
Don't Let Go

Here's what happened last time on The Werewolf's Superiority

On our way to the dig site, we meet a Tribe Elder. He tries to tell us to turn around as there are evil buried on this mountain. While I am trying to explain that we can be here, he doesn't want to listen to what I am saying. He quickly disappears as I am still talking to him. We take a few minutes of rest time, but the group is tired and wants to rest for longer. Steve, the security guard shows us how far we still have to go as we come to a crossroads ahead of us. But a sudden storm is approaching us that could prove to be problematic.

We are standing on top of the mountain. We are trying to discuss as a group what path we need to take. I call everyone together to discuss as a group what we must do. Once we have made a decision, I look at Steve, my security guard, and say;

"We have decided to take the first path. We want to get there quickly without any hassles."

"Okay then, follow me."

As we are walking, you can feel a cold wind blowing on your skin. In the distance, you can see thick clouds are forming. It looks like a storm is on its way. As we are walking around the mountain, the wind is blowing much faster than before. You can now hear in the distance the thunder and crackling of the lightning.

A thunderstorm is brewing ahead of us. In a matter of a few minutes, thick clouds are overhead us. The thunder is so loud that we can feel the vibrations through your body when the lightning hits. The wind blows so hard that we have to fight to stay on the road, it starts to rain big drops. In just a few seconds of rain, we are soaking wet and cold. We are now struggling to see where you are walking and trying to stay on the path. I ask Steve;

"Is it too late to turn back?"

"Yes, it is too late sir, we have to keep on going now. We have a very narrow ridge coming up. But that ridge will lead us to the other side with a cave where we can wait out the storm. Please be careful and watch your step."

The wind and wet soil make our feet slip on the uneven, muddy ground as we get to the narrow ridge. Steve look back at us and says;

"I will go first, and you hold onto this rope. Once you feel me jerking on it, you will know that it is safe for you to cross."

He turns and starts walking on the path, and he soon disappears in the rain as he gets further away from us. Everyone screams behind me;

"We need to get out of here. What are we waiting for?"

"We are waiting for Steve. He will jerk the rope so that we can cross safely. Just hold on for a few more minutes."

After a while, as we are standing in the wind and rain waiting for Steve to cross, I feel him jerking on the rope. I turn around and say to the rest;

"Take this rope, hold onto the next person's shoulder. Steve has already walked on the path to the other side. Be careful because this path is very narrow and wet."

I let everyone go first, with Doctor Smith walking in front of me. The wind is howling, and the rain keeps on soaking us. The only time we can see in front of us is if the lightning lights up the sky above us. Doctor Smith's walking pace is much slower than the rest of the group.

Suddenly, lighting hits somewhere above us. We hear something rumbling above us, but we can not see what it is. We hear a loud bang, and then I hear Doctor Smith screaming. I can not feel her shoulder nor see where she is. I can only hear her screaming. The lightning hits again, this time for a few seconds. Now we can see what is going on. Doctor Smith is hanging onto the cliff, and a part of the narrow path is gone. I react and scream at her;

"HOLD ON, Doctor Smith. I am coming. I grab hold of her hand. I hold it as tightly as I can, and I start to pull her up."

She screams;

"Don't let go...I do not want to die like this."

I can hardly see what is going on, but I can feel the wet ground and try to navigate my way around. The water and mud make it hard to hold on. Doctor Smith is slipping as I am struggling to hold on to her wet hand. I tell her;

"Take your backpack off. You are too heavy. I can not hold on much longer."

As she is trying to get the backpack off, her hand slowly slips until I can not hold on to her anymore. All I can hear is her scream all the way down into the darkness below. Suddenly it goes silent, and I scream;


I hear Steve voice close to me, and he says;

"Sir, there is nothing we can do for her now...but we need to get you off this is not safe. Hold unto the rope and jump across. I have got you."

I take hold of the rope, and slowly I feel with my foot where I am going until my foot feels no more ground under me. I say to Steve;

"I will have to wait till the lightning strikes again. I need to see in which direction I am jumping."

"Okay, but you can not be here for long. If this path collapses, we are going to have much more serious problems on our hands. It is unsafe."

The lightning hits again, I can see. I take a few breaths and jump to the other side. I made it halfway across my legs are hanging off the cliff, and I and slipping. Steve quickly jumps across and grabs hold of my hands, and pulls me up. He tells me;

"Put your hand on my shoulder and follow me, sir. You are safe now."

We walk into the cave, where everyone is huddling to stay warm. One of the group asks;

"Where is Doctor Smith?"

I shake my head and say;

"I am sorry, I did everything that I could. Part of the path caved in, and she slipped and fell."

Everyone gasps for air, and the others start crying. Steve says;

"Once this weather passes, I will make a call on the satellite phone to Search and Rescue to look for her. I am sorry this happened sir."

"It is okay, Steve. You did what you could. It is not your fault. It's this weather that is causing this."

We all go quiet as there is nothing more to say. We are trying to stay warm and to wait for the storm to pass. We are huddling together to conserve body heat. It actually sounds as if the storm above us is worsening. I take some waterproof matches out of my backpack, Steve tells me;

"It is no use, sir. There is nothing in here that will burn?"

I stand up and walk into the cave with a flashlight. I pick up a few sticks and branches as I make my way deeper into the cave. The wind blows in the cave strongly. I get to a small opening where the wind is not that bad anymore. I call the rest over to me. As they all stand around, I say;

"Sit together. Let us try to stop the wind from blowing the flames out."

They all sit tightly together. I start making the fire. The sticks slowly burn until we have a small fire going. Steve tells me;

"I will walk into the cave and look for more wood."

As he disappears into the cave, I put on some more small sticks to keep the fire going. Everyone holds their hands close to the fire so that the flames can warm them up. When the lightning strikes, you can see deeper into the cave tunnels.

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