
Unwelcome Advances


I knew he meant it, and I felt a pang of sympathy for him, having lost his mother in such a horrific manner. But the pain of him keeping it to himself hurt deeply.

“I forgive you, James,” I whispered after a moment. “But…” I raised my hand to silence him when he tried to speak. “You have to be completely honest with me. I can't support you if I don't know what's going on in your mind.”

“I promise I'll try,” he replied, his gaze fixed on his fidgeting hands. “I carry so much baggage, Sugar. It's not something I want to burden you with.”

“James.” I gently cradled his face, raising it to meet my eyes. “Whatever you tell me won't make me leave.”

“You say that now, Destiny,” he responded, his voice filled with anguish. “You heard what my father said. I destroy people I love.” He placed his trembling hands over mine. “I want to protect you and our baby. I don't want to hurt you, but I'm terrified I might.”

“You're being irrational. You're a good man. I don't care about your father or grandfather's opinions.” I shifted to sit on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck. “Just don't shut me out. I love you.”

I felt his body quiver against mine.

“Oh, Destiny, I love you so, so much. I don't deserve you,” he whispered against my cheek, his voice shaky.

His kisses were passionate and desperate, aching with need as he devoured my mouth. I kissed him back with all the intensity of my emotions, pouring my love into him. He needed to feel it, to absorb it into his very being.

He effortlessly lifted me into his arms and carried me up the stairs. In that moment, nothing else mattered except for us. As he closed the door behind us, we were consumed by each other.


“Why are you leaving?” I found Luke downstairs the following morning, his bags ready by the front door. The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on his sheepish expression as he rubbed a hand over his short buzz cut. The faint scent of coffee wafted through the air, mingling with the anticipation and tension in the room.

"Mr. Barrington says I’m no longer needed," Luke confessed, his voice tinged with disappointment. The sound of his words hung in the air, a mix of resignation and uncertainty. “Seeing as you’re no longer in any danger.”

My heart sank as I realized the consequences of my actions. I grimaced, feeling a knot of guilt tighten in my stomach. "Oh, dear. Did I cause trouble for you?" I asked, knowing all too well the answer.

Luke's eyes met mine, his expression filled with understanding. He extended his hand, the warmth of his touch comforting as he took mine in both of his. "Please don't be concerned," he pleaded softly. "I already have an assignment waiting for me." His words carried a hint of excitement, a glimmer of a new beginning.

A soft sigh escaped my lips as I processed his words. "I'm so sorry. I feel really terrible about it," I confessed, the weight of my apology hanging in the air.

Luke's smile was both reassuring and mischievous. "It's I that must apologize. I failed to keep you under my surveillance." He smirked, “But my new assignment is a very sexy and popular rockstar. He’s got a stalker giving him hassles. I just hope he won’t be as slippery as you were, Destiny.” The sound of his laughter filled the room, briefly lifting the tension.

My cheeks heated with embarrassment. “Sorry,” I mumbled.

“Thank God nothing happened to you. Mr. Barrington would have killed me,” he chuckled, somewhat mirthlessly. “I’ve never seen him so angry. He was quite menacing.”

“Yes, I’ve had a firsthand experience with James’ temper.” I said ironically.

Luke’s eyes went wide. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”

I laughed a little too nervously. “No, no, of course not. He was just extremely agitated.”

“At least he’s calmed down. He paid me a generous amount of money, more than my f*e, and sent a good rapport through to my employer.” Luke said, smiling shyly.

A creak on the staircase signaled James' arrival. He greeted Luke with a nod, his footsteps echoing on the wooden steps. Then he approached me, his touch gentle as he kissed my temple.

"I'm just on my way, Mr. Barrington," Luke felt compelled to explain, his voice filled with a mixture of respect and apprehension. The sound of his words hung in the air, a subtle reminder of the power dynamics at play.

“Good luck, Luke.” He clapped the big man on his shoulder, his voice carrying a sense of encouragement. Then turned to me. “Sugar, I’m on my way to the office. My father wants to see me.”

