The Billionaire's Pregnant Wife

The Billionaire's Pregnant Wife

By:  HusnaS  Completed
Language: English
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Having a caring boyfriend, Hailey couldn’t have asked for more. But one night at a bar, she got drunk and stumbled into the arms of a strange man. Unknowingly to her, that stranger was Kendrick Reid, a cut-throat billionaire who was known for his ruthlessness across the circle. Her life took a huge turn when she discovered she was pregnant with his baby. The elders got involved and she was forced into an arranged marriage with the billionaire. While Hailey seeks her freedom, Kendrick ensures not even a hair on her body is harmed. As she navigates this new life, she realizes that there’s more to Kendrick than meets the eye. So many secrets spiral around why he is keen on keeping her and having the baby. As those secrets come to light, she becomes more aware of the dangers that accompany her new life, strengthening her resolve to leave the billionaire. But will Kendrick let her go that easily? What if his temptations were as overwhelming as her fear of those dangers? What if her resolve weakens and she is torn between her quest for freedom and this man she has come to love? Are there more secrets left to be revealed? Can she trust the people that she believes care for her the most? When family drama and other contending forces get involved, is her marriage destined to be a blissful one or doomed for more problems to come? The bond she shares with Kendrick is not one to be easily severed. What happens when that bond is constantly threatened to the point of extinction? Follow me on Instagram @authorhusnas & Facebook: Author Husnas, and receive frequent updates about this story.

