

She was floating, she was lightless and was floating on clouds, at a distance she saw her mother beckoning to her, a feeling flooded her mind as she got closer to her.

"Mum" she ran into the woman's arms and sobbed like a child "oh mother, how I missed you".

" I missed you Mi Cara, I missed everything about you".

"Mother there's a lot i need to tell you, come let's have a long chat_".

"You can't stay here Mi Cara, you're stuck between the human world and the spirit realm_".

"Then I'll stay! I don't want to go back!" She cried out, interrupting her mother. "please don't make me go back, father-father, he hurts me".

"Shh, I know, I know and I apologise for that. I didn't know that it would end up this way. He has been taking my death the wrong way, he didn't expect that I'll leave both of you suddenly so he been grieving wrongly, he was supposed to take care of my most special gem in the world, you. He will change I promise, you just have to give him time, time heals all wounds ".

"Can I stay? ".

" I'm afraid you have to leave now my child. For I am just a dream, Don't worry about anything and let your spirit guide you to your future. I'll always be with you every step of the way. I love you Mi Cara , I always do. Take the dew it'll make you feel new " she pulled away from her crying daughter and turned around to leave, Renée tried to follow but discovered that she was rooted to one spot, no matter how she struggled, she couldn't take a step forward and could only watch her beloved mother depart.

The scene before her begins to disassipate, she struggles to hold on to one thing, something that could gurantee her stay but everything was quickly replaced with darkness.

She felt a throbbing headache and hissed quietly as she tried to move her weakened limbs. She had failed to die, who knew what state her body was in. She tried to open her eyes but her eyelids were too heavy to lift.

"My child, try to open your eyes, you are stronger than this" she heard a soothing familiar voice almost replica to to that of her mother. She could almost believe that she was back,that she was there finally is caring for her until she remembered that she left again.

I forced my heavy eyelids open, my eyes trying to get used to the room that looked quite distorted, my vision was hazy and disoriented but i was able to assume my location. I was still laying in my own blood, the stab wound in my thigh was inflamed as it stings badly, yellowish pus was already sipping out, what a disgusting sight. I felt disgusted and irritated. My loving father and the knife was nowhere to be found, he probably went on one of his many vacations without me, knowing him well, he'll expect to see the house spotless and clean irrespective of the fact that I'm hurt.

Groaning heavily I pulled my upper body up to check the time, it was 3pm on THURSDAY!!!!. Wasn't it just Monday yesterday! I've been unconscious for three days! Luciana would be so worried. Having no time to waste, I start dragging my body the bathroom, visibly limping. I stared at my reflection, my dark hair was full and stained with blood, it had lost its shine. My eyes were swollen, lips had small wounds and bruises were covering my body, I forced myself not to throw up at seeing how battered my body was.

I had a warm bath carefully not to bruise my body the more. Putting some shampoo and conditioner in my hair, I scrubbed my hair and rinsed it out multiple times until I was sure that the blood was completely gone. Wrapped up in a towel, I start to apply balm on my bruises, the knife wound was still grotesque to me so I try to cover it up lightly, not making my leg heavier than they are, I felt so empty, so lonely, I couldn't bring myself to cry at the suddenly unfortunate twists of events that had happened in my life.

My eyes caught sight of a small hole behind one of my mother's paintings on the wall, curiosity getting the better part of me, I limped towards it and took down the painting. A small sized hole which my hand could fit through was revealed and I wasted no time in putting my hand in and pulling out the content, my hand is wrapped around a small vial bottle with sparkling water that glistened at slight shake.

A normal person would try to figure out what was inside but I wasn't normal,

I was broken,

I was dejected

So I gulped down the contest at one swing.

What a reckless action.

What if it were poison.

Was I that eager for death?.


As long as it would grant me a lifetime of freedom with my mother....

I would take any crazy action.

I felt wierd, a warm sensation pooled at the bottom of my stomach, only then did I take a look at the bottle.

Morning Dew

I had heard stories about this.

morning dew is believed to be tears from heaven, and in another, the droplets are poured from the vessel of the goddess of dawn.

but I guessed that they are all myths. 'It probably isn't the real stuff' but the warmth in my body was telling me otherwise. I was feeling tired and regardless of my unwilling mind, my weak body laid on my bed for a nap.


Lucian's POV

I groaned as sun rays reflected on my face. I fucking need a break. I had stayed up till 5am, covering up lots of paperworks in advance and I really wanted to sleep in. I cracked one of my eyelids only to catch a sight of my best friend smiling sheepishly in my front of face while puckering his lips at the same time.

I slapped his face away "Ewww, gross, get that germ infested lips from my face"

He recoiled back in shock " Ouch that hurts your highness" he gave a mock bow.

"Shut up" I turned to one of the clocks in my room, 8am, I glared at him. I slept for just three hours... thanks to him.

"We have to get to school, we're late" He shrugged unfazed by my glare.

"We're not attending".

"What! How do you expect me to leave my mate with those unmated scumbag males" he groaned

"We have work to attend to. I need more sleep while you need more paperwork to distract you from frustrating me. Your mate is my sister and a princess, no one would dare to do anything inappropriate to her" I shrugged "Now run along and kiss her goodbye before she angrily leaves and kicks you out of your room" I tried to stifle my chuckle as he ran out of the room immediately like a dog with its tail tucked between it's legs.

My name is Lucian Josh Woods- scratch that it's prince Lucian to everyone apart from my family and best friend who is a pain to my royal ass. I'm 18 years old and I have more duties and obligation than a normal 18 yeard old kid. My parents are the king and queen of the werewolves all over the world so Instead of attending constants parties and throwing them at the same time, I'm busy in training on how to become the alpha king.

Alpha king? Let me tell you a secret.

To everyone else I'm a werewolf but there's a secret that has been passed down my generation, everyone who mistakenly finds out about it has to lose his life the next minute. Dead men tell no tale.

I'm a shifter, a lycan, one of the earliest werewolves that walked the earth. The moon goddess had made us smarter, stronger and faster to almost invincible than normal werewolves. I am the last of my kind and surprisingly I've been able to keep the secret pretty well from all those annoying pesky pack alphas who pride themselves as the strongest. Not that they could challenge me, I'm sure some of them are looking forward to challenging me for my title as soon as the the crown touches my head, others who kept there cool knew how brutal and ruthless I could be.

No don't get me wrong, I don't gain pleasure in bathing myself in innocent peoples blood. My pack moonlight pack is the biggest and well trained. We're ranked number one on the charts of the most powerful packs in the world, rogues think twice before attacking my pack. My best friend is Raymond, he is in training on being the beta prince. I have a younger sister, my parents dotes on her a lot, she is stubborn and can be a menace sometimes, she is not interested in the royal title and would give it up for one thing.... shopping. But funny enough, she is Ray's mate.

I do not show it all the time but I love her as much as her mate does... maybe less. Every male werewolf would be able to find their mates at eighteen while a female could find hers at seventeen. I've been trying to find my mate since I turned eighteen but to no avail, sometimes I feel jealous seeing the relationship between my best friend and sister but there's nothing me or anyone else can do about it. You can't separate mates.

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