
The Conjoined Affair
The Conjoined Affair
Author: Maureen Ejemen

Think twice

Chapter One

As I waved goodbye to my friends from my father's car, a mixture of emotion and feelings filled my heart. Knowing that I might never get to see them again was heartbreaking, but the fact that I am starting a new life entirely brought great joy to my heart.

"At last! I won't be seeing Nathan every now and then" I said silently and breathed in and out deeply.

"So you should be ready to travel tomorrow" My dad said while driving his car.

I wonder why he didn't allow his driver to come and pick me up from school, probably because today was the last day in school for me.

"So how is Nathan, I should have carried him and dropped him first but I am sure his father would have arranged how he would get home" As soon as I heard his name, my heart began to race.

Our parents knew we were close but they never knew we had dated each other.

After the relationship ended we hardly talked to each other.

We got home and I saw the glinting ray shining on the hinge of the door. My mum stood there with a bright smile on her face waiting for me, when she saw me she crushed on me with a cheerful hug and congratulatory kiss on my cheek.

I went to the dining table and saw that my best food was prepared and I ate without leaving crumbs.

It's time to sleep so I went to my bedroom, I closed my eyes but couldn't sleep, my thoughts were consumed about the journey ahead of me, the fact that I will be able to make new friends, new boyfriend and I will be able to forget the past had filled my heart.

I checked the time and it was 1:00am, I hissed thinking I had closed my eyes for too long.


I didn't know when I slept off, but what made me wake up was the knock I heard from the door.

"Oooh, ohh" I screamed as I woke up, I never knew when I slept off, I only remembered closing my eyes, I checked the time and it was 7:00am, this wasn't my first time traveling, but I couldn't contain the joy of traveling to stay away from Nathan, even though my parents never knew the reason I insisted on traveling but they knew I have been willing to.

I woke up and took a bath, ate and my dad drove me to the airport.

An hour after entering the plane, the plane moved and some minutes later, I got to the destination.

Everything was settled by my dad with just calls.

I settled down and that same day, I started walking through the estate, just to find friends, none was ready to make friends, so I went home to rest.

The next day, it was a call that woke me up, my dad's call, then I picked up.

"Hello dad, Good Morning" I greeted.

"Darling, you need to come home very soon, your attention is needed here, you have to take a bus tomorrow, you just need to be here, there is an urgent matter"

"Dad, what is it, I got here yesterday and I am still resting"

"When you get here, you have all the time to yourself to rest, you need to be here, I will call you in the next thirty minutes, let me prepare how you will get here"

"Dad, how is mum?" I asked curiously because of the way he sounded. I was scared already and I hoped nothing had gone wrong. He hung up without replying.

"So I will have to leave here just like that? But well, I will be back soon, I don't need to take much things with me"

I saw a text message on my phone, it was dad who sent it.

"A pink car is coming soon to pick you in the next one hour, I want you to prepare now"

"What is going on? I hope everything is fine with my mum" I was worried.

Before an hour, I already sighted the pink car at the front of the gate, well I was anxious so I had to just go without taking anything.

Five hours later, I got home.

I went in only to see mum and dad sitting in the living room.

"Mum is fine, and dad why did you call me all of a sudden, I went yesterday and I have not used up to twenty four hours over there, dad what is wrong, do not tell me you called me back because you are missing me"

"Alright, I missed you but I didn't call you because of that, after you left yesterday, Nathaniel's father came here"

"Alright, but what does that have to do with me coming home? Dad, I don't understand"

"We talked and we concluded that you and Nathaniel are marrying…"

"What? Dad? What is that? I still don't understand" I interrupted him, with a mixture of disbelief and confusion. My heart was pounding, the guy I am trying hard to avoid is the one I keep hearing his name.

"Yes darling, you heard your father correctly, you two are best friends, you like each other and I am sure the both of you will be happy to hear this news"

"Mum, Dad, if you are joking, please stop it now, what do you mean by I am getting married to Nathan? Do you just arrange a marriage for us? I am sorry, I don't have interest in this dad" Hearing that, my eyes changed, and I tried so much to avoid crying in the presence of my parents.

"Like, Mitchell, you are not to decide, we are not asking you if you have interest or not, this is a must, you know who Nathan's parents are to us, our friends and our business partner and we don't want to continue to be friends, we want to be family now, you can't say NO, it's a yes, the date will be chosen tomorrow as they will be coming around to pick the wedding date, make sure you dress well and be ready to welcome your in-laws"

I couldn't believe the words I was hearing from my father. It was like the world was crumbling away and everything I had hoped for was slipping away.

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