The Hunt for Knowledge

The Hunt for Knowledge

By:  Sariya Chaton  Ongoing
Language: English
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Katalea and her new mate set out to find the missing hidden prophecies. They soon discover four other supernatural strangers tasked with the same quest. All seek the prophecies for their own reasons, but they must come together as a team in order to succeed. From five absolutely different walks of life, these six must learn to trust each other. Will they reveal secrets about their past in order to protect their future? Will they be able to keep the prophecies from falling into the hands of the one who would like to see them all fail, and become extinct? This story has it all, wealth and romance, travel and extravagance, and deep and dirty little secrets that could destroy them all.

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52 Chapters
And So It Begins
“The journey is the treasure.” Lloyd Alexander~~~“The true secret in being a hero lies in knowing the order of things. Things must happen when it is time for them to happen. Quests may not simply be abandoned; prophecies may not be left to rot like unpicked fruit. The happy ending cannot come in the middle of the story.” The Last Unicorn~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just before dawn, before the light beat back the dark, before anything or anyone stirred, Katalea found herself in the place that she considered her sanctuary. Her terrace, all fixed and new, boasted new deck furniture in shades of sea green. She lounged alone for a few moments, enjoying the solitude. As she watched, the sky turned pink and pale over the horizon. The first gulls stirred and began their relentless search for food. Her stomach rumbled in unison to signal it was time for her to eat as well. Rather than messaging someone to bring up food, she set out
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Purple Pixies and Blue Sirens
They neared the Literature building with its massive alabaster columns and marble staircase. The red brick was in stark contrast to the white window trimmings but spoke of old money. The grounds were immaculate and well tended. Students lounged on blankets under trees. Others sat by a man-made pond reading their texts. Strewn backpacks were the only debris that littered the thick green grass. Brick pathways, bordered by purple jump-up johnny's, meandered this way and that. As they came upon the main entrance of the Literature building Zinnia changed course and turned down one of these brick lanes. A small building that Katalea hadn’t noticed before stood off to one side of the main hall. Katalea remembered looking in this direction when they arrived and seeing a massive plum tree in this general area. Not only was the tree no longer present, but the building Zinnia was gesturing to for the group to enter didn’t quite match up with the pathways. The door was a little a
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Werewolves and Vampires
The air was so still and quiet you could hear the inhaling and exhaling of all present. The ominous sound of a whippoorwill sounded through the open window and broke the silence. The heaviness of the repetitive call brought on a somber mood as the bird’s song was believed to warn of impending death. “I’m Aquin….”“Nice to meet….”“Greetings….”Everyone spoke at once which brought smiles and released the tension. With a twinkle in his eye, and mischief on his face Beecher gestured towards the food.“It seems we have stumbled onto quite a bounty, why don’t we sit, raise a glass, and introduce ourselves.” A dimple winked on his right check, and he bowed to Zinnia who stood near the head of the table weighted down with food.Dakari reached for Katalea’s hand and they sat near the open window. Aquina stayed standing and eyed everyone suspiciously. Beecher, in a grand gesture, started piling a plate up with food. He winked at Aquina, “Mind what you eat, blue, I would hate to think
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All eyes were on the newcomer. Luca came in, and with a flourish set down his bag. He wore a sports coat over jeans, sporting sunglasses that he now held in his hand. He looked every bit the modern day professional. Katalea clutched her hands together under the table to keep them from shaking. As she tried to gain composure, she knocked her plate to the floor. Dakari caught her as she began to sway in her chair. Her eyes rolled back and her body went limp. As fast as the vision took her it released her. She sat up straight in her chair, noticing Dakari’s arms around her. Pushing aside her arousal, she turned and addressed the group. Her eyes intense, she looked at each one directly. “We are six, we are gathered. Make your choice, and consider your options. If you take on the quest, you risk all. There is one still hunting, who would stop at nothing to destroy us. An evil god gone mad, he seeks the prophecies to advance his bloodlust. He must be stopped.
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A Gun to the Head
The emergency lights came on only after a few seconds had transpired. In that time, not only was the book gone from its elaborate air-controlled clear safe, but the elderly man now held a gun to Luca’s head.“What in the actual hell is happening?” Beecher demanded.Katalea responded by instinct. After training so long with Dalya, it was second nature to disarm a foe. Instantly the gun flew from the man’s hands and streamed towards her outstretched hands. Before the deadly projectile landed however, Dakari surprised everyone by removing them all from the room. Zap! Including Luca.They stood in a tight circle back in the room of their earlier meeting. Questioning eyes darted everywhere, and as far as Katalea could see, the security detail had not made the journey.“I didn’t know you could do that!” Katalea exclaimed. “Nor did I….in fact, I don’t think that was all my doing.” He turned to Zinnia. “I could feel you with me on that, how much of that was you?”She smiled shyly, “I
