
Author: Alzrone Star


Crystal's POV

So here I am, in my room, all the way in California because my Father wanted me to get married to a man of his choice, all because it had been few years since my first shift. And like every shewolf and or person in line for a position, they expect you to miraculously find your mate te following day or the latest being three months. 

And so, because I had not found my mate within the pack and had been denied access to leave the pack in search for my mate, he thought it would be a good idea to get me one by contract. The thing is that, had it never crossed his mind that maybe, I don't know, don't want to become Gamma. Let me take you back to last week.

Last week

Well today is like every other day. Boring. But it is also the day that I get to go for a pack meeting with the higher ups, yay!!! (Note the sarcasm). Dad said that since I'm going to be the next Gamma, I need to start attending the pack's meetings, which sucks for me. I hate being told what to do. My life is such a pain, I have to foloow every stupid rule thrown my way.

Anyways, I get out of bed and take a quick shower. Dad said i needed to come out of my comfort zone, which means no jeans, shorts and/or sweats. I end up getting a cute white knee length dress with small red roses as a design. Pairing it up with a pair of white flats and tie a neat ponytail. Time to sit in place for and listen to other people's problems like I don't have my own. 

I head downstairs and find father there waiting for me. He scans my outfit before telling me to follow him into the conference room.

"You took your time, we're going to be late." " Apologies father." I bow my head while addressing him. "As future Gamma, you have to learn how to be ready on time for anything. Do I make myself clear?" He said strictly. "Yes father. But has it ever occured to you that maybe I dont want to be Gamma."

He just looked at me as if I just grew an extra head. "That would be stupid. One must take up what they have been given in order to save others. Now act like you're supposed to."

I never get to do anything. Ever since I turned eight, my father started to train me into becoming the perfect Gamma, and he never seemed to care if I had friends or not. Its not that I had any thanks to him, but still, it would feel nice to know  that he caresabout me and not just about the stupid title.

We reach the conference room and everyone there. "It is 10:00am..." The alpha announced, "..let the meeting begin." And that's how it started, the longest 11 hours of my life.

10 hours and 40 minutes into the meeting

Then since the meeting ended early, my father decided to make an announcement. "Excuse me everyone, since it wont be long 'til we pass our positions to our children, I have decided to let you know that I will be getting my daughter married to warrior captain's son." 

"Wait, what?! You can't do that dad" He decides to ignore her, " Since you all know that daughter has not found her mate from the time she shifted. I thought it best for th pack that she marries before she is given the title as Gamma."

I felt my anger build up, and when I looked at his son, I saw him smirk at me. That just made things worse, but what made it even much worse was that everyone was okay with the idea. I faced the floor, trying to contain my anger.

"What do you say daughter, when do you want the wedding to be? It must be between next week and the week after."


"What do you mean 'no'?" Father asked furiously.

" Who the hell do you think you are to control my life like that?" And that's hen my wolf almost took control of me. I looked up and everyone in the room looked so scared. I've got this weird thing were my eyes glow a blinding shade of blue and white. But it only happens when I'm furious. The Alpha saw me as his secret weapon, and for this reason I was never allowed to go out the pack alone.

"Crystal as your father, I command you stop or else I'll.."

" Or else you'll what? Take away my freedom? you already took that away from me. You know what I'm done. I'd say this was a pleasant meeting but, I don't want to lie to myself. So excuse me."

I rush home snd start to pack some clothes. I cant leave in a place like this. I'll make ymy escape afer dinner. and finally to Arizona. Once it was midnight, I changed into a pair of jeans, a black turtle neck and some black boots. I put the bag in my car and left a not on the living room table saying these words in bold...


Well good bye old life and hello road trip..

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