The Life The Beginning

The Life The Beginning

By:  Jordan Silver  Ongoing
Language: English
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Gabriel Russo had been born under a dark cloud. He knew his history like the back of his hand; his mother made sure of that. He knew what blood ran through his veins and what it meant. He also knew that there were some with that same blood who would kill him if they could. Born the product of a horrible act inflicted upon his mother by one of the Ricci brothers, now the adopted son of another very powerful family, he's the heir to two of the most powerful Familias in the West.The Life The Beginning is created by Jordan Silver, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

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43 Chapters
Chapter 1: Prologue
The Beginning *** The old man moved speedily through the darkened cobblestone streets, his body casting faint shadows against the walls and pavement. A tattered coat stretched across his shoulders and barely held back the cold as he clutched at the lapels with arthritic fingers. He knew he should've left the tavern for home hours ago, but the talk tonight had been such that gave a man new hope. Something that was rare and hard to come by in this time of uprisings and unrest. The enemy had done their best to destroy his little piece of heaven in the Sicilian hills. All that was left were burnt-out buildings that didn't hold up under the mortar attacks and a few that had refused to give up but were yet badly shaken. He'd been one of the lucky few who hadn't lost his home, though it wasn't much these days. And if things kept up this way, he might have to leave the only home he'd ever known soon anyway. That's why tonight had been so refreshing. The news had warmed his heart, a
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Chapter 2
Sofia *** The wind was brisk as I made my way through the warm drizzle that had started just as I'd left the residence. I kept a watchful eye as I walked, ever conscious of my surroundings. The place was still new to me and so different from home. I felt a slight pang when I remembered my home. The fact that I will never see it again made the memory bittersweet. I clutched the piece of paper close to my chest as I recited the list on silently moving lips. English was still relatively new to me, and some of the syntax was still hard for me to grasp. But my memory was sharp as a tack, sometimes too sharp. I placed my hand on my tummy that was just now starting to grow as fear rose up inside me. Things may be different here than in my village, but a young unwed mother faced the same challenges no matter where she was in the world. And for one such as myself, with not even family or friend about, it was doubly hard. At the supermarket that was not too far from the house, I open
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Chapter 3
Draco *** I watched her leave the room from beneath lowered lashes and felt that new frustration that's been riding me for days. I wonder what secrets she's hiding behind those amazing doe eyes of hers? What bugs me even more is why she has such an effect on me. It's not like she's some raving beauty, not that she's not gorgeous, she's more than a little bit pretty, but the world is full of such women. Why then does this slip of a girl make me think of things that no one else before her ever has? Why are my eyes always drawn to her whenever we're in the same room together? Almost like a compulsion, even when I fight it I lose. I watch her all the time now, there's something…I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's something about her that's more than meets the eye. It could be that old world quality that makes her stand out from all the other females I know, but somehow I think it's more. I'd seen her hurrying back through the rain when I happened to look out m
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Chapter 4
Draco *** I wasn't into that sneaking around shit. At twenty-two I was a grown man who'd never had to do that shit even as a kid. But this was a delicate situation. Just because I felt something didn't mean I was about to jump in with both feet. There was too much at stake for that shit to happen. In the end there was only one thing to do. "Come on." I took her through the kitchen and up the back stairs to my wing. Nobody dared come anywhere near here before noon. That was more than enough time for her to sneak back downstairs. "I won't sleep with you." She got stubborn right outside my door and dug her heels in. "Didn't ask you to." I kept going with her hand in mine. "The bath's through there, go take a shower, I'll go find you something to eat." She looked at the bathroom door and back at me. "You can lock the door Red, I don't attack virgins." She lost all the color in her face. I was across the room in a flash. "What is it?" She recoiled like I'd slapped her and her body
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Chapter 5
Draco *** I thought for sure after she scared the shit out of me by fainting that I would drop it, but as soon as I saw the white of her eyes I was on it again. "Where is the father?" I wasn't sure what to feel when tears started seeping from the corners of her eyes before she turned her face away from me. Was she crying because they were apart, was she crying because he'd left her after finding out about the baby? What? "Where?" I turned her face back to mine and the look in her eyes almost broke my heart. I felt a lump in my throat and a riot started in my gut. What was it about this girl that made me want to bundle her up and tuck her away somewhere safe? "There is no father." She wouldn't look at me after saying this, but I was still no wiser as to what the fuck, so I couldn't leave it there, I needed to know. Something in me was unreasonably pissed that she'd let someone else give her a child. Which was the most fucked up thing ever since we obviously hadn't known each o