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user avatar
Sandy Williams
Absolutely Amazing story. your are very talented would love a follow up story getting to know the children xxxxxx
2024-01-21 15:42:24
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So interesting ...
2023-06-16 00:56:41
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Moyo Mola
This novel is very interesting
2023-05-29 23:11:12
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Want to know what next in the journey of the charcrers
2023-05-22 14:44:16
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Asana Yakubu
with how the story is going,am loosing interest in it.
2023-04-02 15:47:09
default avatar
Tired of reading dragged out books. Will delete this App.
2023-03-21 11:25:39
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Asana Yakubu
we've been waiting for about three days or so now no update,pls we are expecting more chapters soon
2022-11-29 22:46:29
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Please let us know when you'll do massive updates. I don't mind giving plenty of gems.
2022-10-25 17:30:43
user avatar
I wonder if the Author can update more than two chapters.
2022-10-25 17:30:04
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Where is Hailey's Mum?
2022-10-25 17:22:53
user avatar
I can't believe Devon is the one that spills the secrets. Kendrick is left in a hot spot. Hailey feels used.
2022-10-25 17:21:11
user avatar
I love Hailey's sense of humor.
2022-10-25 17:20:06
user avatar
I love how Kendrick and Hailey's romance is developing. The pacing is neither too fast nor too slow.
2022-10-25 17:19:48
user avatar
I hope the Author will update more chapters soon.
2022-10-25 17:19:05
user avatar
I'm sooo much attracted to this novel right from the cover.
2022-10-25 17:18:42
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572 Chapters
Chapter One
Hailey wiped her hands with a towel and flicked away the sweats on her forehead. Her eyes roamed over her masterpiece on the huge table inside the kitchen. Plates of various cuisines were spread on the enormous table. And they were all cooked by her. She hadn't worked this hard for a long time. But this was a special occasion. Kendrick would return tonight. It had been three months since she saw him last. And three months since her marriage to him. When he had walked out on her on their wedding night, nothing could amount to the joy she felt. A month before that, she never knew she would end up being his wife. It was the most tragic thing that ever happened to her. Just one mistake, from a night of painful pleasure, and the next thing she knew was being forced into an arranged marriage. But all would end tonight."Hailey, are you done?" Chloe entered the kitchen. Her eyes surveyed the table and having confirmed for herself, she locked the door and walked forward. "Here, make sure yo
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Chapter Two
"Brother-in-law, Hailey has spent several hours in the kitchen preparing these foods, she wouldn't even allow me to help her. I hope you enjoy it," Chloe said in a timid voice. "Really?" His deep voice made Hailey look up and she found his gaze still on her. His eyes softened and she could even notice a hint of smile on his face."Yes." Chloe nodded. "Hailey is so good at cooking, her skill surpasses everyone else's in the family.""Is that true?" He looked at the plates of food, before giving her his full attention, probably demanding an answer from her.Hailey frowned and glanced away. Of course, she wasn't the only one that could cook in the family. There was no need for her sister to help her enter into his good books."Oh, sister caught a cold last week and has been dealing with a sore throat since then. She can't speak properly." Chloe butted in then stood up. She served him the food and said, "The food will turn cold, Brother-in-law. Hailey has put a lot of effort into it."
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Chapter Three
When the doctor left, the butler made a call, then stood up. Shortly after, one of the guards who had been standing outside the door came inside. He exchanged glances with the butler, before standing at the edge of the bed. The butler let out a sigh and walked out, after glancing at her. Hailey returned her attention to the bed. She wanted to hold his hand again but the guard stopped her. "Sorry, Ma'am. You can't touch Master," he said flatly. Hailey withdrew her hands with a sigh. She kept her eyes glued to the floor and her head will jerk up anytime she sensed him move under the sheet. Several minutes passed by and she was dozing off when the door opened again and the butler walked in, now dressed in a new set of clothes and holding a large bag. He went to the couch and the bodyguard helped him take out boxes of food from the bag. Then he returned with two boxes on a tray and gave her. "I heard from the servants that you didn't eat since last night," said the butler. It was
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Chapter Four
Hailey stepped forward and tried to hold him. If her grandfather got wind of it, she would be done for."Can you defend yourself that you didn't do it?" Her father demanded and she kept quiet as tears streamed down her face."No. We can't keep you here. You can't stay in this house." The man shook his head rapidly. As she didn't deny, he was now a hundred percent certain. "This is a great crime, and the lawyers might arrive anytime. Leave here immediately."Her stepmother nodded and scoffed. "You are truly heartless, Hailey. You brewed this trouble for yourself and you will face it alone.""N– No, father, please." Hailey shook her head rapidly. How did it come to this? She stepped forward again to hold her father, but was sent down with a hard slap. Her stepmother smirked and also raised her hand to hit her when the door opened and Chloe came running out. "Father, Mother, please don't hit sister, you might hurt her," she pleaded while trying to shield Hailey. "Get away from her, C
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Chapter Five
His gaze wandered to her stomach and she sighed. Rob still blamed himself for taking her to the bar that night. Who knew she would have wandered off while drunk, and ended up in another man's arms. "I took some medications, I'll be fine." She had gone down to the pharmacy on the lowest floor of the hotel and got herself some drugs. She couldn't afford to go to the hospital as someone familiar might spot her. She would only be safe at this moment with her family. Unfortunately, she hadn't gotten any good news from Chloe yet. Her parents were still mad at her. "Okay, if you say so." Rob stroked her hair and smiled. "Have you gotten the divorce papers?" He asked after some time. Hailey bit her lips and slowly shook her head. If Kendrick got better, he would send her the divorce papers without her even asking. She was sure of that. "I'll get it in a few days," she replied softly. "Until then..." She took his hand and continued."We can't see each other, Rob. I don't want to cause you
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Chapter Six
Her breathing quickened and she gripped the door for support. He looked so handsome in his black tuxedo, his narrowed eyes fixing her in a heated gaze. Was she hallucinating? There wasn't any sign of the weak guy she left lying on the hospital bed. Every of his being was radiating a formidable aura. And his expression was dark as the night. With both hands in his pants pockets, he stepped forward and Hailey took a step back, her heart drumming heavily against her chest. "Nice house you've got here," he murmured, as his eyes left her and he surveyed the room "W–What are you doing here?" Hailey took another step back, trying to mask her fear. If he had recovered from the poison, wouldn't his next step be to send her the divorce papers through his lawyers? Unless if he was here to seek revenge. 'Oh no.' She gulped. "I could ask you the same question." Kendrick reached forward and caressed her cheek gently with his hand. It sent shivers up her spine and she instinctively move her
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Chapter Seven
Kendrick chuckled and continued. "Our baby is going to look just like you." His finger traced over the tiny outline and his expression softened. "Your eyes, my nose. Our skin color—""No!" Hailey cut him off. Her chest heaving up and down. She didn't want her baby to inherit any of his traits. It would only remind her of him. "That won't happen.""Oh, it will," Kendrick smirked again. "My little one is going to have a lot of our characteristics. And we're going to raise him well, together." Hailey felt like her heart was about to rip through her ribcage. She was so afraid Kendrick was right. How she wished this to be a nightmare. "Please, K–Kendrick," she stuttered and sniffled. "We don't belong together.""Ah, but we do.""No, we don't!" Hailey exclaimed desperately. "I don't care whether or not this child belongs to you! I was forced into marrying you!" "But I do," He whispered, and cupped her cheeks in his palm. "And I don't give a damn about anything else other than this child.
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Chapter Eight
Hailey brought out her phone and started playing with it. She saw a missed call from Rob and she let out a sigh. "I'll break down this door if you don't open it!" Kendrick thundered. Hailey rolled her eyes and scoffed again. 'Who cares if he breaks down the house? It's his own property.'She turned back to her phone and sighed again. What was she going to tell Rob? He must have gone to the hotel. Turning off her phone, she tossed it on the bedside table and sniffed. 'Kendrick that devil.' She chewed on her bottom lip. Was he a masochist or what? How could he still think of wanting her even after what she did? If he liked babies so much, why wouldn't he just go out there and make one with any woman and leave her alone? He had told her that she had been the one that forced herself on him that night, was he even telling the truth? The knocks finally stopped and relief washed over her. But sleep was very far from Hailey's eyes. Her stomach kept grumbling and she tossed and turned on
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Chapter Nine
Besides, Kendrick must have gone to work. She didn't want to see his face. When she left her room and got down the stairs, the servants avoided her like plague. Each kept a distance from her, giving her those weird looks. And the one that served her food as she arrived at the dining table, scuttled away immediately she was done. Hailey sighed and ate her food silently. What did she care whatever they thought of her? They might as well gang up and confront her. Still eating her food, she lifted her head to see the Butler walking in her direction. "Good morning, Madam. I hope you had a splendid night," he stood by her side and said, a smile creasing his slightly wrinkled face. Hailey blinked before she swallowed the food in her mouth. "Y–Yes... I slept well." She nodded hesitantly. Wasn't he the one that kept helping Kendrick bang on her door last night? And if the servants hated her, the Butler was like her number one enemy. What was he up to? "Good!" The Butler beamed. "Master w
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Chapter Ten
"Madam, thank goodness." He reached her side and flicked off the sweats on his forehead. "I searched for you everywhere. I thought— I thought..." He let the remaining words trail off as if thinking it didn't matter anymore. Well, she already knew what he was thinking. Come on, even if she had superpowers, how could she possibly escape from this huge mansion in such a short time. "The doctor is here, please follow me," The Butler said and started leading the way out of the garden. Hailey followed behind him, and when they entered the house, the two guards left her back and went to stand at the door. In the living room, an elderly lady was seated on one of the couches. She stood up and extended her hand as Hailey approached her. After exchanging pleasantries, the woman gestured her to sit beside her. "Please call me Bella. Although it's been decades since I provide service to the family, you can still consider me as relative," She said with a gentle smile. "Oh." Hailey nodded. "I s
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