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Youthful Passion
The hands on the clock ticked loudly while the group stood still. Outside, the light was beginning to send long shadows as the sun reached its last stretch of daylight. Dakari yawned. It had been a long day. He had been looking forward to getting to know his mate, but now suddenly he had five new best friends. Katalea saw his yawn and felt the same exhaustion. “Why don’t we get some rest, and meet for a late supper somewhere. Are you all staying nearby?” “I have only to dip a toe in the water to be home.” Aquina remarked. Turning to Beecher she chuckled, “I’m sure we can find you a nice den to settle in, pup.” “Don’t you worry about me, I suggest you worry more about staying out of the jaws of a hungry shark tonight.” He turned to Katalea. “I think a little rest is a great idea. Are we all in agreement to meet tonight? I know a great restaurant off the beaten path. It would be a great place to sit and brainstorm.” One by one they voiced their agreement. D
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Interrupted and Raided
Fingers of fear crept over Katalea’s body like a lover’s caress. Thorough and invasive icy prickles made her shiver. Dakari reached out to comfort her, but found his hand shaking too. A sudden headache signaled an oncoming vision. Instead of trying to block it, Katalea embraced it. She took her already unstable body over to the love seat and laid across it. She closed her eyes before they could roll back in her head and willed the vision to come. She had never tried to control her visions before. She had no idea what to expect. The vision hit like a sudden thunderstorm in the middle of a summer day. As if waiting for an invitation, it flowed through her and took over her senses. She could feel herself walking down the hallway, looking for Paolo or any of the security detail. Finding none, she wandered down the stairs looking for hotel staff. The hotel was abandoned save for the small group of businessmen that loitered in the entryway. As Katalea neared s
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A Fist in the Face
Beecher was flipping the pages of a magazine when Katalea and Dakari walked in. “It doesn’t matter where you go, you cause a scene.” Beecher chided, grinning and showing a dimple in his left cheek. “Do you have any ideas on who they were?” Aquina asked, dismissing Beecher’s comment. “No,” Katalea responded. “No clue, All I know is that this morning when I woke up I thought today was going to be a mundane trip to an old library. Suddenly, the world around me has gone nuts.” “I guess I understand all the security around you now,” Beecher added. “It must be hard to be the black panther. How are you two ever going to get to be alone?” He raised his eyebrows twice and googled his eyes. He knew they were newly mated. Katalea found herself flushing despite herself. She could feel the color climb right up her neck and jump up onto her face. Zinnia chimed in and broke the awkwardness. “You had such a lovely suite at the hotel.” “It really was, before th
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Dark Thoughts and Intentions
“Stop! Stop!” Katalea cried out. Luca had backed up in shock at the punch, but he came back with fangs exposed and his eyes black and feral. Beecher, on the verge of shifting, looked to Katalea. “I have invited you into my home, and this is how you repay the kindness. What the hell happened anyway?” Katalea demanded. “Please tell me you’re not going to say something dumb like ‘he started it.’” Aquina added looking from one to the other. “You two promised to have a truce.” Luca, calm now, cast his eyes down. They had returned to their normal color and he looked up now, looking quite embarrassed. “It wasn’t about the book or anything to do with this quest. It was a personal comment I’d rather not repeat.” Beecher looked quizzically at Luca. Obviously surprised at Luca’s refusal to discuss the matter, Beecher joined him. “A joke gone bad is all, it won’t happen again.” “Everyone to their respected quarters for the night then,” Grandfather’s voice boo
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The someone was Katalea herself. The vision took over her, it came up so fast that her instinct was to block it. She tried to call out, somehow get help before she fell over. Too late. All around her, dragons flew, nipped at her skin, tried to find flesh. She ran with all her might towards a cave. The cave had a suspicious glow, blue in tone, but it seemed the lesser of two evils when a fire breathing reptile was at your back. As she dove into the cave, the light intensified. For the moment, she was safe, the entrance was too small for a dragon. She could hear the roars of anger outside as her chest heaved and she tried to calm her breathing. Behind her she heard the sound of a low growl. What fresh hell was this she thought as she turned to find Kaya, her own black panther, pacing back and forth. Kaya was intently staring into a deep blue light, emanating from what appeared to be a spirit trapped in a stone. Back and forth she continued, so intense she barel
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