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Chapter 6
Draco *** I helped her back to my bed and got her settled, placing the tray with the leftover food that had been kept warm over her lap. "Eat some more!" I didn't say anything about what she'd told me while she picked at her food again, but my mind replayed it all as I tried to get my thoughts together. If I'd found her pitiful before, that emotion was now magnified by a thousand. Sometime later, I realized that she'd fallen asleep sitting up with the tray still across her lap, her food pretty much untouched. I'd been so lost in my head I didn't even realize that she'd dropped off like that without a sound. I removed the tray without jarring her and eased her down on the bed. She was so tired she didn't even stir. As I pulled the blanket up around her to protect her from the cold, something soft and tender unfurled in my chest. It was such a foreign emotion that it caught me off guard. Still, I didn't play into it too much as I sat back to watch her sleep. I felt a huge sense o
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Chapter 7
DRACO *** I took a shower after I went downstairs and headed for my private study. I had a lot to think about and the study is where I do most of my thinking. The dark almost somber room with its cherry wood furnishings and the heavy drapes that remind me of my grandfather always puts me at ease. I couldn't sit behind my desk like I usually do though, so I paced the room back and forth with her being the only thing on my mind. It's as if everything else, whatever I'd worried over or found important before last night, was no longer of interest. I was consumed with finding ways to help her in the meantime. I knew that what I was about to do was going to make a lot of changes and feelings may be hurt. And my own parents might not agree with my decision. So it wasn't something I could just rush into I decided to put the bigger matters on the back burner for now and focus on what I could do at the present. Her workload wasn't that hard, I'd checked. But what about when she started
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Chapter 8
DRACO *** Something's wrong! I can sense it. All-day, she's been jumpy, and that's only when she wasn't staring off into space like she had the world's energy crisis on her mind. And the look in her eyes, the light had dimmed in her eyes, and her face was sullen. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with her, and I knew there was no point in asking. I knew no one had troubled her because I'm with her damn near every second, so it had to be her past. I paced my room as the rest of the house slept. Outside, the window was dark, only the bare branches of the trees swaying gently against the dark sky. There was an unsettled feeling in my gut that refused to leave. I decided to go check on her. I usually stay away unless she cries out in her sleep. Then I sit with her for the rest of the night, watching over her. But I always try to give her her privacy unless she needs me. Tonight I'm just gonna go check on her and hope she doesn't wake up screaming. I left my room next door an
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Chapter 9
DRACO Months Later *** "Push Sofia, come on, baby, you can do it." The look she gave me was not one I'd expect from my sweet, demure wife. No, that was the look of someone about to commit murder. If my heart weren't in my lungs, I would've laughed, but I was too scared for that. She'd gone into labor at a very inopportune moment, if I do say so myself, one that had sent both of us scrambling to get decent while panicking about the birth of our first child. I'd prepared everything weeks ago, but when her water broke, I couldn't remember where my own feet were. She, on the other hand, was cool and composed. While I was running around getting things together after calling the hospital, she'd stood in the middle of the room rubbing her tummy and talking to our son; just another day in the life of a pampered princess. In the six months since we'd eloped, she has been an enigma. The scared, frightened girl I had taken from my family home after mom and dad had lost their minds and
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Chapter 10
DRACO *** He was a beautiful boy. My inner fear that I may look at him and see the man who'd violated her was for nothing. There was no anger or hate in me for him, no blame; how could there be? I'd also worked on her enough that by the time he came into the world, she no longer associated the darkest time in her life with him. He was ours, plain and simple. The truth is, I'd been ready to step in if she couldn't do it. If it had been too hard for her to cope, I would've shielded him until she came around. I needn't have worried, though, because my beautiful wife, although a bit traumatized still, didn't have it in her to hate her own flesh. I know it was impossible for her to forget how he came to be, but I gave every effort to erase that shit from her mind and for her to see our boy as just ours. It worked. As for me, I did my part. I didn't forget, but I'd be fucked if anybody were going to blame my son for shit that he had no hand in. And because of this, the kid had more l
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