
Becoming Famous

“Just have your Curriculum Vitae with you, and you’re hired. I'll make sure to inform them of your arrival,” Gideon had been really supportive since dad died, he had called to tell me about a job opening at his company. To be the CEO’s secretary, I was really delighted by his offer, I hadn’t made any income since I left Ireland.

“Thank you so much Gideon, I really appreciate it,” I told him sincerely.

“It’s my pleasure.”

It was Monday morning again, it was the day I was supposed to visit Gideon’s company, and probably start work that same day. I wore a coffee brown coloured wrap dress, skin coloured hose, and matched it with black heels.

I hailed a cab, then went straight to the address Gideon had sent to me. ‘Steele's Industries’, was written in bold at the top of the large office building. The can door was pulled open for me, by some men in black suits, I greeted them as I walked past and into the building.

“Good morning, I was sent here by Mr Gideon Steel,” I said to the woman at the front desk. Her cold look turned into a wide smile,

“You must be Miss Farrow,” she confirmed. I nodded at her and smiled back, “Please use the elevator to the last floor.”


I had been invited to different events to give speeches, but this speech felt different. I had been talking off the scripts, and the look on their faces showed that they were enjoying and gaining more knowledge from what I was saying.

“And with that, the world can be a better place. Any questions?” In my years of being a leader, I had learnt that ending a speech with the world being a better place, makes everyone happy, like who doesn’t want the world to be a better place?

“Mr Steele, why is it that you’re still a bachelor, when there are so many women out there?” As usual, the press would ask questions unrelated to the speech topic.

“My reasons are personal to me,” I replied with a smile on my face. I had perfected my fake smile along the years,

“Mr Grayson, what do you suggest we should do about.....”

Questions after questions, I answered them all then went back to where I was seated. The governor walked up to the podium, he had invited me to give the speech.

“Thank you so much Grayson Steele, for that wonderful speech. Mr Steele is a wonderful and smart business man, with him in New York city, the world is already a better place. For this, we would be giving in an award of excellence for business man of the year.” There were cheer and applause all around the hall as I stood up to receive the award. To be honest, I expected the award because I was good at what I do, not to sound proud though. 

Pictures were taken with me on my best smiles as I received the award. A certain man in the crowd was smiling and waving at me, as creepily as he always does, David always cheered me on like he was my personal cheerleader, he was my best friend, and colleague.

“That was a really nice speech, you know?” David said as we both got into the passenger’s seat of my grey 2019 Cadillac XT4. “I expected the award, since the governor had invited you, I knew he had something for you.”

“Thanks so much for the comment, cheerleader,” I teased while chuckling.

“I’ve told you not to call me that, I just love cheering you on, since you have no girlfriend,” David teased back. “I’m wondering which woman would want to put up with your shit.”

“Don’t start with me this afternoon, I could still fire you if I wanted,” I smirked at him. By this time, the car had come to a stop in front of the office building. My dad had recently appointed me CEO of the Steele industries, so I was most times busy with my CEO duties. 

“You wouldn’t fire me though, I know that,” I could never fire him, that was true. He most times kept my sanity in check. “Speaking of which, the head secretary quit her job. I was called from human resources, and I was told the last one quit.”

“Well, good riddance.”

“Why are you always so harsh and strict with them though?” he looked concerned.

“I’m not always harsh on them, I just want to bring out the best in them,” I told him. “To run a company properly, you have to be strict with your staff, so they wouldn’t ruin all that you’ve built.”

“If you say so,” he shrugged. “So we now hunt for another head secretary right?”

“With immediate effect, who doesn’t want to work in Steele industries though? It should be easy for us to get someone who wants to work with us, and isn’t so terrible.” I had gotten to floor of the building, where my office was located.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, as I got seated in my orthopaedic chair. My dad’s name popped up on the screen, I answered the call eagerly,

“I saw you on the news son, I’m so proud of the man you’re becoming,” he gushed as soon as the call got connected. “You’re also everywhere on social media, the whole award of excellence and the who talk, you were amazing.

“Really?” my father never gave me compliments, which made this very shocking. What was he up to? 

“How about we meet up later tonight for dinner, at Hamilton’s? We can have some nice steak and classy wine,” he sounded really happy.

“Sure, no problem father, we will talk later,” I disconnected the call. I picked up some files that were on my table, which I assumed my former secretary placed there, and went through them. 

David burst through the door smiling like a lover,

“You’re on the news!!!” he squealed like a teenager. “You’re on every blog post and article.”

“What are you yelling about? How am I on the news?” I was confused.

“You are now famous boss,” he was scrolling through an iPad in his hands.

“Let me see that,” I yanked the iPad out of his hands. I scrolled through it and read all the headlines with my picture on it. 

‘Greyson Steele has been crowned most influential man under 30 in New York!’

‘Greyson Steele is now the youngest bachelor to be given an award by the governor.’

‘Greyson Steele is single, and all the women want him!!!’

“Okay that last headline wasn’t needed, I guess I’m now famous!!”   

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