
Chapter 9: I’m good at so many other things


I stomped to the kitchen, hot flashes going through my mind. I’d almost lost it back there and marked her without her consent. I’m slowly starting to lose my hold and authority on my destructive wolf who wants to destroy everything. I couldn’t understand why my relationship with my wolf was different. We were supposed to be in sync and be in agreement at all times. But no. Xeros always wants to have his way at all times.

When I got to the kitchen the head butler and the other staff there looked like they just saw a ghost. I couldn’t blame them. The last time that I came to the kitchen of my own accord was when she was still alive. I used to come every morning to make her pancakes and Bacon. It was her favorite food. But ever since she died, I’d just never bothered again. I mean, what was the need?

“Alpha Xavier, you’re here. Do you need us to make something specific for you?” Sam, the head butler asked.

I could see the other assistants cowering in a corner, avoiding my stare and doing their best to behave like they didn’t know that I was there. Well, they had nothing to fear. I’m in an extremely good mood this morning; except for the fact that I’m behaving like a horny dog.

“No, Sam. I’ll help myself,” I said, taking an apron from the rack of neat aprons in a drawer by the side of the kitchen.

I looked on as they watched me with horror, putting on the apron and tying it to my back. Their expressions almost made me laugh out loud. Why would they even be horrified that I’m trying to make breakfast by myself?

Still ignoring them, I moved to the array of pans and took out one. Then I brought out the flour, eggs, butter, and milk and started mixing the ingredients for my pancakes.

“Uhh, Alpha? Would you like me to help you with that?” Sam asked again, his eyes darting towards the other kitchen assistants nervously.

His constant talking was starting to get on my nerves. I barely cook. But when I do, I prefer a lot of quiet. And even if I wanted anyone to talk, I didn’t want nagging. And that was precisely what Sam was doing.

“You wouldn’t know how to make the kind of pancakes that my mate will like; would you, Sam?” I asked, pausing my actions to glare at him.

I saw him swallow hard as my wolf tried to push to the outside. They already know that he is the reckless one and I guess that none of them would want to have an encounter with him. The last time one of the staff had an encounter with him, he had bitten off a finger from him and I had only managed to restrain him before he caused more damage.

“Your...Your mate? But alpha, your mate is…she –she died years ago. What mate are you talking about?”

He mentioned her.

He knew that the topic was a sensitive one for me, yet he brought it up.

I dropped the spatula in my hand and took a deep breath to calm myself.

There, Xavier, take a deep breath and calm down. No need to be destructive. At least not today.

I turned slowly and faced Sam, my eyes burning. He staggered backward, and I could see the tremors running through his fingers. The urge to chop off one of those trembling things racked through my body but I chalked it in.

I stood there, saying nothing, just glaring at Sam. The other kitchen assistants scurried out, leaving just me and the head butler.

“You were saying?” I asked, crossing my arms across my chest.

“P-please forgive me, alpha. I’ll leave now with your permission” he said and slowly backed out of the kitchen with his head bowed.

Bunch of idiots. Already made me exhaust some time out of my cooking time. I quickly finished with the preparation of the pancakes and made her a cup of fresh juice. Then I brought out the herb and whipped in a little bit; just enough to be in her system for some days.

Oh, one more thing. I didn’t know if she preferred whipped cream or honey syrup on her pancakes so I just made do with both. I sprinkled a bit of syrup, and then a bit of whipped cream on top.

I took the food and set it up on the dining table not far from the kitchen. Then I took some steps back a bit to inspect my creation.

“Perfect” I whispered, a smile playing on my lips.

I returned to the kitchen and removed the apron then replaced it where I got it from. By the time I returned, Kira was already at the table and eating. She had freshened up and looked more beautiful than I could remember. Her hair was packed up in a ponytail and she had this cute shorts and shirt on.

When she saw me, she smiled and dropped the half-eaten pancake on the plate. “I’m sorry I couldn’t wait. I was just too hungry. And the food looked too delicious”

I smiled and drew a chair to sit opposite her. “Just looks? Don’t tell me that my entire time in the kitchen was wasted. I even had to politely make the butler and his kitchen assistants go away so that I could make this”

“Oh really” she laughed, the sound so refreshing.

I think this would be the first time that I was making light jokes. And I loved it. It was nice not acting like a horny dog towards her anymore.

“You have no idea. I literally had to beg them to leave the kitchen for me so that I could make the tastiest meal for my beautiful mate”

She blushed to the roots of her hair. “Well, I wouldn’t say that they’re bad. In fact, I would buy these for a thousand dollars if I could afford them”

“Ooh, I guess that’s more than enough evidence to tell that my culinary prowess is out of this world.” I lowered my voice and whispered “You’d be surprised to know the many other things that I’m good at”

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