witch, I don’t so much believe in the moon goddess.

“She is just a myth, the werewolves make to get stuck to a constraint ideology about love,” My warlock father, Julius once mumbled, but I am not going to take love advice from a man who has been married five times, my mum, Jane knows of all the women he keeps on the side but still chooses to stay with him, I still can’t figure out the reason, but my dad is sure lucky.

Here I was being shipped off in an old Isotta Fraschini car to the Woodlock pack house, it took my father all that was in him not to follow me to this unknown pack to meet my Alpha mate.

For every witch, once you turn eighteen you don’t just receive the gift of the ability to now catch magical spells but also discover who you would be spending the rest of your lives with.

“There must be some sort of mistake,” my dad exclaimed when the magic mirror cast the face of a young, handsome, dark-haired, chiseled jaw young man before me. I have never believed in love at first sight but when I saw him, I became consumed by his being, my heart, soul, and body ached for him.

“This has to be a mistake,” my mum chorused with my dad again, I get why they were bewildered, a witch has not been mated with a Wolf, talk more of an Alpha in centuries, they are mostly mated to their kind; witches to warlock or sometimes in rare occurrences, witches to humans, never wolves. But I wasn’t fazed off by this, it was the universe repaying me for all the humiliation I have gone through,

Being born with a silver spoon is good, but not when you have a sister who your parents constantly compare you with. Jasmine was everything I wasn’t, prettier, more ladylike, well-mannered, and a better witch. What was there not to like, my parents were strong, so they wanted children who were equally as strong but failed in that department when they had me, I wasn’t a protege like my elder sister, who failed in everything and constantly lived in her shadows, but things changed when I became the center of attention, I was now the witch mated to an Alpha.

My parents called the strongest witches to cast spells on the mate mirror which they believe magically developed some sort of glitch for the first time in centuries. But it kept showing the same person; Alpha Alexander. I was excited when my parents finally reached out to him and he said he would be expecting me, my life was about to get better.

As the car pulled over in the Woodlock pack I had this shiver run down my bones, It was situated in the vineyards of Creekstone town, witches do not come close to the wolves' territory, especially because of the trees and flesh everywhere, witches hate both.

I let out an exasperated gasp as I took slow steps holding my wooden suitcase in my left hand, my right hand kept wiping my face as I was sweating profusely.  There were a few people around, and all eyes were on me, as they stared at me strangely, I was expecting some kind of royalty treatment. After all, I was going to be their Luna, a young man approached me, he had dark hair and blue eyes, his body was well-built, and he towered over me. His smile was enticing and his wavy dark hair had not even a single strand out of place, he was perfect.

“Miss Aria?” he asked as he approached me, glimmering at me.

“Yes,” I replied, I was a bit shy, especially standing before this giant man. I wonder if  Alex is this tall, I can’t wait to meet him, I am already intrigued by his looks when the magic mirror casts him, and I love his voice when I communicate with him. He sounded so eloquent and somewhat sophisticated.

“I am William, the Beta of this pack, but most people just call me Liam,”

“Hi, Liam,” I stretched forth my sweaty palms. I wish I had not done that, but he gladly took it with a smile on his face. 

“Make yourself comfortable,” He muttered, taking my bags from me and walking towards the grand hall, I paced after him, as we walked through the grand hall, all eyes were staring at us, they were more like glaring, I have always heard about the hostility of wolves towards witches, but this was the first time I was experiencing it upfront.

“ Xander should be in his library, so you can just sit down in the relaxation area and wait for him to join you,”

I nodded, as he led me to the part of the house with more flowers and a see-through glass above me, it had a couples chair and an ambiance that made it soothing for a one-on-one date. I can’t believe I am going to be having my first date with the man who is fated to be my mate. 

"You can sit here, let me go get him," Liam walked out of the room, leaving me staring at the beautiful flowers, my hands were already sweaty, and I was nervous, understandably so, I was going to meet my mate for the first time. Growing up in the shadow of my perfect sister Jasmine the word.

"This isn't good enough" had always came up, so it was almost like I was in a constant competition with myself. 

