
Chapter 3

After what felt like an hour of walking in the hot desert heat, I mmediately look up when I hear a car coming. Smiling, I stand up at the side of the road waving for them to stop and thankfully they do.

The truck pulls next to me and a bearded man pops his head out of the truck smiling.

"Hello, missy." He says in a cowboy ascent. 

I was told never to get in cars with strange men but he looks friendly and I need a ride before I die out here.

"Uh hie." I returned his smile.

"Where are you heading?" He asks.


"Well lucky you, I am heading that way." He tells me. "Well hope in missy."

Once in the passenger seat, he drives off.

"The names Bob." He tells me.


"That your car I saw a mile back?" He asks.

"Yes, it overheated or something," I told him. "A tow truck is coming to pick it up."

"Well, she is a beaut."

"Thank you."

Bob continues with the small talk as we drive towards the city.

An hour later we reach Vegas and I can say seeing is much better than just hearing from people.

"Thanks, Bob," I say when he pulls up in front of a dinner.

"You're welcome, missy." He says. "Now just be careful around here."

Smiling I say. "I will." 

With that, he drives off.

A huge smile plastered on my face as I looked around. Am finally here.

First things first I have to find a motel to crash in while being here. After an hour of searching, I finally came across a more decent motel than the last one I'd been at. After checking in I settled in, changing the clothes I decided to go check some clubs since it was past 9 and the best way to find a good strip club to work at.

A few clubs later I was sitting at a bar wasted in some club. I need to get my head straight if I am going to make it to my motel.

"Yea this is my last shot," I say to myself as I take down the strong sour liquid.

I sense someone sitting on the empty bar stool next to me. Ugh.. do these idiots not know how to take a hint.

"Walk away if you still want to keep the head between your legs," I tell the person without even looking at them.

I Am taken off guard when I hear chuckling. How dare he.

Turning to face him I say."Look Mr. I..." But stop mid-sentence when I look at the person sitting next to me.

Oh wow. I don’t know if it's the alcohol but he's an Adonis.

His Ocean deep blue eyes seem to glow in the dim party lights as he looks at me and that smile.

Fuck my heart now.

"You're funny," he says in a deep husky voice. "But I am just here to grab a drink."

"Oh..." That is all that comes out. I take my time to shamelessly look at him as his in a dress shirt folded to the elbows and dress pants, who wears a suit to a club? He probably must be getting off work and I admit the whole suit look is attractive, like damn. 

"One shot!" He shouts over the loud music to the bartender.

When he gets his shot he takes it in one go slamming the shot glass on the table, during all this I don't take my eyes off him.

I watch as his tongue licks the bottom of his lip and it all seems to go in slow motion. Blinking, I shake my head. Gosh, I must be wasted.

I must shake this crazy feeling off.

In an attempt to stand up, I stumble almost falling but a hand goes around my waist keeping me in place.

Looking up at the person, my dull hazel eyes meet the dazzling oceanic blue.

"Careful." He tells me and it's like his lips are calling out for me.

Since I am drunk , a one-night stand isn't a bad idea and he's hot so I wouldn't regret it. I give blue eyes a drunken smile, trying to at least look sexy which is ridiculous since I am drunk.

Putting my hand on his chest I say. "How about we have some fun tonight."

His eyes roam my body before he bites his lower lip.


Standing he wraps his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.

"That isn't a bad idea." He says before crashing his lips on mine.

Surprised, my heart leaps in my chest. Wrapping my arms around his neck I pull him down deepening the kiss. His lips feel warm on mine and the taste of vodka is so strong that I can taste it off him. His tongue explores my mouth, licking my lower lip as he gently nibbles on it. Fuck am getting turned on just by a simple kiss. His breath against mine makes my heart race.

We both pull away breathing hard, his forehead on mine as we try to calm our breathing.

"My place isn't that far." He breaths.

Smiling I say. "Let's go."

We order single shots, and once we clear those, he takes my wrist dragging me out of the club.

Hailing a cub we get in the back resuming our make-out session cause I just can't seem to keep my hands to myself and neither can he.

When the cab stops we get out and in front of us stands one of the most expensive hotels in Vegas.

Hmm, he must be rich.

With my hand in his, we go into the hotel and take the elevator up and yes we get back to kissing.

I can't help but let out a giggle as he nibbles on my lips with his hands on my waist.

The elevator doors open to reveal an entrance to a penthouse. He's richer than I thought.

Hoisting me up I wrap my legs around his waist as he carries me inside. His lips are not leaving mine.

I Am lowered on a soft surface, my back feeling the soft sheets.

His lips finally leave mine as he gets on top of me taking off his shirt. I watch his every move biting my lower lip just making me crave him more. To save us both some trouble I sit up and take off my tank top, when I go for my pants he stops me.

"I'll take them off." He tells me his voice is husky and sexy.

Laying back down he goes for my neck slowly trailing kisses along my neck, behind my ear at that spot that makes my breathing uneven.

I could already feel the dampness between my legs, my vagina pulsing. His lips stop at the hollow spot between my neck and shoulder, as he sucks on it. His hands roam my body, making me shiver.

He goes to unbutton my pants and while doing so his lips trail across my stomach making me suck in breaths of air every time he bites me. He takes my pants off together with my underwear in one go, and his head goes between my legs, gently biting my thighs making me arch my back my heart racing. He runs his tongue along my inner thigh stopping just beside my vagina and his hot breath fans me making me whimper.

He kisses me, all the way to my boobs sucking on them.

A one-night stand isn't supposed to feel this intimate but I am loving every second of it. When his lips find mine again the hungry heated kissing resumes. My fingers claw on his back as I pull him close.

Pulling away he says." Wait." Breathing hard.

I watch as he reaches to the side drawer taking out a rubber, my mouth waters as I watch him put it on his length which is hard and erect. I swallow as his hard length looks too big for me making me wonder if he's going to fit.

Looking at his eyes, his blues seem to have darkened as he lowers his body positioning himself between my legs not breaking eye contact. He gives me a gentle kiss before I feel him slowly penetrating me and I let out a moan, my heart racing as he finally lets his full length in making me gasp out.

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