
Chapter 102

Aren't we all puppets in this world?


The whiteness of the wall suddenly turned into a mesmerizing shade of cyan blue. The scenery before me changed and I was transported inside a distant memory.

A mop of the brown head was caught in the corner of my eyes and I instinctively rounded to the next turn, trying to escape the guy. I run, bumping a few times to the throngs of passing students. He wasn't supposed to make contact with me at school. It was too dangerous for the both of us; I could not be associated with him. Something vibrated in my pocket, an incoming call. I reached for the device, pressing the off button. Head cast down, hair framing my face; I moved out to the parking lot and onto my car.

"I'm not yet done thinking," I said, a hand grabbed my arm before I could open my door. "You are not supposed to be in here."

He ignored my words. "Six weeks," he whispered close to my ears. I yanked away from my arm but his grip was firm. He wanted an answer and he would not leave with
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