The door flew open and so did my heart, but what, rather; who I expected to see wasn’t who walked through the door.

A young lady with a slender body and black hair,  she has a friendly demeanor even though she wasn’t smiling at me, she wore a white floral gown with pink stripes and had no make-up on, she is so beautiful, maybe one of the most beautiful women I have ever come across in my life.

“Hello,” I whispered. For a weird reason, I felt rather shy in her presence, she was staring at me, her eyes scrutinizing me. 

“Hello,” she responded, her voice was rather calm, and her gaze was piercing into mine, she is out of this realm beautiful, those eyes were intoxicating. I have not seen any like them before, she looks like one of those models who had the perfect body, perfect face and structure. She was indeed perfect and I felt drawn to her, had I met her before, had I seen her in my dreams.

“I am Aria,” I muttered trying to suppress the anxious feeling, building up inside of me. I stretched out my hands to her and I could see her hesitant, and then she smiled at me, no it was a smirk.  There was something innocent about her and my mind flew back to a memory I had suppressed. It was a memory from two years back, her face looked so familiar, her eyes, those eyes. 



It was my sixteenth birthday and I had told my dad I wanted a Halloween theme birthday party where people would dress in costume to attend. Why I had specifically chosen that was because  it would give room for some of my friends who are werewolves to attend without being recognized.

The party started and I  felt like a stranger at my own party, I wore a black Cinderella gown and  a black peacock mask, I wore the mask because I had just experienced an outbreak of acne on my face, I curse puberty.

 I strode to the pool, the moon casting its shadow on its surface. I felt empty like a part of me was missing, A young lady about my age walked up to me, she wore a floral pink gown and had a smile that could melt the sun, her gaze was piercing into mine, and she was trying to decipher who was behind the mask, I could tell.

“Aren’t you the birthday girl, why are you seating here looking all miserable?” she asked and I couldn’t help but chuckle, I immediately admired her straightforwardness, there was this beautiful glint about her that could be spotted from miles away.

“I guess, I am bored at my own party,” I replied with a smile.

“A beautiful girl as you bored should be forbidden, and before you ask how I know that you are beautiful; it is so easy to spot beauty in the eyes,” 

My cheeks flustered, and she gleamed at me, “ You are also so beautiful,” I replied and I could see her cheeks turn pink.

“I have something to show you,” she muttered but before I could even respond to ask what it was, she stretched forth her hand to me and I reluctantly took it, she led the way to the forest close to my house, I had been prohibited so many times from going there, but today, rules be damn.

We reached the lake in the forest and it was the most beautiful sight I had seen in a long time, the flowers that grew under the water all illuminated the pure, crystal-clear view of the surface. 

“I thought you would love this more than some pool,”

I gleamed at her, she was damn beautiful, her eyes, those eyes were one of a kind. “It is so beautiful,” I whispered.

“I found here pleasant for me to hide, have you ever wanted to hide, from the world because you know if you show your true self, they wouldn’t accept you,” 

I nodded, had always found solitude hiding from the world but most especially, myself.

She came closer to me, “This is the only place I can be myself,” she whispered.

She leaned in, closing the distance between us, and my heart skipped a beat. Time seemed to slow down as I could feel her warm breath on my lips. I could see the anticipation in his eyes, mirroring my own. All my life, I always felt like something was missing, but right now, it made a whole lot of sense.

I leaned forward, meeting her halfway. Our lips softly touched, and it was as if a spark ignited between us. The world around us faded away, and all that mattered was the sensation of his lips against mine.

The kiss was slow and tender as if we were savoring every moment. My hand instinctively found its way to her cheek, and I held her gently, deepening the kiss ever so slightly. It felt like a gentle rush of adrenaline being flushed in my stomach. 

When we pulled away from each other, “I have to go,” she muttered, it was then I realized what had just happened.

“What is your name?” I asked and she veered around with a smile and whispered a name to my ears.


“I am Erin,” She paused and gazed at me, her expression, unreadable, “ I am Alexander’s mate, the Luna of this pack’” 

Wait, what? 

 I am to be the Luna of this pack, how is she the Luna?

They have got to be a terrible mistake!

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