
Chapter 002

Aira Jen P.O.V

I focused on taking care of the papers for the next branch of my own boutique. There are many reasons why I had my own business; I just don't want to go back, and it's too heavy for my mood.

"Pen, after this, what's my next meeting?" I asked my secretary.


"It's all gone, Miss, but Ms. Raven called me earlier, saying that she wanted to see you.  Should i answer yes or no. I told her earlier that i will call her if you have an answer?" My secretary added.


"Don't answer; let her be," I said to her with a wide smile.

She didn't say that she was going home to the Philippines, and then he wanted to take my free time. Who is she? hahaha


Raven is my best friend.

She is the one and only one who was there for me during times when no one believed in me. Actually, there were two of them, and one person suddenly walked away without me even saying why.


If I have done something bad to him, I always apologize to him. I always text his number, but I don't get an answer. Even when we meet, he doesn't spare me even the slightest glance.


Anyway, I am Aira Jen Villanueva.

Owner of Jen Coords and Lady's Boutique. I don't consider myself one of Villanueva's siblings. There are many reasons why, but all I know is that even my mother felt that I was not accepted.


I remembered that my brother used to always scold them because they were always second or third in the class, and then I was always in the lead. Every time I tell Mom and Dad, their only answer is, "It's only fair because you're Villanueva."

I didn't feel that they were happy with my achievements, but I always told them and showed them. I was 17 years old when I realized that no matter what I do, there is no use for them. I feel like I'm just a slap in the face of my family.

Even someone who was very close to me avoided me when we were teenagers. At first, I thought it was because he only had a girlfriend, but I was wrong because he didn't meet anyone. I also noticed the change in his personality, being a cold and one-word person.


A lot has changed between us, so I just accepted all the changes. There is nothing I can do but accept everything that is happening.


"Hey, this is earth, meeen," screamed a woman in front of me.

I was just overwhelmed when I realized who was in front of me. I stood up, grabbed my bag, and was about to leave.


"Wow, welcome back to me, huh?" she said to me sarcastically.


I just shook my head, smiling as I walked away.


I know that even if I tell her not to go, she will still go. She is that stubborn. I knew I had a schedule this afternoon, so when I was asked, there was nothing. I was not surprised because I knew that she had canceled everything.


"So what? Am I just going to be a dog after you?" She asked again while following me.


"Did I tell you to follow me?" I asked sarcastically,


"Tsk," she answered.


Hahahaha, I'm just laughing in my mind.

She is a beautiful woman, classy, tall, and rich. Her complexion is very smooth, but one thing is for sure, her type is not a man.

"You know very well where we are going," he added.


"Apparently, you canceled all my appointments for this without my permission. How dare you?" Sermon and I asked him.


Well, that's exactly how Raven and I are. We are business partners in the boutique, but it seems like she is just an investor because I do all the boutique work and she only used her money. She really has a job, and that is being an artist's stylist. Guest, who's artist is she holding? Hahahahaha.


I drove to our favorite spot at the bar. This is because we are both unwinding. This is also the norm.


"So, she's already here too?" I will ask.

"Yes, but she won't go straight to your family mansion. She's going to pass by a resort she bought. She said she'll be there for one week and nothing will cause trouble, so the world will be quiet for one week." Raven's long answer


"Dad said it was in 2 weeks. What did she plan on 1 week next week?" I asked back.


I still care about him, I'm just not showy like him or other people. If he wants a quiet vacation first, I'll let him, but I won't let them know, Dad.


"I'm her stylist, not her manager. Call her if you want to know." He replied flatly back to me.


"Anyway, let's talk about our business. How is the boutique?" She changed the topic.


"If you don't want to talk about your work, then I don't want to either," I answered her flatly.


We do realtalk to each other, but our concern for each other is still there. We just laughed when we realized we were on the same page. She is Rea Vanessa Legario.

We have been friends for a long time. It's been a long time since she admitted to me that she wants me not as a friend, but more than that.


I told her straight to her face what was inside me. I also said that I don't have special feelings for her and that we are just friends.


Two months also passed before we went back to where we used to be, and neither of us mentioned that matter again. One day, we suddenly talked and went back to normal.


I do not know.


I do not know how.


I do not know where.


The only thing I know is that we are friends, and that will not change the fact.

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