Just the mention of his father had my stomach in knots. It must have shown on my face, because he tilted my face towards him and said, “Don’t worry. It’ll be alright,” he reassured me, his words soothing. The faint scent of his cologne enveloped me, a comforting presence amidst my anxieties.

Both James and Luke left, leaving me alone in the house. Silence descended on the house, the only sound being the gentle hum of the air conditioning. A heavy feeling of emptiness bore down on me, as if the walls themselves were sighing. My hands instinctively went to my slightly distended belly, feeling the warmth and weight of the new life nestled within. In just a few months, there would be a fresh voice to fill the once quiet space.

A soft smile tugged at my lips as I imagined the otherwise pristine house transformed, scattered with colorful toys and baby paraphernalia. The image of James tenderly changing our little one's nappies, his eyes filled with love and exhaustion, filled my mind with warmth. I knew he would be a good father. But amidst my excitement, there was a lingering worry about his strained relationship with his own father.

It saddened me that his grandfather held so much animosity towards him, a barrier that I couldn't quite comprehend. I worried about how James would handle the situation, as he was determined not to let his grandfather escape the consequences of his actions. Thankfully, the weight of a murder charge against James had been dropped by the judge, bringing immense relief to both of us. All we wanted was to move forward and leave the past behind.

Yet, some nights, I would wake up from a restless sleep, haunted by nightmares of Jenna and the kidnapper. In those moments, James would hold me tight, his presence providing solace and safety. Lost in my thoughts, I was unaware of Mrs. D's entrance into the kitchen. But she wasn’t alone.

Startled, I exclaimed, "Ronan!" upon spotting him standing there in our home.

Mrs. D quickly intervened, explaining, "He found me on the way and offered me a lift. The walk up the driveway has become quite challenging for my old legs."

"I just had to see you, Destiny. Can we talk?" Ronan pleaded.

My mind raced, knowing that Ronan's presence was unwelcome and risky with James in the picture. "You shouldn't be here, Ronan. James-"

"I saw him leave," he interrupted, revealing that he had been waiting outside until he was certain James had gone.

Disappointed, I shook my head. "What more is there to say, Ronan?"

"Just a few minutes of your time. Please," he implored.

Reluctantly, I followed him out onto the patio. The air held a mild warmth, accompanied by a gentle breeze that rustled the leaves. Ronan lit a cigarette, the smoke curling into the air, creating a faint gray haze. Mrs. D remained inside the house, close enough to hear if needed. I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, even though Ronan had never laid a hand on me.

“What is it, Ronan?” I asked, impatiently waiting for him to say what was on his mind. 

He stubbed his cigarette out in the ashtray on the patio table and fixed me with his dark stare. “I can’t get you out of my mind, Destiny.”

“Oh, come on, Ronan!” I huffed. “Not this again!”

“Listen, I’m serious. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep. All I think about it you, Destiny. Like I’ve said before, I have feelings for you and maybe I pretended in the beginning, but I am not now.” His unsmiling face portrayed his seriousness.

“I love James. I’m having his baby, Ronan!” My voice rose with irritation. This was insane.

I stood up to leave, having heard enough. He reached out and gripped my arm. “Leave him and come away with me. He’s going to be left with nothing. Grandfather Barrington started the ball rolling. James will be penniless once the old man has his way. You deserve better.” He grabbed both my arms in an unyielding grip. “I can give you a good life. Both you and the baby.”

“Let me go, Ronan.” I struggled in vain against his hold on me. He pulled me closer and his arms snaked around my waist. I pushed back against his rock-hard chest.

“How can I convince you that what I feel is real?” His face was so close to mine that our breaths mingled. He was about to kiss me and there was no escape.

“What the fuck are you doing?!” James’ voice whipped over us, startling Ronan and he let me go.

The next minute Ronan was lying flat on his back with a snarling James on top of him. He relentlessly punched Ronan in the face, unable to stop.

“James! No!” I stepped forward to grab his descending arm. He yanked his arm away. I lost my footing and went careening into the pool. The water sucked me down like a hungry maw.

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