
Chapter 1: The First Meeting of Anointed Wolves

Kai's POV

"A king was holding a book. A book that was written as their guide for living. It contain a future events predicted by their ancestors. All that written there was happened so it's treated as sacred thing." I listened to her as she tell a stories to the children.

During my breaks, this is what I do, I sneaked to hear her telling the same story, to the children.

"The prophecy of our ancestors will about to begin in this era, it has started when my daughter was born, The king said to its people." She changed her voice into man, acting like a king. 

This is what I loved to her, she instantly blend with other people. 

"Then right after, the next Alpha was born. Everyone was rejoiced as the Moon turns into red." I smirked, seriously, will children believe on what she was saying? 

"Why would they rejoice over the red moon?" A curiously child asked.

"Because it's the sign. Sign that when the anointed Alpha and Luna was born and combined together the moon will turn red." She slammed her hands to the table so the children got shocked. 

"The anointed Alpha and Luna will be the most powerful wolves in the history. No one can ever beat them," she whispered then the atmosphere became silent until a child asked question.

"Where are they now?" She become silent for while, thinking if she would answer it. 

"The anointed Luna, went far away, leaving his Alpha." Her voice become sad as well as the children.

"Why did she leave? Does it mean that the prophecy will never happen?" Asked by a child.

"I don't know but they were destined according to prophecy. Let see, if destiny will make its way to let them meet again," I walked away, didn't let her finish her sentence.

Ever since the story of Anointed Alpha and his Luna became popular to everyone. All of them fantasize, the idea of becoming powerful, little did they know it was hard.

Those two anointed wolves, for sure suffered a lot. Not even born in this world, they already have a huge responsibility. No one even asked if they like it and they can't ever back out because everyone is hoping for them.

I know how it feels because I'm the anointed Alpha, I did not choose this, its the other side instead. The anointed Luna's life put in danger, at the aged of eight, some rouges tried to killed her. In order to protect her, she was hidden at the human world. 

They faked her death, only the Alpha, our Lycan and me, who knows where she is. For sure, her life there is so good. I even heard that she never spent a time for her training. Tsk. I hoped that she will not cause any trouble here.

"I saw you while ago, you sneaked again on my class." She appeared from nowhere but her presence didn't shook me.

"Yes, and you always tell the same story. Mom, why do you always tell it?" She smiled.

"The Anointed Alpha, chosen by the Moon Goddess is my Son. I'm proud of you, that's why so," She smiled sweetly.

"What if I fail as an Alpha? What if I can't protect them? Will you still be proud of me?" To her, I can be weak. I can say what I think, she's the only woman I can always be honest with.

"I'll always be proud of you in what ever you do and whatever you choose," she answered. What if I run away from my responsibilities? I want to asked but I stopped myself.

"Even if you choose to run away, I will still fight for you," she said then hug me beside.


"I can't do it, sir." Said by a 10 years old me.

"I'm not asking you, if can you do it. I said DO IT," he pushed me harder this time. I re-gain all my energy to run faster as he wanted me to do.

Inhale, Exhale, then I run, I run faster as could I can. Until I can't even catch my breathe. 

I wanted to backed out many times, but every time I do. Reality always slap me that I have my responsibilities. I'm torn between choosing to be free and to accomplished my tasks. I know that I can't choose myself alone so learned to adapt, it was the best decision I've done so far.

End of Flashback…

I'm currently waiting for her to comeback from human world. It has been so long, I can't remember her face but for sure she's still pretty, just like when we were child.

The door for our world, finally opened, A mesmerizing beauty it revealed. I was stunned for while but I managed to back on my senses when we walked together. 

"So you're the one?" Suddenly she asked, out of no where so I looked so clueless.

"I mean, you're the anointed man? My destiny as what they say?" She explained then laughed, I feel insulted.

"Alright, I want to be clear. I don't like you," she said without blinking and it's my turned to laugh. I laughed really hard so she will feel ashamed.

Then I stopped walking, I grabbed her hand. She looked shocked, I stepped closer to her, about an inch is our distance.

"You are not my type, so don't be too full about yourself." Then I step back and smirked. 

She thought that she's likeable, little did she know, I hate her. For running away on her responsibilities, to enjoyed and abuse the freedom she was given. I hate her, so I'll be the one who will train her. I'll make sure that, she will learn her lessons well. If not in gentle way, then I it will be hard or even bloody way. Something that will shake her life.

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