
The Billionaire's Stripper Bride
The Billionaire's Stripper Bride
Author: rameniro

Chapter 1

I was staring at the white ceiling of the powder room inside the club's dressing room. I choked on the mouthwash that I had in my mouth as someone started banging on the door.

"Isla, are you in there? You have a VIP client waiting for you!" said the club's manager. I quickly spit out the mouthwash from my lips and stared at the door with my eyebrows almost meeting and about to form a line in the middle.

I dried my lips with the back of my palm as I walked towards the door. I just left the VIP room almost ten minutes ago after I entertained a regular client. I am not expecting another client for at least an hour from now, but oh well. Who am I to reject an opportunity to make more money than usual?

"Did I hear it right? Why is she getting another client? She just had her second VIP one moment ago, and now you'll give her another good-paying client? Felix, this is unfair. You're playing favorites!" Veronica, my sworn enemy, started to rant and whine as I left the comfort room. She darted her blazing eyes towards my direction like an angry bull.

"I am not playing favorites, Ver. The client requested for her. Of course, I can't let you have him if he is specifically asking for Isla," he said as he glanced at Veronica when our eyes met. I only shrugged my shoulder at her and mouthed the word sorry with a mischievous smile.

Felix put his hand on the small of my back as he guided me on my way out of the dressing room.

"Who is this client? Mr. Saldivar? Is he back in town? I thought that he'd be gone for a couple of weeks because of his business trip in China?" I asked Felix as we both walked our way to the second floor of the bar, also known as the executive floor or VIP area.

We stopped in front of the most extensive suite that the club has. My eyes grew bigger as curiosity filled me. Felix then runs his finger against my hair to ensure I am in my best shape before I show up to my client.

"Do you have an idea who this big fish is?" I asked him with a small voice. He shakes his head and glances at the closed door.

"I am clueless as you, but he is wearing a limited edition Rolex."

"Oh, filthy rich. Target lock." I told him as I giggled. Felix lightly slaps my ass as I turn my back to him. I knocked at the door of the suite once before I slowly twisted its knob and walked in.

My eyes flew straight to his wrist. Felix isn't lying to me about the limited edition Rolex that he is wearing. That pair of black suits that he is wearing looks like it's tailored to compliment his body. It's a couture. I am sure of that. Working as an escort for this rich man for years. I already know who I am dealing with. My eyes then crawl from his hands to his face. It felt like this man's beauty had blessed my eyes. His dark hooded eyes look severe and straightforward, but his lips are. They were smiling so brightly.

I hit the jackpot. It's a rare opportunity to have this kind of client—someone young, handsome, and filthy rich.

Slowly, I made my way towards the table. The silence between the two of us is so deep that the clinking of my stilettos against the floor sounds louder than usual

"Rum or whiskey?"

He blinked his eyes. When I first show up. He is already checking me out from head down to toe. Once more. He runs his eyes from my hair down to my legs. It was as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

"Whiskey is a crowd favorite," I told him. He lightly shakes his head and smiles.

"I don't drink," he said. It made me laugh out loud, but he looked so confused that things became awkward between us.

I swallowed a lump in my throat, "Oh, you're serious."

"If you didn't come here to drink, you're probably here for my service." I was already unbuttoning my top when he looked away.

"P-Please. S-Stop. I didn't come here for your service."


"Well, I did come for your service, but not for me. For someone else. I need you to marry my sister's fiance," he blurted out. I stared at him silently before laughing louder than the last time.

"You can't be serious this time," I said, but the seriousness in his eyes didn't falter as he stared back at me. He didn't say anything, but he put his phone on the table.

My jaw dropped on the cold floor as I saw the woman on the screen. We look exactly like each other, only that she is a gingerhead and her hair has these natural curls, but our facial features do. It was as if we were twins made from the same egg cell.

"She is my younger sister, Rory. She is in for an arranged marriage this Saturday to a wealthy businessman, but she ran away, and we couldn't find her anywhere." I immediately shake my head as I button back the first two buttons of my top.

"No. That sounds too complicated. I am sorry. All that I can offer is a nice lap dance and blow job. Good luck finding her, though. I mean it," I said and was about to leave the VIP suite when he tempted me with a once-in-a-lifetime offer.

"One million dollars. All that you need to do is show up. Marry Rory's fiance, and we'll take care of everything."

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