
Severing The Bonds


A grand conference had descended upon the Moonglow pack, nestled in the heart of the North. Known far and wide as the largest and most prestigious pack, it stood under the rule of none other than the Alpha King himself, Zander Blake. Alphas from every corner of the world converged upon this sacred ground, drawn by the significance of the gathering. And at the helm of it all, leading the congregation, was the formidable figure of Alpha King Zander Blake.

I wiped away my tears, summoning the strength to compose myself. Taking a deep breath, I hurried towards the conference hall. The pain of betrayal made it challenging to drag my weary body forward. Tears persisted, blurring my vision and momentarily blinding me. Nonetheless, I fought against them, pushing them back.

"Luna Queen, I'm sorry, but you can't enter. The conference has already begun, and I've been instructed not to let anyone in," the guard pleaded, attempting to prevent me from entering. 

However, as the Luna Queen, I held authority over the pack.

"This is urgent, and I must speak with the Alpha King right away," I asserted firmly. "Please, open the doors and allow me inside."

The guard couldn't deny my instructions this time, conceding to my authority as he reluctantly opened the doors, granting me passage.

Dressed in a mini dress, I adorned myself as Zander desired. My long, wavy blonde locks cascaded freely over my shoulders. He only married me for my beauty and didn't miss any chance to use my body for his pleasure. For him, I was only a plaything. Yet, I willingly transformed myself, hoping that he would someday reciprocate the love I held for him as his mate. It was foolish of me to believe that his love ran deeper than superficial desires. Tears welled in my eyes, tracing the memories of the intimate moments we shared.

I had loved him with every fiber of my being, surrendering my heart, soul, body, and life to him. I gave him everything I possessed, morphing into someone I never thought I could be, all for the sake of his happiness.

My steps faltered, my heart pounding with fear, but I pressed on. The hall came into view, brimming with Alphas from far and wide. The mingling scents of their strength and power saturated the air, an overwhelming presence that could instill terror in any human or weaker wolf. Yet, I summoned my courage, drawing strength from within as I faced my mate.

"Alpha King!" I roared with seething anger, my voice echoing through the hall.

"Selena?!" He growled, his once vibrant blue eyes darkening as they locked onto me. "What in the world are you wearing?" His disapproving frown directed the attention of the other Alphas in the room, causing them to avert their gazes.

Disregarding his remark, I remained focused on my purpose, my heart pulsating with a mix of fury and pain.

"You... you took the lives of my family and my pack," I screamed, the intensity of my emotions shaking my very existence. 

He was the epitome of power, a force that none dared to challenge. Yet, here I stood, shouting at him, defying the mightiest wolf. A wave of intimidating pheromones enveloped me, causing me to stumble back. Zander's dangerous gaze bore into me, his expression hardening.

"This is neither the time nor the place discussing personal matters," he ordered, his voice laced with authority as an Alpha.

"No, you slaughtered them, and now you desire to do the same to me!" I yelled at him, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Selena!" Zander snarled, his warning tone sending shivers down my spine. However, I stood my ground, refusing to be silenced.

"No, Alpha King, no!" I screamed, my voice ringing with defiance. "You cannot prevent me from revealing the truth to everyone."

"It is an order from your Alpha. Leave this instant," he growled, his knuckles turning white as he tightly gripped the armrest of his chair.

"I do not obey your orders. You are not my Alpha. You are a murderer. I reject you, Alpha King Zander Blake, as my mate and Alpha," I spat out, my words dripping with defiance and finality.

"Luna Selena Blake!" Zander's howl reverberated through the air, his teeth bared in anger. His body trembled as his wolf, Lyon, took control, its fierce presence reflected on Zander's visage.

"Ardolf! Selena Ardolf is my name," I retorted, my voice laced with contempt.

In an instant, all the love, respect, and trust that once existed between us dissipated upon learning of his unforgivable cruelty.

"People warned me that you were the cruelest Alpha in this world, but I refused to believe them. I held onto the hope that our mating would change you. Yet, I was living in a delusion," I sobbed, my voice quivering as I fought to maintain my strength, to assert my rejection of my mate.

"I was mistaken. You never changed. You have no heart. I cannot continue to live alongside you. I despise you. So, accept my rejection and release me from this unwanted bond," I cried, my words punctuated by tears that betrayed my resolve.

Zander's eyes turned cold and dark as his face was covered with a dark, chilling shadow.

"Selena Ardolf," he uttered in a deep, emotionless Alpha voice.

"People warned me not to choose a wolfless, weak woman from the weakest pack in the world as my mate and Luna Queen. Yet, I disregarded their counsel. I bestowed upon you the title of Luna Queen and offered you everything you never deserved. But you have failed to fulfill your duties as both a Queen and my mate. You are disrespectful, disobedient, and unworthy of being the Luna Queen to the largest and strongest pack in the world. I accept your rejection, Selena Ardolf. I, Alpha King Zander Blake, reject you, Selena Ardolf, as my mate and my Queen," he bit out with disgust.

The rejection was completed, and the mate bond broke instantly.

The air evaporated from my lungs, leaving me gasping for breath. My body crumbled to the ground, my hands instinctively reaching out to protect my swollen belly. Fear gripped my heart as I worried for the safety of my unborn child. As I knelt on the floor, the world around me seemed to fade into a blur, and I closed my eyes, willing the pain to dissipate. No one rushed to my side, but their watchful gazes weighed upon me, a silent audience to my torment. Taking slow, measured breaths, I mustered what little strength remained within me.

Though Zander must have felt the agony coursing through our bond, he wore a stoic expression, masking any hint of his own suffering. As the Alpha King, he was the epitome of strength among wolves, capable of enduring the pain.

Minutes ticked by, each passing moment accompanied by my ragged panting. The searing sensation of the mating mark on my neck intensified, threatening to unleash a scream from my tightly pressed lips. I refused to reveal my weakness before them, forcing the tears streaming down my face against my will.

Eventually, the pain began to wane, relinquishing its grip on me. Summoning the remnants of my resilience, I rose unsteadily to my feet. 

I cast one last glance at Zander, his piercing blue eyes meeting my hazel gaze. For an instant, I thought I detected a flicker of pain and hurt within them. Yet, before I could fully process the sight, it transformed into an expression of loathing and repulsion.

 Now he would revel in the happiness of being reunited with his beloved, while I was cast aside from his life.

Slowly, I dragged my weary and aching body out of the hall as I made my way towards the borders of the pack, where my uncle patiently awaited my arrival.

I departed without taking anything from the pack, for I required nothing from him.

All I yearned for was escape, to depart from his life before he discovered the secret I had concealed.

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