
Forty Seven


There was silence across the room, eery silence.



I turned sharply to see disbelief, anger and confusion pass across the faces in the room - the last being on Owen. I still stood frozen.

It was Caleb who broke the silence, his voice resounding through the room.


Olga turned to him.

'Yes. The Vampire your pack took down. Krystal had being in the fight. I thought she had died. I had mourned her' Olga's voice broke 'only for her to resurface again'.

I unfroze, confused.

'She was there during the fight?' I asked.

Olga nodded.

'She ran away from home. Next I hear, she was dead or was supposedly dead, killed during the battle against the Vampire Maximus'

'How then did she survive' Caleb asked.

It was Owen who spoke after his initial confusion had worn off.

'Witches, unlike you believe, are powerful. We don't die easily. She must've survived the battle'

Caleb sighed.

I turned to Olga who looked blankly at the wall, a question burning in my mind.

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