
09: Fantasy Stories Or Reality.


As she left to bring me wine, I stood up and looked around. I went towards her study table. There was a diary set on the table. I smiled as I picked up the diary. I went towards the bed and sat down on its edge. I opened her diary and started reading it. To be honest, I was hoping to know more about her. As she looked very mysterious to me. She was different, there was no doubt. And I wanted to solve that mystery.

But to my surprise, the diary contained no information about her and her personal life. Instead it had something very odd. I could see some geometrical shapes. Some odd shapes too. Some drawings. There were some things written in the diary but I could not read them. As they were written in some other languages. There were some pictures attached in some pages. And the details were written about those pictures.

She named them as demonic power spells. I sighed while going through the diary. Then came the pages for ghosts. She had written stories about the ghosts. Full stories like how she learned about a ghost in a place. Then she fought the ghosts and scared them away. The whole diary was filled with crazy things. Ghosts, spirits, Angels, demons, hell, heaven and God. By the end of that diary, I started to think that all the stories were real. I started to believe everything I saw in that diary.

"Get a grip, Kurt. These things don't exist. And her mom informed you before about this trick of her to push men out of her life. Get a grip. You can not fall for this trick." I spoke to myself. But I did not stop reading that diary. I could not help myself. It was somehow very interesting. 


Once I was breathing normally, I made my way downstairs. I went straight towards the kitchen. I grabbed two glasses. I filled one with red wine and the other one with orange juice for myself. Once I was done, I grabbed the glasses and went back upstairs. I took my time with everything. I wanted him to read my diary so he would know everything about me. I was done with the thoughts of me getting a decent guy. At that age of my life, I assumed that I would either be with a demon or a freak like me.

Taking a deep breath, I kicked open the door of my bedroom. As the door opened, Kurt looked up at me then smiled. I smiled back then carefully took both of the glasses towards my bed. I gave him the glass of wine and set my glass on the bedside table. I sat down on the bed in front of him. "So, this is your diary! Did you ask me to explore your room on purpose? So I will find your diary and read it?" Kurt asked me in a curious tone while looking into my eyes. I bit my lower lip so I would not smile wickedly. 

"Maybe!!! What if I did so?" I replied to him while looking into his eyes. He shook his head then chuckled at me. 

"You know, your mom told me everything about you. I did not need to read this to know about you. Why would you try to make me read all that?" He asked me after a few minutes of silence. His tone was low and serious. But hearing his words, my jaw dropped on my lap. I was shocked to know that my mom actually told him about the reason why I was called a freak. She always hated that reason.

"Hold on a second! My mom! She told you about all this? Really?? I can not believe my ears! Am I dreaming or something? Or did I just hear it wrong?" Instead of answering his questions, I bombarded him with my questions. My tone was shocked and so was I. I just could not digest the fact that my mom told a man everything about me, truthfully. That was usually the job of my father. He told everyone about it proudly. But my mom. She hated the fact that I could see ghosts. Well, not in reality. I could dream about them. She never knew that actually.

Hearing my questions, he had a frown on his face. But even that frown erupted billions of butterflies in my stomach. Making the insides of my stomach tickle. "Yes! She told me everything. She told me how you use these fantasy stories to push all the men out of your life. I gotta say, your stories are so graphical that I also started to think they were real. Even after knowing the truth that they are just some stories." I sighed in a disappointed way as he answered my questions. Of course my mom lied to him. I could not expect anything good from her at all.

"Of course, she said that so her freak daughter could have one man in this city who would not think that her daughter is a freak. My mom lied to you, Mr Rodriguez. What you are calling "some fantasy stories," they are the actual life events. Everything that is written in this diary is based on the true events of my life." I spoke in an annoyed tone while looking into his eyes. But after hearing my answer, instead of getting shocked, he laughed out loud. I rolled my eyes at him because I knew how good my mom was at lying.

"You can say whatever you want to say. I am not going to believe in your stories. These are just stories. They can not be true. Your mom told me that you can be pretty convincing." He replied to me in a straight tone that made me sigh again. 

"Okay, my mom told you that. Did she tell you why I do that? Like, why do I use these "false stories," you call them. Why do I use them to push guys out of my life?" I asked him some questions and he just shrugged his shoulders carelessly.

"She did not tell me that. Maybe you don't like men. Maybe, you are into women. That is the reason you lie to almost everyone about that so no one would look at you." He replied in a dah tone as if he knew me better than I knew myself. It was not his fault. As I said before, my mom could be pretty convincing with her lies.

"Okay, I believe you. I like women. So what are you doing in my bedroom? You are actually sitting on my bed. And my mom told you everything because I tell everyone these stories to push men out of my life. If that is the case, why is she trying to change me. My brother is gay. She never did that to him." I replied to him in an annoyed tone. I was literally annoyed with the fact that my mom was making me look like a psycho patient just because I was different. 

People thought of me as a freak. Yes, it used to hurt a lot. I could not make any friends just because I was gifted. But it never hurt me that much before. She actually proved to Kurt that I was not just a freak, I was crazy.

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