
The Alpha's Chosen Bride
The Alpha's Chosen Bride
Author: Vivian

The wedding

Nina sat in front of the large mirror in her room, while some of the omegas dressed dressed her hair. She was putting on a white long wedding gown.

It was the day she had been waiting for. The day she would be getting married to the man her parents chose for her, Alpha Ezra, the Alpha of the Night howlers pack. The thought of that made her shiver in fear.

Alpha Ezra was well known all through the land of the werewolves. He was known to be the strongest Alpha, and his pack was the largest. But what made her afraid of him was the fact that he had a reputation for being cruel. He cared for no one but himself, and he wanted control over everything and everyone he comes in contact with. Alphas of smaller packs did well to stay out of his way. But here she was, preparing to be his wife.

"Nina." She heard her mother's voice call as she made her way into the room, but she didn't turn to look at her. She could see her from the mirror anyway. "You look so beautiful sweetheart. Alpha Ezra is going to have his mind blown." She mused.

"I am sure he would." Nina responded in a dry sarcastic tone.

"Darling, I know you are sad about marrying the Alpha, but you know why it has to be done."

"Of course I do mother. You and father never fail to remind me. Duties over feelings." Nina responded, looking at her mother through the mirror, her eyes hollow. It felt like she was looking through her.

The woman then smiled. "That's my lovely girl. I knew you would understand. Marrying the most powerful Alpha will help our pack rise high in rank among others. Perhaps even among the top." She smiled thinking about her fantasy, while Nina only shook her head. She used to ask herself when she was younger if her parents loved her, but now she knew the answer; they didn't, they fucking didn't. She was only a tool, a reserved instrument to get power and broaden their horizon. She was only a pawn in the game of chess.

"And remember..."

"To be a perfect doll and never go against him. I get it mom, I will always please him." Nina said, cutting her mother off.

Her mother gave her an approving smile that made her feel sick to the stomach. How could she be happy that her daughter was getting married to a dictator? Her happiness meant nothing to her.

Nina felt her eyes sting, but she blinked back the tears before they fell. She had not cried about this for a long while, she shouldn't now.

After they were done dressing her, she went to the venue where the wedding was to take place. It was in the Night howlers pack.

It was just in a small field, a little close to the pack house. She learnt from her mother that the Alpha didn't enjoy public gatherings. There were two rows of seats for the few invited guests, and a narrow path in between, for her to walk up to the front.

She stood at the end, staring ahead. She found the man she was going to marry standing there, dressed in a black well tailored suit, his jet black hair slicked to the back, and his sharp amber eyes staring at her. But there was no warmth in them. He just seemed to be studying the person he was getting married to.

"Now is the time Nina, you don't need me or your father to walk you up to him." She suddenly heard her mother's voice, and she stopped herself from rolling her eyes. "Always remember to..."

"Please him mom. I know already." Nina interjected.

She then turned fixed her gaze on her soon-to-be husband, the cold way in which he stared at her have her goosebumps. She wanted to run away, but where would she run to? She was known all around the werewolf world because she had a weak wolf, as she had been rejected by her mate, who was also an Alpha. She felt a pang of pain in her heart as she thought of that, but she tried her best to push it to the back of her mind.

She then began to walk up to him, ignoring her wildly beating heart and the painful knots in her stomach, and her weakened wolf stirring against it.

When she got to the front and saw him, he offered his hand. She was taken aback for a moment, but she still took his hand. She was thankful that he had the decency to be gentle on their wedding, but she feared what would come after.

The officiator then began the ceremony. It was just like any other human wedding ceremony. It didn't even last long, as they just said their vows and exchanged rings. Vows she was sure were empty. There was no way in hell this man would stay loyal to her.

"...You may now kiss the bride."

Nina's heart beat in terror. She had missed everything the officiator said, but now when he mentioned her kissing him... Oh Lord!

But to her surprise, the Alpha just took her hand and dragged her away from the venue, leaving the people stunned and displeased. She heard that he didn't care what the people thought about him, he just did whatever he liked. How the hell was he an Alpha?

She wondered where he was taking her, until she saw a black BMW packed a few distance in front of them. He was taking her away. To the pack house perhaps? But why so fast? He didn't even wait for his parents.

"Uhm... Alpha..." She bit nervously on her lower lip as he turned to her, his gaze cold and piercing. It made her want to escape.

"What is it?" His baritone voice resounded smoothly, making her already wildly beating her to go haywire.

"Why don't we wait? The ceremony is barely over."

"I came here to make you my wife. Now you are my wife, there is no need staying back."

She swallowed the lump in her throat before nodding. He then continued to drag her to the car. "Where are we going Alpha?"

"Where do married couples go after their wedding?" He asked her meaningfully, and she already knew what he meant. That she wasn't ready for.

"But Alpha, I am not..."

"Get in the car!" He ordered, not bothering to hear what she was going to say. He opened the driver's side of the car and entered. After waiting for a while and Nina didn't enter the car, he came down. She didn't even move a step forward from where she stood before.

The alpha stared at her, displeased at her disobedience.

"What the hell are you doing standing here?"

"I am just trying to make you hear me out."

She noticed the surprise flash in his eyes, and nobody needed to tell her that he wasn't used to people going against his orders. He then stalked towards her with heavy strides, and she instinctively moved back, feeling the need to protect herself against this man.

When he got to her, he grabbed her by the arm and began to drag her into the car, while she struggled, but her strength was no match for his.

"You are hurting me Alpha." She complained as she began to hit his hand where he held her. When he still proved to be unrelenting, she bent and bit him hard and he left her immediately, surprise flashing in his eyes.

"Now listen to me, I am not ready to consumate my wedding with you, and you will wait until I am ready." She said between pants, surprising the Alpha again.

"You are a stubborn one." He then looked down at his hands before he narrowed his gaze at her. "I don't know how you treat your Alpha back in your pack, but here, this is not allowed. You will be punished for this. Now get in the car."

"What about the consummation?" She stubbornly insisted.

"You want to know that bad huh? You are my wife, and it is part of your obligation to be fucked by me. So yes, I will fuck you."

Nina felt beads of sweat gathering on her forehead and palm. Her heart beating in fear of the horror that had befallen her.

"It's not even night yet?"

"Who said it must be at night anyway? You are my wife now, and I will fuck you anytime it pleases me. Do you understand?"

Nina stared at him for a moment, her gaze holding meaning. Perhaps a challenge. She then walked past him and got into the passenger side of the car. Not long after, Ezra entered the driver's side and started the car.

"So why did your mate reject you?" He asked, and he noticed how she tensed visibly.


Welcome to my book dear readers. This is my first attempt writing a werewolf book. I really hope you will like it. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments. Thank you very much for reading.

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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Karen Vance
So far it’s interesting. Are they going to bump heads as stubborn she is?

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